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Posts posted by KatDew

  1. I have a pair of almost (in 11 days) two year old girl twins. Until recently we haven't been able to go to any groups as their older brother had really grown out of all things toddler but didn't go to nursery on my non-work days.

    So from September my eldest starts school and I'm feeling very 'out of the loop'. Whats around in east dulwich/ dulwich village that would entertain a pair of two year olds.

    Preferably not too pricey.... there are 2 of them!

    Looking for mondays, thursdays. My mum is planning to take them to Whippersnappers on a friday.

    Any thoughts, wise ladies of the forum?

  2. This thread really rings true for me.

    We're generally fairly tidy as a family and not too much in the way of 'mundungus'. However I work and have 3 small people (4 and twins nearly 2) in a fairly small house.

    With the best will in the world there is just stuff! there is the random art projects. Odd slippers and socks. That general post pile. Laundry that is drying. Lanudry waiting to be put away..... the list goes on and on.

    Our house seemed quietly stylish before kids. Four and a half years later it just seems a bit cluttered and scruffy

  3. Do you know how he got it? It's fairly unsual at his age. No chance he has hand foot and mouth by any chance?

    Mouth ulcers are horrid most the therapys just work to temporarily relieve the symptoms and it's hard to get it to stick to a toddlers tongue.

    Yogurt is quite soothing if it's interfering with eating

  4. Realistically 34lbs is going to feel heavy in most carriers. I would have recommended the ergo but I see thats what you already have.

    Maybe once shes running around she'll change shape a bit and you might find it more confortable again.

    My eldest was a complete bruiser, then he got moving and slimmed down. He never actually lost weight but he kept growing upwards and just never seemed to put on weight. As he got longer the ergo became more comfortable again

  5. depends on how many children are coming.

    For my sons 4th birthday we had about 8 children (and a few younger siblings) we had a treasure hunt around the house.

    Pass the parcel always works and some sort of dancing game like musical statues. Pin the tail on the donkey works with a bit of help.

    They're still a bit little so an oppurtunuty to play with friends and have some tea is often enough

  6. definitely a little assistance at first. Not to mention some things benefit from being patted down with some kitchen towel to make them a little less slippery at first.

    There are some fabulous ideas out there do a google search for 100 best baby led weaning recipes. My favourites are the savoury flapjacks, cheesey vegetable nuggets, and lentil cheese wedges. All were very easy to make and froze well for easy quick dinners when required

  7. Not so bad at the moment. Eldest is 4, the twins are 22months. Generally all is ok... although I suspect this is mainly due to luck. I have one bolshy twin and one very laid back one. Obviously the risk is that the calm one starts standing up for herself rather than sneakily waiting till no one is looking and just swipes what she's after!
  8. I've had 2 breach babies out of 3 (one set of twins) On both occasions I tried most things. (Including moxibustion and acupuncture)

    Anyway first baby even with 2 attempted ECV's (docs trying externally) no change and I had a section. By the time I had my twins I just came to the conclusion my babies like being breach.

    Most babies do turn and by trying everything if you do end up having a section as least you know you've tried but some babies do just seem to be determined to do things their way

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