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Everything posted by prdarling

  1. If you don't have any luck with a nursery, why don't you consider a childminder? Nice home from home environment for your baby, one or two other kids/babies to socialise with, proper bedroom to nap in all for the same/less than the cost of a nursery. Maybe worth looking at both options?
  2. Sadly ryedalema the 63 goes nowhere near Honor Oak Station, it terminates at the cemetery gates (feel a Smiths song coming on) just up from Ryedale. The fact it says Honor Oak on is ludicrous as it does not pass into Honor Oak at all, except possibly for a nanosecond as it swings around at the bottom of Wood Vale. Does anybody know what became of the petition to extend the 63 to go to Honor Oak Park station? Clearly nothing, but why not?? foxtrot You could walk from the station to the cemetery at the corner of Wood Vale (15 mins max) and pick up the 63/363 there, both of which go down the side of the Rye, but there is at present no direct route
  3. Yes my son did this at around the same age. I took him to the GP and they referred me to outpatient unit at Kings which comes to Townley Rd. They told me it's incredibly common in toddlers. They checked his eyes, which were fine and we went back 6 months later - still fine. Can't recall how long the blinking lasted for but he's 4.10 now and hasn't done it for ages. My little one who is 3.4 does it now when he is tired, but alas as is the way with second children, I haven't had him checked out!
  4. Thanks for suggestions, will be on the phone tomorrow PRD
  5. Signor Sassi in Knightsbridge is fabulous. Just round the corner from Harvey Nicks but no more expensive than gastro grub. Gorgeous Italian food, attentive Italian waiters - very accommodating and always full of kids
  6. Classes at Beckenham Spa are really good and only 20 mins away. You don't need to be a member to use the facilities and they have a great pool
  7. Anybody aware of any nurseries with spaces in/around ED? Have been let down by my after school nanny and having to do an emergency rethink of my childcare Obviously I'll do a ring round next week but if anyone can offer me a crumb of hope it might make me feel marginally less desperate Thanks PRD
  8. Difficult one! Do you have time to try a night or 2 away as a practice run beforehand? If you feel happy leaving him for 2 days you can maybe gauge how he and you will handle four? There's no doubt it's hard to leave them but only you will know if you are ready...if you are it will be fine, if not it will be awful, so maybe testing the waters is the way to go? I didn't leave son no 1 (S) for more than a night until he was nearly 3 (more circumstantial than anything else) but I left son no 2 (W) at 15 months to go to Goa for a week with 2 friends (a lovely birthday present!), but I was leaving him with his Daddy and Grandma. I was a lot more worried about leaving S than W as babies...I didn't want to be parted and really felt unable to leave him for more than a day with anyone except mrdarling or my mother but by the time I had a baby and toddler under my belt I was more than happy to get away for a couple of days:) For the record 4-5 days was fine but after that I started pining and couldn't wait to get home. Would you feel more comfortable leaving baby with a grandparent, if there is one? I know that I wouldn't have been happy leaving my boys with anyone except my mum, my sister or my mother in law So difficult to strike a balance between parenting and partner time but there's no way your son will be adversely affected, this really is more about how you will cope with it. Good luck with whatever you decide!
  9. My dad is a doctor so he spotted it super early...he was working in Saudi Arabia and literally turned up on the doorstep of Gt Ormond St! I am always worried about everything with my two...it never stops. Can't tell you how many times I have taken them to A&E! Am back onto being worried sick about swine flu this week :( I'm sure there is nothing to worry about, it sounds like your doctor is just being cautious but I think it's a good idea to get into the system just in case... way easier to cancel an appointment if you don't need one than get one at short notice I always find! Enjoy your first Christmas with your son, it will be magical! PRD
  10. Mothercare...Peckham or Old Kent Road should be able to help Get one though, they are great at the beginning of labour - good luck!
