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Posts posted by fredricketts

  1. Why not use the original ED police stn site in crystal palace/north?

    The police station in Crystal Palace Road, has holding cells and all the facilities necessary for East Dulwich, it served East Dulwich very well for years, Until some bright spark decided it was not big enough and decided to build a new one in Lordship Lane, and now it seems we do not need any sort of police station in East Dulwich. Now they have decided to over develop East Dulwich, and bring in more people and traffic, it seems to me, what with all these cut backs going on, because of the incompetence of Local Councils and the Government, Now is the time we need a police station, it?s probably one of the reasons crime figures are down, people just can?t be bothered anymore to report crimes etc, as nothing is ever done about them. And make no mistake crime figurers may be down according to the Gov stats, but they are still increasing and even more so because of the cut backs.


  2. Make Mr Barber Right.

    I would like to object to the granting of a 24 hour licence to the co-op at Lordship Lane SE22 for the following reasons:

    1. We already have too many outlets for 24 hour Intoxicating liquor licensing in Lordship Lane.

    2 The binge drinking and drunks in lordship lane every night has increased tenfold in the last 6 years, owing to the Government and Council policies, allowing night clubs and pubs to extend their drinking hours till the early hours of the morning, in residential areas, most of the time causing a nuisance to local residents.

    3. We already have a parking problem at the end of Ashbourne Grove during the day time, and this is gradually getting worse of a night time, due to the clubs and pubs having extended hours, and to add, another outlet, all night will attract more cars and drunks to the area, causing more pollution and trouble to the area.

    I thought the council and the Government wanted to cut down on people binge drinking, yet now you are saying, you can drink twenty four seven. We will help you drink more by allowing twenty four seven drinking outlets.

    Really don?t make sense. You are, by allowing this, encouraging binge drinking, all day and night.

    Along with, ruining resident?s good way of life that they have enjoyed for years. I for one know that the area of Dulwich that I live in has slowly been deteriorating, through bad governments and councils changes to making profits and putting businesses profits in front of residents who have paid good money for their properties in order to live a nice peaceful life in a good environments?. That you are now destroying.

  3. As a resident living close by to this and other developments, going on in East Dulwich, I am not

    concerned so much, as who takes over Icelands, What I am concerned about is the impact, that with

    more flats, and people, it will have on our way of life as residents, who have to put up with more

    speeding cars, more traffic congestion and pollution, less parking spaces, and parking space rage

    along with the violence, and more rubbish in the streets. This is what is already happening.

    Whatever, anyone on this site, can do to help stop the rot that is setting in East Dulwich, by objecting to these


    I say thank you.

  4. Details of planning application - 12/AP/3773 on Southwark?s web site...

    Date received: 22/11/2012

    Statutory start date: 22/11/2012

    statutory expiry date: 17/01/2013

    Consultation period starts: 22/11/2012

    Consultation period ends: 03/01/2013

    Press notice date: Not required

    Site notice date: 11/12/2012

    Environmental impact assessment status: Not required by Regs & nothing submitted

    Neighbours and statutory consultation:

    Consultation period and how to comment on an application

    To comment on this planning application please emails [email protected]. Please make sure that you state the application number and your postal address. Comments that you submit will be published on this website.

    I received a letter from Southwark Planning on the 12/12/2012. Telling me that the consultation period started the day that they received the Planning application, which was the 22/11/12, which according to my calculations that was three weeks ago. WHY ARE THEY NOW TELLING ME IN THIS LETTER THAT THE CONSULTATION PERIOD STARTS ON THE 15/12/12?

    Any one know the counils regulations on the consultation periods???

  5. It is not meant for any indivudual, were there is big money

    to be earned there will always be corruption.and I have known

    Property develeopers in the past to have paid to get there

    Projects through planning.Why are the planners set on pushing this through?and

    When it is so obvious that parking problems in East Dulwich are increasing every day.

    And overcrowding is increasing. Its time residents were put first

    Over profit.It has always been the same, when,unless there is

    a big uproar the council will do what the want, and it appears

    More flats and houses no matter what the cost to residents ways of life.

    And it makes it easier for the parking services to extort money

    Out of us.

  6. Thank you all for the warnings.

    They (Southwark parking services) always have a camera car opposite Ashbourne Grove, every day, just to catch the poor old motorist, who has not got used to the layout change, which the council have recently done.

    Weird how all of a sudden parking spaces have appeared in Lordship Lane, where as for years of motorist getting parking tickets, the Council have made these spaces available, and in their common sense, put one right outside Barclays Bank, stopping anyone coming out of Ashbourne Grove to turn right, not see what?s coming down the road. Could be some serious accidents, here.

    Just trying to get bits and pieces together for my appeal to PATAS, been turned down by the council on three occasions

  7. Car has now been taken by its owner after four weeks.

    The point that I would like to make, is, how you can fight the powers to be, when all they are concerned about is making money from these unfair and unjust parking tickets.

