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Posts posted by KristinH

  1. Hypno Skills ? to make life better!

    Stressed? Overwhelmed? Is your mind running you?

    Come and learn about HypnoSkills to take charge and feel positive! Discover safe, simple hypnosis & visualisation techniques to bring serenity, positive change & new opportunities into your life.

    Everyone can benefit, whether young or older, at home or at work, whoever you are, wherever you are. FREE mp3 downloads for all who come.

    FREE entry. Food and drinks available.

    on Thursday 9th Feb, 7pm - 8pm followed by questions

    at The Parlour, 19 Norwood Road, Herne Hill, London SE24 9AA

    Call 07963 046 456 or email [email protected] for info or to be sure of a seat.

    Can't come? I'll update you on future events. Thanks :)

  2. in case you're still looking ....

    we've just got a gorgeous Christmas tree from Half Moon Lane/bottom of Holmdene Ave SE24 - it was excellent value, beautiful shape, comes in a stand and they even delivered it to us with a smile. So impressed :) They're on the corner, outside the Bacchush wine shop.

  3. ... create a calm, comfortable, safe birth for you and your baby

    HypnoBirthing will teach you wonderful techniques to support you through your pregnancy and create a safe, calm and positive birth, giving your baby the best start in life.

    NEXT CLASS on Saturday, 9th January in Herne Hill, 9.30am - 2pm. Online hypnobirthing course and email/phone support provided to all participants.

    This is a small group class which is informative and fun, with plenty of chance to answer individual questions. Partners learn how to support the birthing mother and the techniques learnt are invaluable in many other areas of life.

    As a hypnotherapist with many years of experience in fertility, pregnancy, birth I ensure that you are using the techniques correctly to benefit a maximum. I provide an online hypnobirthing course with mp3 downloads to use as further preparation and email/phone support once you have taken the class.

    If you'd like more details about this class or other dates/options please email or phone - [email protected] / 07963 046 456. I can also offer private classes, either individual or small group, in East Dulwich and the surrounding area.

    Should you be interested in hypnotherapy for individual support please do contact me for a confidential chat.

    Wishing you all the best for 2016, Kristin

    Kristin Hayward BA Hons DCH DHP

    HypnoTherapy . HypnoSkills

    HypnoFertility . HypnoBirthing

    07963 046 456


    www.nestlondon.com ?a specialist team of midwives & therapists for fertility, pregnancy, birth & early years

  4. Come along to Get Fit, Tone your Body and Lose Weight (if desired!) ready for the summer.

    NEW fitness class in West Dulwich on Saturdays, 9 - 10am, run by Damon Phipps Newman

    First session is free, then only ?28/month or ?8 per session. Nutritional advice and weight loss information also available for those interested.

    The classes are active and fun, usually indoors but with the possibility of outdoor sessions in the park in fine weather.

    Come and give it a go, please call Jacqui on 07834 238613 for more details and to book your free place.

  5. Did you know that fruit and veg just aren't as nutritious as they were 20 years ago? Are you feeling under pressure to serve your family 5-a-day, let alone 7 or 10-a-day?

    Juice Plus is a highly effective, healthy way of getting all the benefits of 26 top quality fruit, veg and berries per day - my family have been taking it for the past 8 months and I'm just amazed at the improvements in our health and have seen similar changes in friends who are on it.

    It's classified as a wholefood (not a supplement) and has over 30 scientific research studies that prove the health benefits of taking it. It's a simple concept and best of all, kids can get their supply for free.

    If you're keen to improve your health and that of your family we'd love to invite you to a short presentation about health, wellness & Juice Plus and discuss how you can make a difference to your wellbeing. This is purely for information, knowing what exists will help you to make informed choices in the future.

    Wednesday 9th April, 8 - 9.30pm

    West Dulwich or Herne Hill

    No cost

    Please call me on 07963 046 456 or email [email protected]. I'll be delighted to answer any questions.

    If you're not free to join us this week then let me know, we'll be running another info evening soon.

    Thanks, Kristin

    Kristin Hayward

    07963 046 456

    Hypnotherapy . HypnoFertility . HypnoBirthing

    Clinical Hypnotherapist for Nest London

    Juice Plus fan :)

  6. Come and learn some great hypnosis and relaxation techniques to feel positive and prepared for your birth and make your labour as short, easy and safe as possible.

    I have a couple of spaces on my next short Hypnobirthing course on Monday 14th April in Herne Hill, focussing on the practical techniques to give your baby the best start in life. You'll learn powerful breathing, relaxation and hypnosis techniques and we'll also work on stress release and discuss how to address issues you may have.

