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Everything posted by boyohboy

  1. I have sons and I believe that they experience a hormone surge at around the age of 9 which really aggravates aggressive behaviour. In my experience, they would lose the plot for around 6 months or so and then they calmed down and became my lovely boys again. I also think that boys are much more Mum-centred than alot of people realise and they do need your time. They are expected to grow up so quickly but are still very little at this age and need all their hugs and kisses.
  2. My son had similar symptoms to this and it turned out he just had a touch of conjunctivitis which was easily treated - the eye rolling was the equivalent of scratching the bits he couldn't reach! Good luck!
  3. My brother is an optician and he recommends for babies and toddlers that you put the drop in the corner of their eye, even if their eye is closed because the liquid will seep in gently and not cause stress to the child. It works, one of mine had rotten conjunctivitis and it worked a treat. Hope this helps
  4. Perform is a drama/theatre group which does, actually, take place on a Thursday evening! It takes place at the church in the Village (just next door to the Audi garage) - St Faiths? maybe. Google it - hope your children have fun.
  5. I wonder if the Family Room Forums should be divided into Primary School age and Secondary? It would save a lot of trawling through buggy and baby bits to find things relevant to older children or am I just lazy?
  6. Why? So that your children 'can learn to read by visiting the tombstones'? If people hadn't so 'inconsiderately' buried their dead then there wouldn't be any tombstones to look at. Get real and don't be so horribly hypocritical.
  7. I am disgusted by some of the comments posted by the offending 'edborders'... My parents are buried in Camberwell Old Cemetery and are neither ignored nor forgotten. It affords me considerable comfort to be able to visit their last resting place when I wish to. I agree with the considerate councillor, Renata, who states that many do not agree with 'edborders' sentiments. I am a lifelong ED resident and intend to stay so - how long has he turned up for? I may even soon book my own burial plot in the cemetery as it is not up to others to declare how my body should be disposed of. Very angry indeed...
  8. I so agree with Tadpole39 - when weaning your child, forget the manufactured baby stuff and give them real food from the start! I would also add that if you are lucky enough to still have your parents, then get them and the kids together as much as you can...
  9. I did the 'Cat in the Hat' and it was brilliant - black tracksuit bottoms and top, white gloves on their hands, make a giant red bow from cardboard. The hat was the hardest part but I did manage it with red cardboard and plenty of sellotape!
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