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Everything posted by fl0wer

  1. http://www.theguardian.com/world/ng-interactive/2014/aviation-100-years
  2. No, one week they do green + blue, the next week they do green + brown. This means contents of brown bins have a fortnight in which to get fairly rotten, a problem to solve with the aid of a compost heap if you can. Fortnightly blue ones become problematic if too many people chuck in their recycling, perhaps from several households. This can be reduced, for example by shredding cardboard for compost, and please start refusing plastic wrapping wherever possible: http://www.marinet.org.uk/plastic-pollution-of-the-oceans-a-problem-of-immense-and-increasing-gravity.html
  3. Although there are historical links, for which many thanks, mynamehere, the main reason I would like to draw attention to the current state of Dawson Hill is as a biodiversity reserve. Without left-alone bits of land, BOTH in city & countryside, a million small creatures and unusual plants get "tidied up" as humankind pursues its goals without thought of the Silent Spring ahead. Farmers and village dwellers are as guilty of wrecking the chances for wildlife as developers; it is often the case that they will obstruct a proper survey of what lives there, for fear someone will find a rare plant or animal which might hold up the rush to profiteering. The NERC list [q.v.] is the place to start with this. http://www.naturalengland.org.uk/ourwork/conservation/biodiversity/protectandmanage/habsandspeciesimportance.aspx Furthermore I would like ED residents to be aware that this land belongs to you, it is within your domain and deserves to become a place of delight and safe play for children once more. By ignoring the rubbish, some people on the Council edge closer to a claim that ED does not value this amenity; in some local memories it's nicknamed The Tip. Then it's a short stop to saying it has no financial value "to us", whereas it would be enormously lucrative if it was opened up for building sites.....not to us, any longer, but to someone with a funny handshake mebbe.
  4. In case anyone joins me in feeling nervous that the future of this site is in question, http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/jan/27/david-cameron-green-regulations
  5. fl0wer

