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Posts posted by cazfay

  1. Harrods is pretty hard/ impossible to get tickets for, unless your a Harrords card holder.

    At 16 months they don?t really know what is going on. So you could do something local like Wippersnappers in Dulwich Park. Then save the big Harrods event for a few years when they are a bit older.

    Look at places like leeds castle or Ruxley manor

  2. Hurah. At last! Positive action being taken. There are signs uk which owners ignore, and there is dog exercising track which some owners ignore. So all in all I am really pleased about this. Those who are responsible will take note of the rules and exercise their dogs within those rules. Those who don?t will get a fine.

    Some dogs off the lead are a danger to children and park users.

  3. Excellent to see. I?m now following on Instagram.

    I?ve just written my top 10 list for reducing my family?s plastic waste and general household rubbish. By end of 2018 I want to create no waste in the following areas:

    Hand soap

    Washing liquid

    Cleaning spray

    Cling film

    Sandwich bags

    Milk bottles


    Coffee cups



    Tea bags

    Well it?s at 11 now... but tea bags is an easier one to achieve!

  4. I live in SE22, this is my local sorting office and I have not received a single bit of information about this closure formally. That is appalling. I have only found out about it via this forum.

    Very cross indeed I will be expected to collect heavy and bulky items, on the bus at Peckham- I simply will not be able to manage this due to health issues.

    I have completed the survey monkey survey above

  5. Could still be the rumour mill as Dulwich Village Infants school sent this text:

    From DVIS today:

    Parent alert: Today AM there was an attempted abduction in E.Dulwich of primary sch child. Child is safe. Chdn at DVIS are being reminded of stranger danger.

    So no mention of a separate incident at DVIS.

    The message from dulwich college is:

    We have been informed by the Southwark Safeguarding Coordinator of an incident that occurred near Elsie Road, East Dulwich at 8.40am this morning. A white man in a black car stopped and tried to pull a Year 6 girl along by her cardigan. The police have been informed.

    Again a single incident (still one too many)

  6. I will be very happy to get involved trying to dispute this decision. I will literally not be able to pick up packages from Peckham. It's appalling.

    On the comments regarding the queues. There are large queues, believe it or not, before working hours, in the evenings and Saturday mornings. Funnily enough the popular times- a bit like your train to work, going to the bank, or when you go to the pub. Etc. Go at 11am on a Wednesday it's dead. It's kind of a fact of life and it's not going to be less busy in Peckham. And you'll have to travel further. It will not be any better

  7. Know when the Waitrose/ Sainsbury/ Tesco Xmas delivery slots are available and get it booked as soon as they are relased. Get everything delivered except your turkey/ meet and bread. Which you can pick up separately. You can start stocking up on Xmas pudding and sweets and nibbles in early November and often they have some excellent deals. Don't be afraid to get stuff early and store. Well by dates will be fine (but check)

    Try and get your Xmas shopping started in August(!) and finished in Early November. Don't leave the wrapping until the last minute.. It takes ages! Start wrapping in early Dec.

    We always enjoy making mince pies on Xmas eve and prep all our veg whilst sitting watching a film with some mulled wine. I like giving my son some new PJs on Xmas eve, as a lot of Xmas pics are in his PJs opening presents!


  8. I live in walking distance to tbe new proposed sainsbury and I do think it's a shame. There is a good sized sainsbury at the top of Lordship Lane, again in walking distance. I just don't feel we need this facility in the village. It will affect the newsagents, it will affect the wine merchant, it may affect the shop opposite if they sell birthday cards for example. It will affect the look of the village and ultimately it doesn't support an independent high street. It's a shame.

    I blame DE for putting rents so high it makes it impossible for independents to locate here. Gail's should have been a William Rose but they couldn't afford it, so we got an over prices artisan cafe instead.. Cause we so needed 4 cafes in the village...

    Everyone does know the pub is due to open next year? Lots of comments we need a pub.. We do have one its just being refurbished!

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