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Posts posted by geobz

  1. henryhb Wrote:


    > Our robots have

    > sophisticated obstacle detection so they don't

    > bump into anything when they're travelling on the

    > pavements in local neighborhoods.

    There will always be an edge case scenario.

    As an idea yes it fits the future, but could it work in the next 10-15 years? absolutely not! Damn I'd be going out trolling those little guys by standing on their way.. what you'd do sue me for walking on the pavement? Also as a machinery on the pavement, how does it comply with road regulations? I'd thought that the laws that determine that this thing can be on the pavement are not there yet.

  2. intexasatthe moment Wrote:


    > And if James and the OP can stop slapping each

    > other on the back for a minute they might hear

    > that banners are not wanted .


    > "by rigbydan February 16, 11:41AM


    > Thanks James, sure we'll be in touch as things get

    > moving.


    > James Barber Wrote:

    > --------------------------------------------------

    > -----

    > > This has been done really well in Herne Hill.

    > > Great idea.

    > > We tried doing this on Lordship Lane a few years


    > > back but the lampposts weren't structurally able


    > > to take the extra wind load factor. If the odd

    > > lamppost needs replacing we'll find some other

    > > funding to do that aspect to help.

    > >

    > > IF you need any help please just ask either

    > myself

    > > or Rosie."

    Who knows MR James might have something to gain out of this... When a representative comes in and says "its a great idea" while he sees that most of the people of this forum aka this community is disliking the idea and he is trying to force it upon us well someone has to think of personal gains.

  3. Scruffy Mummy Wrote:


    > I have absolutely nothing to do with this

    > initiative but well done to all who are involved.

    > It's not easy to try and do something to improve

    > our local area. I wonder how many people

    > criticising here actually get up off their back

    > sides and do anything locally at all which might

    > improve the area? I've been involved as a

    > fundraiser for charities and as a volunteer for

    > causes dear to my heart. So I do know something

    > about how these funding programmes are structured.



    > There are many, many small pots of money for very

    > specific initiatives. Often they are government

    > initiatives that are then delegated to local

    > councils - this is what this pot of funding

    > appears to be although I'm not an expert.

    > Relatively small grants like this are for ideas

    > and initiatives that provide 'additionality' -

    > they are not meant to replace core and essential

    > funding.


    > I also want to give a shout out to local

    > businesses who also support local community groups

    > and schools - many local businesses give raffle

    > prizes to local school PTA's so they can raise

    > funding for our kids, provide support for great

    > local charities like Dog Kennel Hill Adventure

    > Playground (love their recent crowdfunding

    > campaign!) and sponsor local events (e.g. Property

    > in Dulwich support Arts Week events and many local

    > estate agents sponsor school fairs). Why begrudge

    > a group of local business owners who put in a bid

    > to a fund that is specifically designed and aimed

    > at for local high streets developing awareness and

    > pride in their area????

    Sorry dear but thats why I pay the council. all ED needs is proper pavements and the rubbish pickup to become more regular again. Its not something I can actually fix by doing something other than paying this awful council tax.

    But when I hear that part of my money go to ideas that are clearly not much needed yes I get furious as most of the people around that have been walking on broken pavements.

  4. rigbydan Wrote:


    > Hi, here is not the time or place to go in to

    > particulars, though I?m sure it?s all in the

    > public domain anyway. The initiative will be

    > funded by HSC and other sources but the project

    > has not even kicked off yet so all to be agreed as

    > it develops. The aim of this thread was to recruit

    > interested parties, which it has, so I am now

    > going to bow out. If anyone want to get involved

    > then please email and I?ll try and get everyone

    > together as soon as possible.


    > TE44 Wrote:

    > --------------------------------------------------

    > -----

    > > Hi rigbydan, can you tell us how much funding

    > was

    > > been given.Thanks.

    It is the time and the place to comment. Thank you for bringing this into our attention : how the Council throws ?21k out of the window, while cutting off much needed services!

  5. MDMDPD Wrote:


    > That may be so but whether RMT / ASLEF have power

    > over train operating companies should be nothing

    > to do with us in ED with a Zone 2 station. We

    > shouldn't be dependent on private train operating

    > companies because we live in an inner city area

    > where the car is not a feasible alternative for

    > commuting.

    > We have tracks, we should have TFL trains where we

    > can hold our local government and Mayor to account

    > over the delivery of these services via the ballot

    > box.

    Completely agree with you, but if that happens how are politicians going to eat off companies? My understanding is that someone is profiting massively under the table from Southern (Govia) being where it is right now and thats the sole reason of it not being sucked.

    If I was the Gov I would ask Southern to return any profits within the past 2 years that this joke has been going on, but of course thats not going to happen.

  6. rahrahrah Wrote:


    > geobz Wrote:

    > --------------------------------------------------

    > -----

    > > ....Its like saying oh why are you

    > > blaming a man that his house got robbed while

    > he

    > > left his front door wide open... There is no

    > > victim here, just a fool person.


