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Everything posted by mashcov

  1. Its so scary!!! For year ( 7 years )I am watching a lady using her flat as a drug warehouse on the east dulwich road the smaller side. Neighbors have complained to the police and housing association, but there is no response form both the associations She is so daring that she sit outside her flat, Day/Night, cars, Van and motorcycles come by, she hand them drugs and they dont give her anything in return. No No!!!!! She is not giving out drugs for free, she is actually a "DISTRIBUTOR" or you can call her the LINE MANAGER, for SOUTH LONDON . The head office of this class A drugs and guns enterprise is not far away, its just opposite the cheer tree pub,on the grove vale. Drugs guns and ammunition are stored in house /flats of trusted individuals who act as distribution center for individual dealers, Dealers arrive on a fixed time and the lady is waiting outside her falt, the car come she sits inside, then she come out of the car in a matter of seconds. When you have to live in a constant state of fear its called terror. I sometimes do not step out to avoid witnessing a transaction, it only takes 30 seconds for them to receive and leave, I do not want to walk past in fear of being seen by these class A drug dealers and 100% they are armed, Knife/guns are always on them.its only a matter of time when there will be a shoot out on east dulwich road or arson/stabbing, you can use your imagination how drugs gangs fights each other. So I agree with Mr Andrew Castle, you really have to watch your self out on Grove Vale, East Dulwich Road, Lordship lane.
  2. Hi All I have opened a new publishing firm, and my first is to book will be out soon, I am also looking for writers to submit their writings, Please get in touch for further details. My number is 07548508668 Regards
  3. I have seen an old gentleman with a dog , and he never cleans it up afterwards, I caught him one day right outside my house on goose green, and I demanded t know why he did not clean it up! he replied he has back problem, he can not possibly sit down to clean it up, and he left without cleaning it. After a a few months I met him again near lordship lane , and this time I saw him struggling to pick up his house keys, sometimes there is a genuine problem. weather on the pavement or in the park.
  4. Once I had a noisy neighbour next door ,between my living room and his bedroom there was a brick wall, he used to play music at odd times. One night he played a record real loud, I woke up and checked the time it was 2am. I picked up my 45kg dumbell went to the living room, and hit the dumblell on the wall along with the beat of the record, after three beats of my dumblell ,music stopped forever.
  5. Dear friends of east Dulwich please read below what happen to Barbara. We request that the eviction of Barbara Hoyte on East Dulwich Road be halted. We believe the eviction to be illegal as Barbara was not informed of the court proceedings concerning eviction and so was not given the opportunity to put forward her case in court. Barbara is blind and so she was not able to read the letters sent to her by Wandle, she was therefore unaware of the impending eviction and was taken by surprise when bailiffs arrived at her home and removed her from the property. Wandle was aware of Barbara's blindness and had been specifically requested to correspond with her neighbours in order that they could read any letters for her. Not only did Wandle fail to do this but we believe they have deliberately concealed from the court her disability is order to remove her from the property without opposition. Wandle has also concealed another important matter in this case; Wandle owes Barbara compensation of approximately ?7000. This is for their failure to repair a leak which resulted in considerable damage to property. The housing officer had verbally promised, in the presence of witnesses, that they would be paying her compensation for the leak and collapsed ceiling which they failed to repair for two years. They said they would deduct the arrears accrued from this compensation. A law firm, Duncan-Lewis offered to negotiate on Barbara's behalf concerning the compensation and arrears. This law firm knew that Barbara was blind and was instructed to send any correspondence concerning the claim to her neighbours at 110D so this neighbour could read it to her. Unexpectedly the law firm dropped Barbara's case claiming that the legal aid had been withdrawn and despite promising to inform the neighbour they instead sent a letter to Barbara which she did not see. This allowed Wandle to proceed with the eviction unopposed, Barbara had no legal representation and no knowledge of the eviction proceedings. After being evicted, Barbara challenged Duncan-Lewis as to why they had not followed her instructions concerning correspondence and was shocked to hear they admitted that they were instructed by Wandle not to send the letter to her neighbour. It is apparent that Wandle and Duncan-Lewis have colluded in keeping Barbara in the dark concerning her situation and have succeeded in evicting a blind and