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Posts posted by Hannah6_6

  1. Well I love 8 hours and I'm probably capable of more at least once a week! I like an early night but probably more often go to bed around 11 if I am home and not doing much. I would prefer to sleep in than go to bed early though, I hate early mornings!

    Ladygooner - my mum always said that too, how can it be really true though, surely sleep is just sleep? Perhaps a ploy to get us into bed early....

  2. I think it's great Rosie, I love seeing people skipping or singing along. I definitely catch myself doing it sometimes, I often laugh out loud to myself too.

    Keef - I still try not to step on the cracks...

  3. http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2p/v254/144/108/606335296/n606335296_3358790_2529.jpg


    What a nice thread, so lovely to see everyone's cats when they are not lost!! This is Ella and Louis.

  4. David is off to watch football but I will definitely be there for 1.30 ish, I may tag him in later as I am meant to be at a birthday party in the evening. What is pub #2 just in case I don't make it for 1.30??
  5. Thank you Strawbs and Huguenot, I have not entirely given up on Henry, giving him a little TLC and repotted him. There are the beginnings of some flowers and leaves so fingers crossed he'll be fine!
  6. Henry, our chilli plant, I fear might be dying. Rather over zealous pruning from a well meaning friend has meant that he no longer has leaves or flowers, his branches are still greenish but haven't really grown back. He used to be so good and healthy, we inherited him from some friends who emigrated and I do want him to survive, any tips from chilli plant owners or am I just watering Henry's corpse?
  7. Excellent plan Brendan, definitely up for crawling.

    David has perhaps forgotten that we are crawling around breweries in Czech Republic last week of July and first week August so won't be able to make it if it was August forum drinks on the 1st.

    However maybe an ambitious plan for a friday night??? Originally I was imagining an afternoon to evening, especially if we are to manage Keef's route!

  8. Surfbobby, I have absolutely no intention of competing (if I compete against Mister Hannah6_6 aka David_Carnell our home life gets ruined) but will be there to help organise beers/pick up the pieces. Let me know if there is anything I can do. Tomorrow is my birthday I am not promising to be unhungover by 12.30 but I will be there!
  9. Yes sorry, I didn't realise David put this on here too. Ella and Louis are safely returned, they are hungry but otherwise OK. Goodness knows what happened to them but they are since very clingy so I think wherever they went it wasn't as nice as home! Thank you for looking out for them. xx
  10. Oh Moos, this bus crash happened just outside my office, it is so horrid. Unfortunately the poor woman who was killed works in the office just across from us. We heard it this morning and thought the cracking noise was coming from inside so did not fully notice until the arrival of police and press. Very sad although appears not the fault of the driver or anything, the tree fell down to hit the bus.
  11. Thanks so much everyone, i had a truely lovely first forum drinks! Plus it has been so nice this weekend to bump into faces we know out and about!

    6th June is my birthday so I will be playing elsewhere (as will d_c I hope, suggesting the herne was obviously entirely selfless!). See you all in July and hopefully before.

  12. Moos Wrote:


    > david_carnell Wrote:


    > ...Never been happier though.

    > >

    > > Edit: In retrospect it's probably not the 3rd

    > > biggest regret of my life EVER but I was stuck

    > on

    > > two and three seemed "sweet". My new three is

    > not

    > > having slept with hundreds of woman, just to

    > > redress the balance, like. ;-) Christ I hope

    > 'er

    > > indoors isn't reading this!


    > Takes a real man to be open about his feelings

    > (one of the reasons I fell in love with Mr. Moos).

    > That said, of course 'er indoors will read this

    > and you are in fact toast. But as you yourself

    > said happy toast.

    Well I am reading it now and yes david_carnell (better known as Mister Hannah6_6) you are nearly toast!

    I'm not sure not meeting d_c as a teenager is one of my biggest regrets, perhaps that now means I will be happy toast when i arrive home!

    I really cannot think of any regrets except maybe

    1. Doing a law degree rather than history or english

    2. Not taking a gap year to travel

    Both of which are completely possible to accomplish if I had the notion to, rendering them wishes rather than regrets.

  13. Nina & Gemma,

    I am nearly 25 (in June) and also would love to make new friends in ED, I have been a bit slack in meeting new people locally, we moved here in July. Sadly I am rubbish at sporting activities like netball, although quite good at the glass of wine afterwards!

    I am also new to the forum which has been the domain of Mister Hannah6_6 (also david_carnell) for a while, he went to his first drinks on Friday and had a lovely time, seems to be a brilliant way of meeting people. As far as I understand anyone can go.

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