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The Nappy Lady

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Everything posted by The Nappy Lady

  1. We had a great night & I was once again really impressed by how polite & well behaved all the callers were - first 2 groups got sent away with a request to come back later as we were not ready & they were fine. When we'd finally run out of sweets & had to apologise to the last few callers they all said thats ok, and complimented out costumes & decorations regardless. Did pass one group of teenagers with an egg in their hands as we were doing a lap of our street, I hope they didn't spoil anyone's night. I guess it may have been hard boiled as a trick. Loads of fab costumes though & all in all a very happy Halloween. SusyP, so glad you enjoyed it after all!
  2. No advice, but just wanted to wish you all the best. Am now going to be scrolling through all the regular posters in my head, trying to work out who it can be :-))
  3. Forecast for tomorrow night is disastrously wet. Such a shame. My face paint will run!! Flipping rotten British weather.
  4. Lol that's the new Pavilion Minder - you can get married with the Llamas looking on if you want!!
  5. Science Museum has an amazing area for children of all ages. Natural History for the dinosaurs but it can be a bit scary! (Animatronics bit).
  6. I think medical people are not going to fee up on here, as there is potential for being sued if people follow their advice and it ends badly. Sad state of affairs, but you can kind of understand it.... Going back under my camouflage now - all I know about is cloth nappies anyway ;-)
  7. There is on on offer on Groupon; http://www.groupon.co.uk/deals/national-deal/James-Russell/12174902?nlp=&CID=UK_CRM_1_0_0_304&a=1664 I swear Groupon is lethal.....
  8. Hiya, Not strictly Family Room possibly, but as I know we are all obsessed with our love of housework (!), I'm wondering if any of you have a steam mop to clean your wooden floors, and if so are they any good? I currently clean my floors on my hands and knees with a bucket of water and a cloth, but I'm not getting any younger...is this the way forward??
  9. Maybe get some ovulation tests or track your temperature - a friend did this and discovered she was quite off with her timing - got pregnant as soon as she tried at her newly discovered peak fertility time!
  10. I know The Gardens hosts business networking meetings so it sounds like he's trying to encourage that sort of client more. I do recall years ago a cafe owner (acquaintance) saying that whilst he welcomes Mums & buggies they would often take up many seats for a couple of hours whilst only ordering a coffee & cake - not good for business...I'd never really considered that before & it did make me a bit more self aware when I was lurking around the area on maternity leave! I think my main issue is that the owner could easily put a sign up explaining their policy - eg "Sorry, no buggys" etc and then everyone would know where they stand & these upsetting experiences would cease. As others have said its the owners decision but what a shame he's handling it so badly.
  11. Hi Matt Someone at Greenwich Market used to do it....something custard the company was called? The market office may be able to tell you. I think you have to make an appointment Might be Magic Custard?? Also John Lewis stores have the people in every few week & you can book a slot. Congratulations on your new baby!
  12. As Fuscia says, getting dry at night is something that sadly you can't do much to assist. Both my daughters were reliably dry by day at, or just before turning 2. However they were 4 before they managed to be dry at night. With daughter 1 both her Grandmothers were convinced they could get her dry at night but failed - despite daughter really wanting to be. Number 2 has been just the same. I didn't want them to get uptight about it so I've always tried to be encouraging without adding any pressure. If you do lift them at night it is best to try to wake them enough that they walk to & from the loo themselves so are at least vaguely aware of what they are doing, otherwise they are just wearing in their sleep, so whilst their nappy may be drier in the morning you are not helping them get used to the concept of getting up & walking to the loo. I think eventually this can help, but they need to be ready anyway. I know loads of children who were dry at night within days of potty training by day at 2, & plenty more who wore nappies day & night til 3. They all get there in the end, & there is medical help available should you need it, but rarely offered until 6+. Good luck with it.
  13. Susy can I also suggest you put a sign on your door saying "no Trick or Treats please". I'm sure then You will not be hassled. So many people 'do' Halloween now with pumpkins out etc there is no need to bother people who don't want to join in. I have to say that we are big Halloweeners - grown ups & kids all dress up & the houses we call at are all fellow school friends & the whole thing has a lovely community feel to it. It is difficult for you if you don't want to do it, but I fear if you let your daughter go this year you may be opening a whole can of worms (ha, good spooky analogy). It may be better to do something else with her as a treat and explain as best you can that you don't celebrate Halloween. Otherwise she's always going to ask why she was allowed this year & then not the next. That said, secretly I hope you will go, and maybe feel differently about the whole thing afterwards!
