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Posts posted by Clare11

  1. The paediatric consultant at Kings has suggested that my two and a half year old have a bronchoscopy to investigate ongoing chest infections.

    I've read the paperwork and feel a little uneasy about the procedure, flushing the lung, and the pH test they want to leave in overnight as a tube down his throat. Not to mention him having a general anaesthetic.

    Just thought I'd ask if anyone else has had experience of this procedure on their toddler. How was it? How did the child react, cope. Kings are brilliant, but it's a big step having a general etc.

    We have a pre operative assessment next week and I'll be asking questions, but just thought if anyone has an experience they'd like to share.

  2. Yes, I understand things shift, but from looking over the fence from Underhill Road, it appears these particular headstones have been 'trampled' by the council works going on. I wasn't aware, but not suprised there are graves throughout the wooded area, it's just sad that no one can be bothered to pick them up and place them out of the way in their quest for reuse/destruction of the site.

    It would be lovely if someone could devise a 'vertical internment' option. Perhaps and 'tree-esque' vessel with compartments for ashes to be interned. That way the trees that are already there could be left and these structures could sit alongside them, complimenting the landscape. Loved ones could then visit their relatives/friends in a beautiful woodland setting that hasn't been raised to the ground for burials.

    Of course I do realise burials are required in some cultures and religions, but just an idea for cremations.

  3. Unrelated perhaps, but seeing the destruction of the woodland area in this cemetery breaks my heart.

    Not only because of the damage to habitat, that is a rarity in London, but also the complete disrespect of previous grave sites.

    There are many old headstones that have been turned over amongst the destruction. I guess it all comes down to money for the council, as opposed to dignity of previous graves, or management of wooded areas.

  4. The carpet itself is about 12months old, but I fear with intermittent leaks coming from the top flat in our building, it's absorbed some moisture since it was laid. It's laid on a concrete floor too as opposed to boards.

    We do try and keep the air flowing in the flat, but it can be hard in winter when it's cold.

    I fear that until the upstairs leak is dealt with (an ongoing debacle) we won't be able to be 'damp free'. We are renting and our landlord is generally concerned, but as yet we aren't free of the problem.

  5. Not sure if this is the right place to post this but I need some advice on how to kill of mould.

    Our flat has always had an element of damp, but for various reasons we can't move.

    This morning I pulled out a pair of leather shoes from under my sons cot, to find they were covered in mould. It smells mouldy under his bed, under ours. It's carpet, and I'm at a loss to know how to treat it.

    Someone mentioned clove oil, but not sure if that can be sprayed onto carpet? I have a whizz bang air purifier in the room, but I guess it's not getting spores at floor level.

    Really concerned for my sons' health, any ideas appreciated.

  6. Have just popped into the 'pop up' shop in the old 'seweastdulwich'. What a disappointment.

    Lots of lovely things for girls. Items with interesting bright fabrics, handmade feel etc.

    But for boys? Tshirts. Hmmph.

    Really tired of finding it impossible to get brightly patterned and interesting clothes for little boys. I do my best so that my two year looks like a toddler and not a 'mini man'

    Is there anywhere to get great clothes for little boys? Think I will be dragging out he sewing machine and making my own!!

  7. Why do we have a Camberwell NEW cemetery if all they keep doing is jamming people into the old one?

    They've already cleared a large swathe of the overgrown section, which looks awful.

    Perhaps people should either stop dying and wanting burials, or buy their plots from what's available.

    I hate to think of the amount of remains on top of remains that's accumulating in these reused sections.

    What happened to the 'Friends' society? I was a member of it.

  8. What on earth is going on with the fountain in the Sexby garden section of Peckham Rye? The garden itself has been really stunning this year, but the fountain has just been left to fall into ruin. The water is now covered in pond weed and has the odd drink can floating on the surface.

    I haven't seen any work going on at all to try and get it going again.

    Who can be contacted about getting it repaired as it really does ruin a lovely area of the park.

  9. Love the wording RoLo1, great suggestions too about not noticing til son did.

    We are underneath the noise so will mention the underlay, I think they have laminate.

    Most of the time the noise is fine, when they're walking about etc. It's just the sex that sounds tantric bonkers!

    That's it!

    Dear Tantric Bonkers.....

  10. Just wanted to get a gauge of how unreasonable I'm being.

    We have very noisy neighbours, whose shenanigans will regularly wake up myself and my son.

    Apart from having to tell him the 'rabbits' are awake again upstairs, I don't want to have to start explaining to my 2 year old what's actually going on.

    Am I being unreasonable to want to give them a note asking them politely to please keep it down! My husband would prefer to say nothing.

    Last night I wasn't woken by the thunder or lightning, but by the very loud racket going on upstairs at 12.30.

    Obviously they have a right to do whatever they like but as this has happened in the daytime and nighttime, waking my son from a nap on more than one occasion, I think I have a right to say something.

    But how on earth do you tell someone to keep the noise down without offending them?

    We are usually very cordial with them and I don't want to ruin that.

  11. Can anyone recommend a repair centre for Maclaren buggies? I've got a seriously dodgy wheel.

    I've got a Sovereign warranty so I believe it needs to be a registered Maclaren repairer.

    Any help appreciated. The Maclaren site appears to be being redone and I've had no response from their customer service email.

  12. I've just discovered that 'the montage' in forest hill (it's not THAT far..) has an amazing playroom near their garden. Indoors, comfy with loads of toys.

    Easy to watch little ones whilst sipping a coffee on the back verandah. All undercover.

    Also a great cafe with range of antiques for sale. Brilliant.

    Little man and I are very impressed.

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