    The service supposed to be for controlling traffic and the well being of Motorist and pedestrians, these PCNs are for neither.

  8. Siduhe .

    Thank you for your offer of help, it?s very kind of you, I have photos, and they show that I am about six inches on my crossover and six inches with the front wheel on a hard concrete verge. But there is still 7ft left for pedestrians and wheel chair and pram users.

    The point I am trying to make is that Southwark parking Services are targeting motorist who, are not causing any of the criteria that is laid down, about causing obstructions to pedestrians and other road users, obstructions to wheel chair users, obstruction to pram users and other pedestrians. In other words it?s out to make many at the expense of the rate payers. If you live in a road where the road is not wide enough to take two way traffic, you sometimes have no option than to park on the concrete verge to avoid the big articulated vehicles that are allowed to use residential streets, and scratching the side of your vehicle and knocking off your wing mirrors. You are not causing any traffic problems, but they are still allowed to rip you off with a parking fine.

    . It?s purely for making money. And that should be against the law.

  9. I have recently fallen foul to Southwark Parking Services and I feel that they should be looked into for the following reasons.

    They are now targeting Residential back roads for parking with one wheel on your own dropped kerb, which you pay the Council to concrete over.

    When they set traps with their Mobile Camera cars, i.e.: Kings Arms, Peckham Rye, they change the layout, so you cannot turn left, and then they allow their Mobile Camera cars to go across the pavement with no crossover, to perch themselves on their own box, made especially for them, on a pavement leading in to the old swimming baths. (Now park) Just to catch someone that has been turning left at the lights for the last 20 years.

    Melbourne Grove was allowed at one time to park on the hard concrete shoulder, the same hard concrete shoulder that is in Ashbourne Grove, because the road is too narrow for two way traffic, the same as Ashbourne Grove and probably loads of other roads.. It?s time that these unfair parking fines are looked into as it seems that these fines are there just to make up the Money that the Councils are losing. As in the last couple of months there has been several tickets issued in Ashbourne Grove, under Code 62 Parking on the footway. According to the Council there was only 19 issued in the last three years.

    None of these parking fines are for what people do deliberately, yet there is no justice in them and they are allowed to do as they please, how a fine of ?130 can be justified when No offence is being committed as layed down by their Codes. I.e.: No damage to the Pavement, because the Council has already removed the Grass verges and replaced them with trees and hard concrete, You are causing no obstruction to other road users, and finally you are causing no obstruction to Pedestrians, wheel chair and push chair users, as after, deducting the space that your car has taken up on the concrete verge, you are still left with, 7 ft of pavements, nearly the same width as the road. Then our wing mirrors might stop getting ripped off, unlike what Southwark Parking Service is doing. Parking fines are more than what a pensioner is allowed to live on in a week.

    It seems that the petty mindedness of these people, that are supposed to be running our services for us, Residents. Constantly seek to make us the Victims of these decisions, and does nothing to ease congestion, or obstruction, and is just a way to supplement the Council revenue.

    Its residents that have to pay, for the Councils and Government mistakes, by allowing more flats and houses without any parking spaces. We have more obstructions from the Council with their trees, than we have from cars. No signs, No resident?s letters and no justice, in allowing this sort of extortion from Councils who are paid for out of our rates. The code 62 that the Council is using for this contravention is very ambiguous and very unjust.

    A vehicle has been parked in our road for over three weeks without any Tax, and has not received a ticket or even been noticed, and ?yes? it is still there.

    I think that Southwark Council Parking services are picking on, motorist in the local area for turning down CPZ when the Council wanted it.

  10. Marmora Man

    fredricketts - the people put the governments in. So if we get crap government - it's our fault.

    To my lasting pride I campaigned against Tony Blair's government before 1997, didn't share the joy of hos "New Britain", loathed him from the first and am pleased that my views seem to be shared by the majority. However, he's an example of how slick dicks can con the British public.

    Could not agree with you more.

    Tony Blair is a typical MP and Priminster who tell blatant lies, and we are all conned into believing them, it?s the same with all of them, promise everything to get in, when in, do what they please for five years, except when it comes near to voting again, they change their rhetoric, and con us all again.

  11. Huguenot

    The only way they could meet that commitment was to spend from the piggy bank.

    There is rarely anything more offensive than geriatrics who have benefitted from running up a credit card that their children will have to pay off, until they get self righteous about it.

    Your generation asset stripped the nation leaving a debt time bomb that your grandchildren will have to pay off through poverty. You spent everything you earned in 70 years, and then your generation spent everything that was going to be earned by your children in the next 70 years.

    The 20th century generation will be famous in history for one thing - their greed.

    And that, mate, means you.

    Exactly right MATE.

    The only way they could meet that commitment was to spend from the piggy bank.