    Location: Poplar Walk, Herne Hill SE24

    Time: 8 - 10pm, Monday 14th April

    Cost: EDF special offer - only ?79 per couple

    Hypnobirthing is a wonderful birth preparation and the skills are also useful in other areas of life. I've taught countless couples how to have an easier birth for the past 12 years with amazing results. As a fully qualified hypnotherapist I'll make sure you feel confident using hypnosis, ready for your baby to come into the world in the most positive way through these classes that are fun and informative.

    Please call me on 07063 046 456 or email [email protected] with any questions or to book your place.

    I also run longer Hypnobirthing courses and offer 1-1 sessions for birth preparation as well as to address any other issues. Visit www.kristinhayward.com and www.hypnoskills.co.uk for more information or just give me a call, I'll be delighted to answer any questions.

    Thanks and hope to speak or meet you soon,


    Kristin Hayward DCH DHP

    Hypnotherapy . HypnoFertility . HypnoBirthing

    Clinical Hypnotherapist at Nest London and a Juice Plus fan

    07963 046 456

  7. Great to see that some of you are preparing for a hypnobirth, remember the techniques aren't only for birth but really useful elsewhere in life too, both for you and your partner.

    My autumn HypnoBirthing classes have started - they run over 2 Monday evenings (and some Wednesday evenings), cost ?159 per couple and include 3 mp3 downloads. Groups are limited to 3 (very occasionally 4)couples. I focus on the practical techniques, the classes are small and fun and, as a hypnotherapist, I'm able to ensure that you are using the hypnosis techniques correctly to benefit a maximum.

    There may also be a Saturday morning class (1 session) in Oct or Nov.

    If you would like to work in your home there is the option of hosting or even arranging your own group. We can of course also arrange a private course to suit your budget and availability. A shorter private course can be combined with an online course to reduce costs.

    Do call me on 07963 046 456 for more details, I'll be delighted to answer your questions.

    Kristin :)

    Kristin Hayward DCH DHP

    07963 046 456

    [email protected]




  8. Just been told by Talk Talk that we have to have a new service which means an aerial on the house and going into a new 18mth contract with them .... :( Need to find someone to fix our aerial and a new cable if we stay with them.

    I'd love to switch providers - do you have any advice, recommendations, tips on how best to get good broadband, tel line rental + anytime free landline calls and tv package (we don't need the full range of channels)? I need to make a decision today if possible so any help/advice most welcome.

    Please email me on [email protected].

    Many thanks, Kristin 07963 046 456

  9. Our curtains are covered in tiny mud specks after a very wet and muddy mountain biker stepped through the door .... aargh! Can anyone recommend a reasonably priced but good cleaning company to clean them, preferably at home but I could also take them somewhere.

    Any advice/tips most welcome. It won't brush off as the specks were too wet and have soaked into the material and there's too much for me to wash out.

    Thanks, Kristin

  10. HypnoBirthing


    I'm afraid I can't join you with a bump but wanted to post a quick message in case any of you are interested learning HypnoBirthing techniques to make your pregnancy and birth easier, calmer and more comfortable.

    I won't bore you with too many details now but please do contact me if you'd like to find out more. I always focus on teaching you how to make your birth positive, whatever route your baby takes and offer a range of classes to suit all budgets and availability .... short affordable Practical Workshop, Evening Classes, Private VIP course and even an online course for those wanting to keep costs down.

    Next Practical Workshops are running on Sat 4th Feb and 2 evenings Mon 6th/13th Feb.

    I can also run a Workshop / Course for a group of you at a convenient time / place if you're interested in this.

    I'd love to tell you more, please just give me a call, (I could also briefly pop in on Wed evening but only if it's appropriate - I don't want to intrude!)

    warm wishes, Kristin :)

    07963 046 456

    www.kristinhayward.com ...HypnoTherapy . HypnoFertility . HypnoBirthing

    www.nestlondon.com ... specialist team of midwives & therapists for fertility, pregnancy, birth & beyond

  11. how lovely to hear you talking about your new babies now ... and not long to go for those still due. Thanks again to those of you who came to my HypnoBirthing classes, it was great to work with you. I hope you found the HB techniques useful and do remember to keep using them once your baby is here too.

    If you know of others who may be interested in HypnoBirthing then please do tell them that I'm offering a Saturday Workshop (next on 4th Feb) and also another evening Workshop (next starts 6th Feb), as well as the usual longer evening class, VIP Private course and online course options.