vulnerable woman from her home. Duncan-Lewis should have been acting in the best interests of their client and should have been particularly mindful of her special requirements as a disabled person. We believe their actions constitute serious professional misconduct. Furthermore they have openly admitted that they have been taking instruction from the landlord rather than their client when deciding how to correspond with Barbara, they also admit to agreeing to drop Barbara's case due to the advice of Wandle. When asked who at Wandle had told them not to send the letter to her neighbour, they claimed it was the housing officer. When pressed as to the identity of this housing officer they have given the name 'Tracy Bird' Tracy Bird is not a housing officer at Wandle. We believe Tracy Bird is a specialist lawyer Wandle has hired specifically to aid in evictions. Duncan-Lewis has worked with Tracy Bird to ensure that Barbara had not opportunity to fight the eviction. This has been disgraceful conduct from both Wandle and Duncan Lewis, the only reasonable conclusion we can make for this collusion is that Wandle made a deal with Duncan-Lewis in order to avoid the compensation pay out and have Barbara evicted instead. I can only speculate on the details of such an agreement but if this is the case both companies should be investigated for corrupt practices, Wandle has concealed from the court these crucial matters and failed to follow the pre-action protocol before initiating eviction proceedings. Barbara is an extremely vulnerable person due to her disability and she has not been previously advised correctly to claim the benefits she was entitled to.She has now started to claim disability allowance and PIP which should help her to pay her rent in future. The arrears have arisen due to a reduction in housing benefit by the local authority as Barbara was deemed as having an excess bedroom. However, during this time the bedroom was uninhabitable due to the leak and collapsed ceiling which Wandle failed to repair. Barbara would have been able to take a lodger in this room to help pay the excess but the condition of the room was uninhabitable. Since the room was repaired Barbara has indeed been able to take a lodger to help with the cost of the rent and you will see from her rent statement she has been making regular payments reducing the arrears. In October 13th 2013 the arrears stood at ?3700, but now currently stand and ?2500. This begs the question why Wandle have decided to pursue her eviction at a time when she is steadily paying of the arrears? Why have they decided NOW is the time to make a blind woman homeless? Even before claiming all the benefits she was entitled to Barbara was making steady progress in the payment of the arrears. With the future extra help provided by additional benefits she has only just commenced to claim it is with surety that Barbara can promise she will be able to make repayment at an accelerated rate. Wandle have promised on the phone that they will allow Barbara to reclaim the flat if she immediately pays the total arrears owing. However, they have yet again made this promise verbally and our previous knowledge of Wandle housing association leads us to believe they may renege on this promise and so we think it better to appeal to the courts to resolve this matter. Barbara is willing to pay off the arrears in full should she be required to do so to regain her home. However she had previously been awaiting compensation from Wandle which they advised they would be paying her after deducting the arrears. Due to the extreme straitened circumstances and hardships she has suffered due to her disability and maltreatment by Wandle we think the compassionate course of action would be to reinstate Barbara in her home and allow her to pay off any arrears gradually. When Barbara asked Wandle over the phone Why they conspire, not let me get any help what so ever form anyone or anywhere and take advantage of my disability to evict me ? they told me ? for your welfare?.
  6. I have seen so many times some men playing basketball at night and their dog in the playground. I did not see them chewing anything but yes I have seen dogs (big dogs) spaying and marking their territory on the all of the rides in that play area.
  7. davidhealy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Mashcov = get a life! hi David , tell me mate what's the current price??
  8. hi I will dig them up for you. when do you want them dug up ?
  9. Konnichiwa Ariagato gozaimsu. Ichsi ni sun shi go roch hasi sheesi goo shu. Sayanora
  10. ok so those three came and ask for 6 girlfriends from those six boys. so now what the six boys will do? protect their girls or hand them over to those three, for the sake of protecting their teeth and bones, or fight. your phone or your girlfriend , fight them off , dont give up, as if you give an inch they take a mile.
  11. hey i will give you discount 15 pounds for you only ..
  12. hey hope this will help. Francis Chappell & Sons, Funeral Directors And Monumental Masons 104 Lordship Lane, London http://www.allinlondon.co.uk/
  13. hey the ticket was only 1.60 what do you expect really?