    The commitments being, bigger pensions and wages for MPs and civil servants.

    My generation, I take offence to my generation being called geriatrics.

    I think you need a permantly toilet roll around your neck, for the amount of crap that?s coming out of it, and if you want to take offence to that, Great get on with it.

    It?s not the people that are to blame, for the mismanagement of this Country over the years, its people like you that go along with the crap that Governments and Councils give out. The Governments have been asset stripping for years to cover up their costly mistakes. That?s why the Country is in a mess, people like you, who put the blame on the people, and not the Governments, where it belongs.

  12. ????

    er, the old people have contributed to their state pension fallacy hey fredRicckets...no they ain't, it (the state pension) is funded by current tax payers/or govt borrowing. NI is a myth it just goes into govt coffers to spend on what they want, it's not held in an individuals seperate pension/health insurance pot, it's just tax. Which is why many say it should be scrapped and just added to tax, ie increase the tax rate and scrap the whole NI facade.

    ER, I happen to have paid NIC and TAX for the last 50 years and that is no fallacy. Yes it is funded by today?s tax payers, because the Government dipped there greedy little fingers into it, and emptied it and now we have the consequences of their actions. And the Gov have now changed the Goal posts again, your right it?s not even state pension anymore, its state BENIFITS, For those of us who have worked hard all our lives, it?s an insult to say that we are now receiving state benefits, just so when the Gov feels like it, they can cut it, or even do away with it.


    "i.e.: being 1 minute late for their appointments, for not attending one interview, for which they had no chance of getting the job, or the job had already gone"

    Are you serious?

    Yes I am serious, they are just some examples of what is going on all over the Country, and it appears that you are not very sympathetic to the plight of others less fortunate than yourself. Some of these people have been sent after a least 20 jobs a week, thats without trawling the internet every day, they are sent after jobs without any money in their pockets for fares, and London transport is not that reliable. The Government has told Jobseekers to kick them off for the slightest of reasons, just to save money that they have spent and wasted.

  13. I think the employment figures have been manipulated by the Government, by the number of Jobseekers that have been kicked off, or as the Government would like to call it SANCTIONED, and those that have been taken of disability benefits for the minis cal of reasons i.e.: being 1 minute late for their appointments, for not attending one interview, for which they had no chance of getting the job, or the job had already gone. Just waiting for a freedom of information request from the Government, that is if they answer, as to how many of the 50,000 drop in unemployment figures are, people who have been sanctioned, and are not allowed any money whatsoever, and taken of the jobseekers figures, as I know of quite a few unfortunate people. How can you trust a Government that never thinks of the consequence of their actions, and wants to tax Cornish pasties? Changes the rules on old age pensioners, i.e. : it?s not a pension any more, that millions have paid into for the last 50-60 years, it?s now a benefit, they can now manipulate when and if they like.There are only 400,000 jobs available at any one time, yet there is more than 2.5 million unemployed, I think it speaks for its self.
  14. For the people who live close to icelands, its not who has the

    shop or who takes it over, its the development of doing away

    With a car park, and having some where for the tenants of the

    new flats to park their cars, and deliveries.The councils

    policy on flats and houses being built with nowhere to park

    their cars, because they are supposed to notneed cars,

    because we have such a good transport system in place, will

    never work and is just causing more problems for local

    residents, and is such rubbish, they need their heads


  15. Reply to Louisa.

    Well and truly satisfied, don?t need more parking and traffic in ED, it was a lovely quite suburban area, Until it started to get overcrowded, and Houses and flats allowed to take the place of pubs and businesses, with no where to park their cars.


    East Dulwich is not a Town "YET"

    Will keep on objecting to things that affect, Residents and my way of Life.

  16. Hi Renata Hamvas

    I am not in your ward, and I don?t live in Scutari Road, But what I do know, is how Southwark Council waste our Public money on projects, that are a waste of time i.e.: Melbourne Grove. A very narrow road for a main road, two way traffic, people having there wing mirrors broken and cars scratched, because the Council have stopped them parking on the pavement verge, when the buses ran down there, they allowed off street parking on the pavement verge, and removed all traffic calming measures (HUMPS) so buses could be diverted down Melbourne grove whilst repairs took place somewhere else. After a couple of weeks, when the buses stopped and went back to their normal route, they relayed the humps and stopped parking on the concrete verge. But there was still the same volume of traffic using the road. And then they started giving tickets out for parking on the concrete pavement verge, ?130-00, and ?65 if you pay within fourteen days. This is extortion, seeing as a pensioner is only allowed ?116 per week to live on. Traffic calming humps have eventually been put in Ashbourne Grove and Chesterfield Grove at considerable expense, and have not made one bit of difference. Upland Road, Thousands wasted on humps that cars are parked on, and one out three humps are actually being used. And you can go on and on.

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