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Posts posted by Chick

  1. Let?s look on the bright side. You are alive, you don?t have to walk miles to a well every day for water, instead you can turn on a tap and get clean cheap water, you aren?t going to die from some horrible disease like cholera, you don?t live in an earthquake zone, you can get light and heat at the flick of a switch, your children aren?t going to be killed by an invading army, you are intelligent and have the most amazing technology and you can use it, you aren?t stuck in some stinking refugee camp because of war, if you fall ill in the street people will help and send you off to hospital, your house isn?t about to be repossessed, you live in a temperate climate, I wont go on. Everyone reading this is rich and lucky and I am grateful for the part of the world I live in and the century I live in.




    Called by Stop the War Coalition, Palestine Solidarity

    Campaign, British Muslim Initiative and others.

    The tragic death of Ian Tomlinson at the G20 protests confirms

    what the Stop the War Coalition has been saying for some time;

    that the police's current attitude towards protest is

    confrontational, provocative and dangerous. In June 2008 the

    Metropolitan police banned and attempted to criminalise a

    protest at the visit of George Bush to London. They have since

    tried to bring serious charges against up to 20 participants.

    In January this year they brutally attacked demonstrators

    protesting against the Israeli invasion of Gaza. Since then

    the police have raided the homes of some of those that


    The tactics of forcible corralling - so called 'kettling',

    police assaults on overwhelmingly peaceful protestors and home

    raids on participants add up to a major attack on the right

    to protest.

    The Stop the War Coalition, the British Mulsim Initiative and

    Palestine Solidarity Campaign and others have called a protest

    at Scotland Yard on Thursday April 16th to demand action on

    these issues.

    We ask all our supporters to attend this protest.

  3. Below is a copy of my appeal letter for the same situation. In my case they dropped the ticket. Outside Somerfield?

    Southwark Parking Services,

    364, Old Kent Road,

    SE1 5AA.


    Dear Sirs,

    PCN: S087116900 VRM: KX54.

    Parking restrictions start at 16:00. This ticket was issued at 16:02. It takes almost 60 seconds to issue a ticket therefore the time window for my ?offence? is approximately 1 minute.

    To issue tickets within such a small time scale requires a time keeping device which is accurate and calibrated. I asked your attendant to show me his time keeping device expecting to see something which was perhaps time stamped by GPS or at least received a signal from the Rugby MSF atomic clock. This is a free service and timekeeping devices are cheap and readily available.

    Instead he showed me a LCD watch which I estimate would cost no more than ?1.99 from a local garage. These devices suffer from ?drift? and if they are not calibrated they are inaccurate. He explained that this device had never been calibrated. I therefore do not intend to pay this fine and wish to appeal.

    I also have photographic evidence of your parking attendant parked in Ashburton Grove both dangerously and illegally. How can it be right for your attendants to park in such a way whilst issuing tickets for being less than two minutes over time?

    Yours sincerely

  4. Greetings. My posting this morning about ?Nigel Bradford? was a spoof; there is no Nigel Bradford who drives a bus on route 185. If my spoof bears any resemblance to anyone called Nigel or Bradford who drives a bus on route 185 I sincerely apologise.

    I am amazed to see obnoxious homophobic posts describing ?p*** harbours? are allowed but mildly insulting posts about a fictional character get blocked. No offence meant to any one. Chick

  5. Mo Mowlem wasn't useless, she told Dr Reverend Ian Paisley to fcuk off.

    ???? Wrote:


    > So a useless middle class Labout politician is ok

    > but a pushy working class girl

    > isn't....yup........why don't we take the cool

    > posturing out of the equation and agree with TLS

  6. She got me too. Stopped my car on the corner of Ivydale/Inverton road last September. Very distressed crying lots sob story about a baby and milk and electricity. I got some money out to give her a tenner, she saw I had ?30.00 and insisted I give her more. She had her head in the car window by then and it was hard to get her to go away. Once bitten.
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