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Posts posted by MrsMc

  1. So - the boy (6 months) almost did a forward roll into the radiator today. I guess there's no way of protecting him from every sharp edge but it got me thinking about broader child-proofing issues. I've been looking on Amazon tonight for plug socket covers and have been overwhelmed by a whole range of security locks etc for cookers/cabinets/drawers - the list is endless!

    Before I go wild in the aisles and buy a lot of 'stuff' in a knee-jerk reaction to safety worries, can I open the floor to practical advice on what's useful/what's pointless?

    Many thanks in anticipation!

  2. Sue - see the 'breast milk stinks' thread for the full story. Reading the later posts it's all got a bit out of hand, so maybe unwise to resurrect the debate. Just a personal view - no bone to pick with mind as a charity, but I'd rather give elsewhere in light of what happened.
  3. Think this was covered on Watchdog a while back, I've checked for charity reg no.s ever since - amazing how few are from genuine charities. While we're on the subject, thought I'd put a word in for the salvation army clothes collection box in Sainsbury's car park - not sure how long it's been there, only noticed it recently. V easy to park up and in support of a v good cause in my opinion. Used to give to mind but after the breastfeeding debacle less inclined to give there.
  4. 10 minute rule as far as I know too. Don't have a bad word to say about DMC, Dr Duggan is my personal fave - a great 'old school' doctor. Ok, he arrives late sometimes and can be a little abrupt, but he actually cares for his patients. Noticed someone else using his room this week - he hasn't retired has he?

    Ps. Not a doctor

    pps. Not related to Dr Duggan!!

  5. Am listening to my playlist (again)... Currently playing Sara (Fleetwood Mac), preceded by Everywhere (also FM). Waiting for everybody's free (to feel good) Quindon; god only knows (beach boys); open arms (Tracy chapman) and this woman's work (Kate bush) how appropriate!.. Still being soppy ;-)

    Good luck littleEDFamily xxx

  6. Twisted & twee (online but local co) does a great line in 'pint' tshirts for dad with 'half pint' long sleeved tops in contrasting colours for the wee one (esp. suited to little boys I'd say). Cotton is really nice quality too. Unfortunately, I already bought my husband a set for his birthday in may so alternative suggestions are v helpful!!

    Ps. Some brilliant fathers day cards in postmark!

  7. We put my boy in his own room at about 5 months after he started getting restless in the night. A month later and after a few weeks of troublesome nights he's sleeping through (8pm - 8am, the holy grail!) I genuinely believe he sleeps better on his own, and slowly but surely, so do I!

    The problem I found with having him in the room with us is that I plucked him out of his crib at the first whimper as didn't want him to disturb MrMc's sleep, so he never got the chance to self settle when he woke. Now he's a bit further away, I can let him have a bit of a grizzle without that worry and 9/10 he gets himself off to sleep without my help.

    Good luck!!

  8. Just been watching Location Location in ED, Peckham Rye etc and it reminded me of the horrors of buying our current place...

    The psycho vendor (let's call him Jason, that was his name afterall) told us shortly before exchange (and on the same day as my wedding dress fitting, the bastard) that he was taking all the antique doorknobs with him because they had 'sentimental value' for him (aka asset stripping). He very kindly left some B&Q basics brass door handles for us to fit at our leisure when we moved in. Sounds like a small thing, but under wedding stress that was tantamount to spitting in my face.

    I've been carrying that for over three years now, perhaps sharing the forum will exorcise the ghost of Jason??

  9. Guess that's one of the 'benefits' of having a planned c-section :-S... the anaesthetist seemed genuinely impressed with my compilation... Joan Armatrading's 'Love & Affection', 'You Are So Beautiful' by Joe Cocker, 'Venus as a Boy' by Bjork and 'Head & Heart' by John Martyn.... to name a few.

    The boy has the disc in a memory box we put together for him, so he can re-discover all these great songs in a few years.

    Yep - still being soppy

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