  14. Well everyone hello. My girlfriend has got no kids no job nothing , she stays in the house all day and sleeps all day and night. the kitchen bedroom study living room and every part of the house is a mess. When i return home she argues with me all the time. Please tell me how can I make her do things. thanks
  15. uncleglen Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Why don't you try Brick Lane the ones on Lordship > Lane are of high quality mainly and are competing > with each other- stay on your own side of the > river! and what do you mean by YOUR SIDE OF THE RIVER ?????????????????????????????????????
  16. uncleglen Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Why don't you try Brick Lane the ones on Lordship > Lane are of high quality mainly and are competing > with each other- stay on your own side of the > river! The restaurant on the brick lane are 100 times better then on LL. I remember you racist c***!!!!! you don't want Indian students on the trains but you want Indian restaurant where Indian students are working.
  17. EDF sellers who will not give up trying to sell their crappy overpriced items. In 3rd place buddug - shabby chic cushion 897 views In 2nd place dulwichcookie - filing cabinet 1002 views And First place goes to ..... davidhealy with 1093 views for his Ikea white shelf. Somebody please buy these items and put these three people out of their misery.
  18. I have deleted my reference to you e-dealer in the preceding post as you clearly have a problem with people making perfectly reasonable inferences from your comments without wanting to clarify what exactly that problem is
  19. Girl82 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > the-e-dealer Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Hey come on she wasnt attacking Council Tenants > or > > Properties. Bit of a bad choice saying Hostels > > becuause you might get a Deaf Mute Hostel next > > door or Autistic Adults or Victims of Domestic > > Violence who would hardly be drawing attention > to > > themselves I can see that an unsettleable > Rowdy > > Alcoholics Hostel might be un attractive and > > there are one or two of those around but to be > > honest I dont think any searching would I > dentify > > one. Try sitting outside on a Saturday Night? > > > Thanks e-dealer - that is exactly what I meant. > And yes, I am planning to walk past a few times to > check out the noise levels anyway! Yes you like to agree with posters and say EXACTLY a lot without actually reading what they are saying. So you EXACTLY agreed that people living in hostels are scumbags And now EXACTLY agree the possibility that the hostel could accommodate deaf mutes, autistic or victims of domestic violence. Are these what you meant by scumbags?
  20. Girl82 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > *Sigh* Why don't people read things properly? It's > quite clear from my original and subsequent posts > that I have nothing against council tenants living > next door - in fact, that's what I'm HOPING the > property is! What I DON'T want is to inadvertently > end up living next to a hostel. It's really not > that hard to grasp, Mashcov. I did read your post properly which is why I quoted it in my post. James called people who live in hostels scumbags and you said 'Exactly! Thanks James' You might want to keep off the wine for a bit you might be a bit more coherent if you do and yes you are a bit of a wally, is that what you are sighing about?
  21. Girl82 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ^^^ Oh dear, I apologise. But it's galling when > people come on here and accuse you of saying > things you never said! > > P.s. Note to self - don't come on the East Dulwich > Forum after a couple of glasses of wine! :D In vino veritas P.S Note to Girl82 - don't come to East Dulwich nobody want to live next to you.
  22. Girl82 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > James Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Um, perhaps the fact that there might be random > > scumbags having domestics all hours of the day > and > > night on your doorstep? > > Exactly, thanks James! I know it might be strange > to some, but I want a peaceful life! It is quite clear that here you agreed with James concerning the 'scumbags'.
  23. James Wrote:------------------------------------------------------- > What is the evidence for this? Does the road have > its own consciousness? And do you not know how to > spell 'desperately'? I'm guessing you probably live in Bellenden road. Why don't you go join a Peckham forum instead of despirately trying to be a part of ED.
  24. Gimme Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > swissjoel Wrote: > -n------------------------------------------------ > ------ > > East Dulwich is a DULL place to live. No soul, > too > > many prams and white (upper) middle class > > wannabes. > > > How do you become a middle class wannabe? I drive > a Toyota, bang on about house prices and insist on > the occasional Ocado delivery to liven up my dull > life of working in the City and dealing with young > kids.... Am I middle class or just a middle class > wannabe? And how could I tell one way or the > other? > > And you are probably right... ED is probably > boring for those who aren't middle class and / or > don't have a pram... Although I'd heard that there > is a right good laugh to be had at Bar Boho after > 11pm (can't validate that though as am usually in > bed) > > :-) I think you just proved his point. The way you describe your life, it does seem rather dull :-)
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