    I'd also like to remind you about NESTLondon.com, the new specialist group of midwives and therapists to support you and your new baby. Please do check the www.nestlondon.com and please spread the word that we're specialised and can help. Treat yourself and your baby!

    Would love to hear how you've got on with the HypnoBirthing and the mp3 downloads,

    warm wishes,


    07963 046 456



  12. Hypnotherapy can be very effective to turn babies, it's amazing how they respond after a session, mothers often report a completely different type of movement as they try to turn. This can be combined with acupuncture for the best possible chance. I work in Herne Hill and am still available for appts next week so do give me a call if you'd like to find out more - 07963 046 456, www.kristinhayward.com.

    There's also an mp3 download you can listen to to start encouraging your baby to turn - http://www.positive-birth.com/turnbreechortransversebaby.htm.

    I'm a hypnotherapist and part of the new NESTLondon group of local midwives and therapists specialising in pregnancy and birth. Homeopathy and reflexology can also be very beneficial to turn babies so do think about these options too. www.nestlondon.co.uk.

    Warm wishes, Kristin :)

  13. our son schools online, www.interhigh.co.uk - great concept as he follows national curriculum, working towards IGCSE's. Only 2hrs school per day, real time classes and also class mates, lovely teachers and the whole school meet in Wales once per year. Happy to chat with anyone interested. I'd be interested in meeting other home school year 9 families - please email if you can help.

    There's also a home school group who meet at Dulwich Woods scout hut on Monday and Wednesday mornings with science, english, maths and I think perhaps history or geography (not sure if all these subjects run for all ages)

  14. not read through everything but Evian water sprays are invaluable to keep you feeling fresh and also keep your mouth/throat moist when you're not thirsty.

    Also do take mp3 downloads from www.hypnobirthingdownloads.com to listen to for amazing relaxation and positive visualisation. If you're going in yet then listen to them as much as possible beforehand to create your positive birth. Let me know if you have any questions about relaxation,breathing, stress release or visualisation .... enjoy, enjoy:)

  15. Thanks Zeban for suggesting I bring my daughter to Sloupe (www.sloupe.com) - she just loves her new haircut and loved being treated to a real salon experience (at kids price - I loved that) even more. It's such a great concept, hairdressing + coffee bar + art gallery and everyone so friendly. Def worth booking in for adults and kids!
  16. just been telling Clara about esph on Lordship Lane who are great too and noticed your post. If you're interested in learning hypnobirthing techniques (relaxation, breathing, visualisation) then do give me a call. I run classes locally, private and group as well as offering an online course and mp3 downloads at www.hypnobirthingdownloads.com (possibly with 1 private session). Would be delighted to help you with these options. Enjoy your pregnancy:)
  17. Have you looked at esph on lordship lane - they do various ante natal classes and checks http://www.esph.co.uk/our-services/pre-and-post-natal-exercise/pre-post-natal-exercise-introduction.html

    I'd also be delighted to teach you hypnobirthing techniques to relax and feel prepared for birth using breathing, visualisation and relaxation techniques. If you're not wanting to take classes there's also an online course and mp3s you can listen to (can be combined with 1 private session if required) - www.hypnobirthingdownloads.com. Enjoy your last few weeks:)

  18. ..... if anyone is really stuck for secondary schools then do have a look at InterHigh - an online school with real teachers and classmates, lessons given in real time. It's a fab concept and my son loves it. There are kids from all over the world and in the UK and they follow the UK curriculum, taking IGCSE's in Yr11 and then on to A levels.

    It's a great alternative to mainstream, structured day/subjects so not as loose as homeschooling but with plenty of freedom as there is no time wasted going to/fro from lessons, disruptions, breaks etc etc.

    Happy to tell you more, contact me if you're interested.

    Kristin :)

  19. I'm running another free introduction to HypnoBirthing on Wed 27th April in Clapham (Abbeville Road), 7 - 8pm. Come along to find out how hypnobirthing works and how you can use the techniques to create a positive birth experience.

    Bring your friends, bring your questions and enjoy a short guided visualisation if you'd like to experience the wonderful, deep relaxation hypnobirthing techniques can give you.

    For more info or to book your free place please email [email protected] or call me on 07963 046 456.

    Looking forward to hearing from you, feel free to call even if you can't come along next week,

    Kristin :)

    Kristin Hayward

    HypnoTherapy . HypnoFertility . HypnoBirthing

    07963 046 456


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