    > Just because one sees an open door, doesn't mean

    > it's incumbent on that person to go in and nick

    > everything. I once got home to find that I hadn't

    > shut my door properly (by mistake obviously).

    > Luckily, no one took it on themselves to empty my

    > house but if they had, I would still have been the

    > victim of theft.


    > TBH, I reckon 99% of the time, it's perfectly fine

    > to tie a dog up outside a shop. Personally I feel

    > sorry for the person whose had their dog nicked

    > and angry at the shitbag that took it.

    Lol you left the door of your house open? ... well dude what can I say, whats next? you'll go play with the lions in Africa?

    Seriously people in this forum...

  7. ianr Wrote:


    > Just checked ED departures,

    > http://www.southernrailway.com/your-journey/plan-y

    > our-journey/live-running-information/EDW/departure

    > s/, and just as well I did. The 13:06, 13:20 and

    > 13:36 to LB are all cancelled. And this will

    > presumably have follow-through effects.


    > Add: Their web page says "A line side fire has

    > caused damage to the signalling system between

    > West Norwood and Tulse Hill, resulting in services

    > towards London being diverted via alternative

    > routes. This has caused congestion, as more trains

    > than usual need to use the remaining open lines.",

    > and says that disruption is expected until 14:00.

    > So possibly things are in a recovery phase. At

    > 13:29 no trains after the 13:36, up or down, are

    > shown as affected.

    oh well... everyday Southern Rail things: Signal failures, fires, someone walking on tracks, missing drivers etc.

    Living in East Dulwich compared to e.g living somewhere with Underground is like living in Medieval times.

    Btw expect strikes to start again soon: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-sussex-38958234

  8. Borky Wrote:


    > How does this benefit the community rather than

    > the shopkeepers?

    Let me explain to you, so Southwark is cutting down budgets here and there, and the outcome is, dirtier streets etc.

    On the other hand they clearly have money to give out to initiatives like this one... Good job Southwark.

  9. Ampersand Wrote:


    > Hi James,


    > Not sure if this question has been asked already,

    > but do you know when Arriva will be replacing its

    > absurdly noisy and dirty 176 fleet? I note that

    > the 363 and 185 have recently been upgraded to

    > Enviro400s and was wondering if there we any plans

    > to replace the current 176 buses with something

    > similar?

    I can't agree more, I saw an 176 going down the street yesterday and it sounded like it was mechanically ill. The engine was very loud while trying to go down LL.

  10. Yes in order to protect yourself then create a business that its worth it...

    Most of local businesses I see are absolutely rubbish (no offense) but you live in an ERA where anyone can order anything online e.g amazon etc, for much cheaper... Either develop your business to accommodate the new ERA you live in or well go for bankruptcy.

  11. Ellis Wrote:


    > Well it looks like it is going to happen soon that

    > the Silvester Rd Sorting office will be closing in

    > todays South London Press. They cannot say that it

    > is not well used as there is always a que to pick

    > up mail and parcels. How will the elderly and

    > disabled manage not everyone can get to peckham

    > that easy and if you are picking up large parcel

    > how will that be possible. you think the ques at

    > Silvester rd are long well so are the ques at

    > peckham so how are they going to manage. How will

    > our postpeople manage if they have to bring our

    > post all the way from peckham.

    It is a step backwards... and I only see on the news ... bbc etc etc that growth is up and everything is great etc.

    How is everything great when there are budget cuts all over the place. Council is cutting down services and then closing postal offices, train services understaffed...

  12. East Dulwich keeps getting worse and worse to live in. I reckon 1 year ago Council was picking up trash way more often. Now they suddenly stop picking trash often.

    Leafs during Autumn were on the pavement and not been cared for over a month.

    We have this amazing Train service to London Bridge, that runs whenever with delays and hmm rare to see it open on weekends especially Sunday.

    We have amazing internet speed... with Virgin Media leading by oversubscribing. (Every weekend you can barely watch netflix during peak times)

    They moved the police station...

    Now they are moving the sorting office...

    Great whats next?

    Seriously been in ED for the past 6 years and the changes am seeing it feels like going from Zone 2 in london to Zone 5 or something.

  13. rendelharris Wrote:


    > Have you been to Ganapati on Holly Grove? Pricey

    > (budget about ?120 plus tip for two for three

    > courses with a bottle of wine and an aperitif and

    > digestif each) but worth every penny.

    ?120 for indian hahaha what a rip-off mate... save 5 meals and go to india yourself to eat food.

  14. rahrahrah Wrote:


    > Fundamentally, we need to address the wider issue

    > of societies attitudes to what it means to be a

    > boy / man. The idea that you must be tough,

    > aggressive.. stand your ground etc. I know it's

    > judgmental, but I do despair at some of the 'boys

    > will be boy's' type attitudes that prevail.

    Lol yes, we've heard that one, whats next? changing the way genitals work, maybe cut them off completely when a child is born and get rid of genders...

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