  11. Don't google any medical conditions, you will send yourself over the edge! How is your baby's head shape? My sister's doctor suspected premature closure of one fontanelle in her baby a couple of years ago as his head was growing in a very unusual shape with a very flat back and a bulging forehead. As I recall they observed for a couple of weeks and then had x rays/scans the whole 9 yards. However I believe my sister pushed for a referral in the meantime ecause it takes weeks to come through. All was fine with the sutures but she took the decision to put him in a corrective helmet to remedy his headshape. He's now 2.5 and totally fine My now 31 year old brother however was correctly diagnosed with premature closure of sagittal sutures, again because his head was growing in a very weird shape, like a rugby ball - he was operated on at Gt Ormond St as a 12 week old baby. He too is absolutely fine. This is farly unusual, so chances are that he will be fine and you just have a cautious GP. However, if this is worrying you which i totally understand, go back and talk to your GP and ask for a referral for peace of mind...chances are it will take 6 weeks so you can use that time to observe and cancel if necessary Good luck and try not to worry.... and stay away from the internet :)
  12. I agree with toast. Better to put 6 that you know of so while you wait on the list you at least have a place somewhere you have heard of. If you don't get what you want first round you'll be surprised at how things change. My son is a January 2011 starter - we got nothing we wanted first round, top of my Southwark list after 2 (dreadfully stressful) months and top of my Lewisham list last week! Hope you get what you want sooner rather than later
  13. Thanks for all your words of wisdom everybody - much appreciated PRD
  14. Slightly off piste but newmother i can't believe you are concerned about people calling children kids. It's been considered an acceptable diminutuve for the word children since the '60's. Nobody is in any way comparing them to baby goats. Do you seriously walk around the park saying 'come along children' like a Norland Nanny? Do tell, am fascinated
  15. Just seen it thanks LWL. God they drag it out don't they. Goodrich are just doing w/c 10 Jan as half days with lunch then it's into normal hours. God know what I'll do with him as I work 4 days a week :)
  16. Wondered if you could help me with a few queries please? I understand that school starts on Wed 5th but is this for new starters as well? Is there a phased approached to new Reception kids start times or are they all going in at once? Are they doing half days for a period of time? Are the new January starters being used to top up existing classes or are they forming a new class themsleves and if they are all forming a new class who is the teacher going to be? Thanks if anyone can answer these questions for me PRD
  17. It just doesn't feel like a no-brainer. I am worried about my son being really anxious about something which up to now has been the most exciting thing that has ever happened to him. I'm sure he'll love wherever he goes but I'm just a bit concerned that he'll be stressed about Fairlawn, never having been inside/not knowing any other kids/not knowing his teachers name or anything else. Maybe I'm being over anxious...just wish this had all happened a week ago so I could have got him in there for half an hour so I could have sensed gut reaction from both from him as well. Got the call 4pm on Friday the last day of term...you couldn't make it up :) God I don't want to complain, I have the choice between two lovely schools, but I'm nervous about getting it wrong for my son. Ryedalema hope things are more straightforward for you next year!
  18. Fairlawn is closed too - it's Lewisham who offer the place so they won't be able to answer any of my questions. If I accept I will have to play it by ear from 4th Jan and I do feel that's quite stressful for my son, who has talked of nothing else but Miss Moss for weeks now. If I accepted Fairlawn on Monday not sure if this would automatically take me off Goodrich - not sure how or if the systems are connected? I loved Fairlawn but I also loved his Goodrich teacher and love lots of things about both schools It feels so ridiculous having this dilemma after not having a school place of my choice at all back in May. Too much choice is not always a good thing :( Think I'll have a Pinot Grigio and see if that helps :)
  19. Fairlawn doesn't have a uniform that's probably why you don't see kids around:) Live on Wood Vale so equidistant and can walk to both tending to agree with Beth but it breaks my heart as i fell in love with Fairlawn when i looked round
  20. God I haven't heard of half a grapefruit for a starter since the 80's. Wonderfully nostalgic. Thought prawn cocktail was retro... but don't get me wrong, i love a prawn cocktail especially in half an avocado with a bit of cress sprinkled on top!
  21. God I haven't heard of half a grapefruit for a starter since the 80's. Wonderfully nostalgic. Thought prawn cocktail was retro...don't get me wrong, i love a prawn cocktail especially in half an avocado, but half a grapefuit I'd expect to be followed by a full English!
  22. My friend has a company called Woollybugs. www.woollybugs.co.uk Stuff is gorgeous
  23. OK, so after much hand wringing, tears and whatnot we eventually got a place at Goodrich. Son due to start in a couple of weeks, we have met the teacher who is wonderful, he has seen his classroom, met the teaching assistants, got his uniform and his two best friends from pre-school will be in his class. So far so fab. Got a call at 4pm today offering us a place at Fairlawn, which is where i would have sent him from the get-go, had I had the luxury of choice. Would need to accept by Monday. Very big dilemma. Have no idea of the starting procedure at Fairlawn, how much time doing half days etc etc, nor when he would start, nor who his teacher would be. Can't find any of this stuff out as school has now closed. More than happy with Goodrich but really wanted Fairlawn all along. Both logistically the same so even that can't be a deciding factor. he would choose Goodrich for all of the obvious reasons and the last thing I want is for him to start school with trepidation, but I feel bonkers rejecting a place that I would have sold my granny for this time 3 months ago Clearly parents at both will big up their school so i am not looking for which school is best, just venting I suppose. Let this be a lesson to all of you parents applying for Sept 2011. Be careful what you wish for :)
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