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Everything posted by nicolabarron

  1. Thanks to everyone who made it last week. There'll be another next month. Plus please do join the facebook group if you're interested http://www.facebook.com/search/?q=creative+mums+network&init=quick#/group.php?gid=96514828147&ref=search&sid=1388720689.3181477083..1
  2. Creative Mums Network meet-up confirmed for Wednesday 12 August from 7.30pm Jam Circus, 330 Brockley Road SE4 opposite Crofton Park station. 484 bus from East Dulwich plus walk up Brockley Rd. Hope to meet some of you there!
  3. For anyone who's interested, there will be a Creative Mums Network meet-up on the evening of Weds 12 August in Brockley, SE4 - venue tbc dependent on numbers. Do let me know if you'd like to come along. Nicola
  4. If you're not on facebook but would like to join the group, please do send me a private message with your email and I'll add you to the email list of members. The website should be live soon and I'll also inform you of any meet-ups.
  5. If you're interested please do join and don't worry about how creative you are - it something most of us are worried about anyway. It may be that you don't have a creative background but are looking for inspiration and want to take your career in a new direction. The network is all about sharing with other mums to hopefully learn from each others' experience and try to make our careers and family life work for us.
  6. Please do join the group if you're a mum in the creative industries. I'm organising an informal meet-up in south-east London in a couple of weeks.
  7. We went last Spring with our 3 year old and had a fantastic time, (without EuroDisney). We found that the cheapest option for us was to rent an apartment for the week and found a lovely one in Le Marais through Parisattitude.com, (also meant that we didn't have to eat out all the time). We did a lot of walking and noticed that the city is peppered with little playgrounds. Parc du Luxembourg is great - little boats on the lake, a fab children's playground, pony rides, a puppet theatre and old fashioned carousel, all in a beautiful setting. Les Tuileries is equally child-friendly. I think they also turn the Seine into a bit of a beach during the month of August too.
  8. I'm in the process of setting up a Creative Mums Network to offer support, inspiration, ideas-sharing and networking opportunities to mums working or involved in the creative industries. I'm a freelance TV Producer with 2 young children and find, like many others in similar industries, that this isn't always compatible with motherhood - be it the fact that you feel isolated, drained of creativity or that you understandibly don't want to go back to working the 60 hour weeks you were doing before you became a mum. Lots of us are having to find different ways of working and to reinvent ourselves professionally - the support and advice from mothers in similar situations will hopefully make this transition easier. If you'd like to join the network or find out more, please do get in touch or join the creative mums network facebook group - http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=96514828147&ref=ts
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