  14. Decathlon at Surrey Quays do great snow boots etc thats we get boots for our two. Xx
  15. Hi Emma I used to do local demos but have stopped now my youngest is 4 years old. The company I represented is still going strong & offers LOADS of help & advice & great demo videos too now. Check out www.thenappylady.co.uk & maybe complete the tailored advice questionnaire. The nappies Pickle mentioned (tiny new born ones) are Bimbles & I know TNL now offers hire kits for those to get thru the first weeks - with twins they should fit for the first 6 months at least if not longer assuming a 5lb ish birth weight. Laundering really isn't difficult & I too found winter drying easy with radiators - all nappies on 1 with a drying rack attached so they are not all over your house. Give yourself time after the birth, but if all goes well then from about 4 weeks post birth is a great time to aim to switch from. With a good cloth system you shouldn't get any leaks so if anything you will save yourself the work of washing lots of stained baby clothes & bedding! Good luck with everything.
  16. The supermarkets have them if the smaller grocers don't ?1.50 or ?3 in Sainsburys DKH right now depending on size. Oh & the plough local had them last year & the garden centres. Don't leave it too late as last year they sold out everywhere about a week before Halloween.
  17. Foots Cray Meadow is lovely too - out towards Sidcup. Big grassy area, water to paddle in, widening to lake with water fowl & bridge over it. Plenty of trees etc along river bank @ also a small woodland area. Picnic benches & at far end of river at one end a childrens play area (tricky to spot but it is there). You can walk along one side of the river then cross & walk back up the other side.
  18. I can highly recommend Andre from Little Blue Fish; http://littlebluefish.co.uk He is local (Nunhead), and not only a fantastic web designer, but will also train you up to then manage the site yourself, and also provide any technical support you need. Good luck in your new venture.
  19. Other option - sit on floor legs spread & get them to lie with their head in your crotch/lap looking up at you. They then naturally open their mouth & you can brush away. Persevere. It gets easier you just have to be determined & gentle yet firm about it being done, twice a day no matter what. Xx
  20. Google 'Bishop' Jonathan Blake - lovely humanist minister.
  21. Be warned girls he gets booked up at this time of year - we missed out on getting photos for family last Christmas because he didn't have any slots left. :-((
  22. Snowboarder call Wendy at The Nappy Lady & have a chat. I'd agree Velcro too easy for toddlers to remove. Are you confident the switch now will work with new life, Childcare etc? You know I'm 100% pro cloth but equally I know you have a lot going on right now. Xxx
  23. Aw I love this. It is so very true, and ironic that the moments we most need to capture for posterity (i.e. the early years which they will not remember), are the times when we feel we are looking the worst, and have so little time to spend on our appearance. Life is cruel!! Hubby is the photographer in our household, so he is the one who rarely gets to feature in photos (and is well trained to only take photos of me when he knows I will be at least semi happy with the result - bless him, after 17 years he knows me well LOL). Having said that, some of the photos he has taken without me knowing are the most precious. We do invest in a family photo session at least once every couple of years so that we have some shots of all of us together, plus it means we have a present for all the Grandparents come Christmas so it's a win-win situation!!! We actually had a session with the lovely Lorenzo only a couple of weeks ago and it was great fun. We are all excited to see the photos, hopefully later today! There is one really interesting thing about this generation of children - many of them are growing up with memories which have been 're-implanted' as a result of watching video footage of their baby and toddlerhood. My youngest at almost 4 can already recount her own birth story from having seen the (very brief and not at all gory) DVD we have of it, and both girls love to sit with us and laugh over films of themselves from years gone by, and sometimes I'm amazed by how much I have forgotten too until we watch a film again. It helps that my hubby has professional editing skills, but even without that, I think both video and film are such lovely ways to share family history and memories.
  24. Sorry thought it was a well known term Sillywoman. Xxx
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