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Posts posted by ae

  1. I have this - or at least, it's big brother - Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (Hypermobility type).

    I had loads of problems when I was a kid (mostly my legs/shoulders) and wasn't diagnosed until I was 22. Since then I've done as much as I possibly can to keep a level of fitness that keeps things suitably taut but it's difficult.

    When I was diagnosed, I had a lot of support from the UK Ehlers Danlos group. You might find that they're able to give you some advice, or point you in the direction of a specialist that can help. I believe from some people I knew back then that you can get finger-splints or similar things to help with the problems you describe that your DS is having.

    They're at http://www.ehlers-danlos.org/

    I think there's also an EDS/hypermobility specialist at one of the South London hospitals - either Kings or St Thomases.

    Hope you manage to find something that helps.

  2. I went to see the ground/lower ground floor flat in this development back in November when we were looking around to move to ED and I'm not at all surprised that they're still on the market (whether to rent or buy). Before going I'd thought that they looked quite nice, but once I got inside it was a different story.

    When I expressed surprise at the lack of space in the living room and bedrooms and the complete and utter lack of storage, the agent said to me that he felt that the owner had been screwed by the architect and told me that the upstairs flat was even smaller!

    Quite apart from the lack of space in the rooms, the quality of the finish was terrible for the kind of look and feel (not to mention price) that the owner had clearly been going for - for example, the boiler and associated pipes and wires weren't even boxed in. It just looked and felt half-arsed and there was no way I'd have paid anywhere near the rent they were looking for to have a flat where there would have had to be floor to ceiling net curtains blocking to stop it feeling like a fishbowl.

    Good luck to whoever has (allegedly) put an offer in. I hope it suits them. It certainly didn't suit me.

  3. It's been like that for a few months now (just before Easter, I think). Seemed to close up overnight. I was going to nip in there on the way home from work one day and it was shut, and I thought it was just the Monday night closing that some Chinese Restaurants have, but since then I haven't seen it open, and haven't seen any sign anywhere.

    Bit of a shame, as it was my local, and the food I'd had from there on the two or three occasions I'd visited was actually ok.

  4. I know I'm late to this thread, but I really thought that CSI couldn't survive the absence of Grissom. That said, having watched a couple of the Lawrence Fishburne episodes I think what they've done is really clever. He has a great amount of gravitas but hasn't been installed as the expert and isn't a direct Grissom swap, so we get to see him learn and don't automatically go for the comparison, which is something I find really interesting. Also, Lawrence Fishburne is an awesome actor.

    It's certainly got my attention, and I'll keep on watching.

    CSI Miami is just utter dross, but compelling dross. I tend to watch it more for the comedy value than anything else.

  5. Even better than looking up GI diet books is GL diet books. The difference between GI (Glycaemic Index) and GL (Glycaemic Load) is that GL takes into account the portion size, because some foods that are listed as having High GI (and by extension are deemed bad for you) are actually ok when you take into account the average portion size, which can help make this kind of eating plan feel a lot less restrictive.

    I heartily recommend the GL Diet by Nigel Denby. I've bought at least three copies in the last four months, only one of which was for use by my partner and myself. I've been doing a medically monitored special diet but intend to eat following the GL guidelines when I get to my goal weight, and my other half has lost a stone and a half doing it (while living in a hotel during the week and eating in restaurants every weeknight) over the last five months, and even better, he doesn't feel like he's been on a diet.

    GL Diet on Amazon: http://www.amazon.co.uk/GL-Diet-Nigel-Denby/dp/1844541126/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1235396807&sr=8-5

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