    Steep garden

    Could I suggest as a first stage you google 'hillside gardening image' which will give you plenty of ideas, and help you tell your prospective designer/builder what you're after.
  6. Any chance it was a Waxwing? http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ZqcTj32TVnU/UMhh9okYJdI/AAAAAAAAACc/Sd2sXLRXkbk/s1600/waxwing4.jpg Recent strong cold wind brings them in from Scandinavia usually.
  7. At the "crossroads" which narrows to just a bike lane between Upland and Friern - that bollard is down again too.
  8. We have indeed and several write about it here - http://www.eastdulwichforum.co.uk/forum/read.php?5,1253056
  9. Never Give Up No matter what is going on Never give up. Develop the heart. Too much energy in your country is spent developing the mind instead of the heart. Be compassionate not just to your friends but to everyone. Be compassionate Work for peace in your heart and in the world. Work for peace and I say again Never give up No matter what is happening No matter what is going on around you Never give up. HH The Dalai Lama
  10. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/jan/22/worlds-largest-solar-powered-bridge-opens-in-london
  11. Yes, rightly so, and thankyou to all who joined in the effort. Have written to the London Wildlife Trust and to Southwark Parks department about the quantity of litter up at the top of the hill inside the gate to Dawson Heights. I will let you know when they reply. Each day when we walk we can pick up a few cans and bottles, but the waste in the hedgerow is too hazardous and it needs sorting out before the birds start making their territories, i.e. very soon, not once Spring is under way when humans would disturb them. http://i992.photobucket.com/albums/af46/fl0wer7/f7735bf0-4710-407a-b235-0ba59433bade_zpsc733e335.jpg As we now know owls are hunting across ED, the value of this site as an unmown, unspoilt wild grassland reserve is doubly important for keeping its small bird & mammal population healthy. I would like the council to clean this up pronto and have also written to fixmystreet.com.
  12. One silver hatchback regularly tears up Underhill Rd. Someone's got a reason to hurry....
  13. Dear ED friends & neighbours, on your walks through from Mount Adon Park, a reminder to take in the beautiful sight and scent of Winter Heliotrope, currently blooming in abundance by the footpath. So welcome at this time of year and many thanks to whoever planted it originally. http://i992.photobucket.com/albums/af46/fl0wer7/IMG_0358_zpscbcb7004.jpg Please join me in an effort to litter pick wherever possible as the rest of the reserve is looking fairly exposed. Wintertime when branches and wildflowers have died back, we can see where this cleanup work needs doing. I am reluctant to ask the Council to help as they might tidy up too much. It is better for the wildlife if humans are gentle. Does anyone know who is still active in the original Trust whose details appear on the 2004 web page? Could you PM me, if you are up to date with the caretaking this site receives usually?
  14. Good reason to keep up the pressure on Councils to mow less, wherever possible. Owls NEED wide areas of rough grassland to hunt across, because the clumps harbour small mammals.
  15. As luck would have it I have been hearing owls all this week along Underhill Rd, around sunset. The sound is from our rooftops where I think one perches to spot rodents who gather beneath overflowing bird feeders in the back gardens. http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/gardening-blog/2014/jan/18/alys-fowler-gardening-living-with-rats
  16. This restaurant is open till 10.30 pm (not Sundays) a pleasant enough place & not far to walk to Victoria, as you can see from the map.... food there is excellent, about ?25 set dinner + one drink. http://www.aboutthyme.co.uk/
  17. Looks like time you all made an official complaint. This GP practice and its answering service clearly needs some rocket fuel. It's totally unacceptable to have to wait the times you describe, especially when there are little children in your care. How can folk be dissuaded from going to A & E for urgent attention, if their local GP clinic isn't doing its stuff? http://www.nhs.uk/chq/Pages/1082.aspx?CategoryID=68
  18. Sad to say it's not much use to give us the TV reference when we cannot view that Horizon programme on iPlayer uncleglen. The important thing is to continue the flow of information, partly to help teenagers stay updated and partly to help long term smokers. In common with plenty of other readers I expect, lost some dear ol'pals to the negative influence of weed, even though we all read books which told us it was harmless, and believed legalisation was the way forward.
  19. Yes, so do I. Sometimes every street has an eyesore of old sofas and mattresses sitting around. Is it landlords? Is it tenants? Is it homeowners? Is it builders? What ails people that they don't use the disposal services which their taxes have already paid for? Also use fixmystreet.com
  20. Ah thanks simonethebeaver. I had theBDH lads and then Jehovah's Witnesses several times in the last fortnight too. Fed up. Bad way to raise money or worshippers IMHO.
  21. Was that a couple of young people coming round to drum up interest in Battersea Dogs Home?
  22. Take a look at the Time Out guides. There are many routes planned to take you [part way by public transport, then walking] out of the city with a pub/meal as destination. Several walking clubs too, if you are keen.
  23. http://www.theguardian.com/science/blog/2014/jan/17/cannabis-memory-loss-cbd
  24. Remembering with sadness the day I had to teach my young children not to trustingly answer the front door and invite a visitor in. Also I thought it was unsafe to let a young boy go unaccompanied to the Gents public toilet. If their dad wasn't with us I always took my son and we'd go to the Ladies. What age did these precautions get outgrown? I think about 8 yrs old is when schools start teaching children how to protect themselves. It's very patchy, you cannot predict how good the teaching will be. Some PTA's are against talking over this material at all.
  25. Could be and/and, not either/or Joseph. We need to do both. We are looking to the "authorities" to act for us on carbon etc. Meanwhile we can all be doing a local, achievable thing. The problem for many people is the enormity of the task. Some will say that humankind's damage is already done & it is hopeless. Whilst long term effects of things like Arctic & Greenland losing their ice caps, are unknown, we can guess. Yet whatever happens the topsoil is going to keep needing anchoring with suitable, resilient shrubs and trees.
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