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Everything posted by Cyberia

  1. Not sure I understand how a drvier can be "caught half way over it by build up of traffic at the roundabout" - surely like any crossing, you only enter it if you can clear it? Or am I misunderstanding? This sounds like a situation where you should stop in front of the crossing until it's clear and then join the traffic in the roundabout when there is a suitable gap.
  2. That article is truly appalling. I don't even eat much meat (though having struggled with anaemia in my teens I would never omit it entirely - a few times a week keeps the iron levels up) and I tend to agree plenty of people in the West eat more than they need, which is not healthy. But seriously: "There have always been juicy steaks, BBQ ribs, greasy roasts and loins of lamb to keep our bellies full and our waistlines bulging" - what planet is this person on? The usual British diet for generations was: Sunday roast, Monday cold meat leftovers, Tuesday remaining leftovers with bubble and squeak, Wednesday stew up the bones etc with dumplings, Thursday bread and dripping, Friday fish, and Saturday perhaps a meat pudding (largely suet). Basic vegetables and fruit/pickle filled the gaps. Note that a single joint serves the whole family for a week. I appreciate times have now changed (apparently the writer doesn't) and they can change again - humans are very flexible. But no, this writer thinks there are meat-eaters that "can?t get by without devouring a whole corpse at every meal" Apart from the highly prejudicial tone ('corpse' should at the very least be 'carcass' but even so, this is disparaging), does anyone know a single person like that? I once heard of a friend of a friend's father who liked to have meat three times a day - but this was touted as unusual and extraordinary behaviour - and there was no suggestion he actually ate a whole animal each time. So vegans need hyperbole, historical ignorance and rudeness to win their argument? No thanks. I fear I am ranting. So will just add: Everything in moderation; much better than extremism that simply ignores the facts.
  3. Welcome to the 'hood! My advice: steer well clear of Woodrot.
  4. How about: Myron Caius (Kai for short) Gaius (Guy for short)
  5. How about: Carmen Rochelle / Rachelle Lucinda (could be Lucy for short - 2 syllables) Alison (Allie etc) Kirsten
  6. Wow cashewnut that's amazing, maybe it's an ED thing.
  7. Maybe milk just not as important as garden sets and wing mirrors, better luck next time[;-/]
  8. Agreed, definitely not worth the money. I didn't have the forum handy back in the day but you're probably best off with meeting local mums on here. Probably makes more sense to do NCT in other locations. Also, much as you might bond with the others on your course you could also end up where (as happened with me), after a while they don't even answer your emails any more. I recall once when the babe was around 6 months, in despair sending a message to the whole group asking if they close the curtains when their babies had a daytime nap and zero response. Seriously, not even 'no', 'yes', or 'I have no idea what you are on about, what is this 'nap' of which you speak'? And more specific to the course, I am still a bit cut up that there was no warning given on how shockingly bad the local (I hasten again to add, not ED) breastfeeding support from the NHS would be, like 1 person in my whole group fed exclusively past 2 months. No answer on the NCT and ABFM helplines either, but that's another story...
  9. Weird, all the other thefts are posted in ED gossip. Maybe the mods just don't like you drxyster.
  10. Not sure why this is in the lounge... surely it's ED gossip?
  11. That is pretty sad. Great that they make the best of it though. Will definitely keep an eye out for an open day!
  12. So tell me, pipsky 2008, how do you tell a druggie/drinker from someone who is 'merely' depressed, lacking in confidence and, say, not sleeping well or eating enough fruit and veg? Did you know unemployment can lead to insomnia, depression and low self-esteem? Not that I necessarily disagree that it's far better to give your cash to a decent charity. That could help substance abusers as well as the unemployed etc.
  13. Have to say, this would be my key concern about an otherwise excellent school like Goose Green. From when I walk past there on a regular basis I have never seen any green space there at all, all just concreted over. Also don't know why so many people in E.D. seem to feel the need to drive at all, and especially SUV's, this is zone 2 people!
  14. tbf I don't think this particular conservation area is actually enforced very strictly - when I lived in the Gardens my landlord wanted to put up a shed in the front 'garden' which requires planning permission and apparently some Oakhurst Grove property had done that last year and no big deal... So might even be worth just getting on with it. I think that shed is still there though haven't been down the road lately.
  15. Lower your expectations. And then lower them some more. All right? Keep lowering. You'll get there in the end.
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