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Everything posted by dulwichfamily

  1. A good number of people aren't in a catchment at all - let alone a catchment of a school they don't rate
  2. If I was a family in a catchment who lost a place to a sibling who had moved far away, I'd feel punished/treated unfairly and justifiably so in many circumstances. It may seem ridiculous, but this is a real idea, happening in neighbouring boroughs. I'm personally not affected by this situation - but interested in the dynamics of how rule changes could seriously impact families right now... If they change the rules, it will just mean different families are 'punished'. Ultimately - the 'rent-in-the-catchment' thing is an issue. It's this that's stimulating the debate I imagine.
  3. Regarding the argument that these families 'help' by removing their child's cost from the state system: Some would say there is another less quantifiable cost to society. Ie removing these privileged and supported kids, with motivated parents, starves the state system of the balance needed in the classroom. So by creaming this part of society off. You're actually damaging the state system in a subtle but significant way.
  4. And what janice turner is saying. It is the basis of her article in The Times of all papers...
  5. In the article, janice was discussing a specific request to **** school. But this request was refused. I wonder whose decision this was? Who gets to make these decisions internally at **** and who at ####### school made the proposal? Is it public knowledge? Perhaps parents of kids at the state school can start a petition. I have no affiliation to either. Currently just observing.
  6. How did jags acquire the greendale fields keyhole - do you know? And did the council bid for them? I find it depressing that a large school such as Charter has seemingly limited access to space and facilities Water water everywhere...
  7. Yes, agree I don't think she's suggesting what they're doing is illegal Just feels wrong maybe In the same way certain firms don't pay tax in the uk. It isn't illegal, but leaves a sour taste in your mouth.
  8. The short summary you get w/out subscription gives the gist. It's a discussion about public school generally, not really new ground, but uses her local school dynamics as an example of how a charity (I think public schools have charitable status) isn't behaving in a charitable way when it comes to their sports facilities. So if they are a business, should they not pay VAT?
  9. Quick question, did JAGS buy those sports fields etc off Charter school originally, or is that not true? I am being an armchair detective today!
  10. Janice Turner article in The Times today Sounds to me like it's about The Charter and Jags school? 'Public schools must learn the meaning of charity' http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/opinion/columnists/article4212639.ece
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