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Everything posted by EDOliver

  1. Hi people. About a week ago I picked my car up from the garage following it's succesful MOT (phew) and descovered that ?2 was missing from the change I keep in the ashtray. I'm 99.9% sure the money was there and I know it's only ?2 but I hate the thought that some thieving little s*** has taken my hard earned cash. I bottled it at the time and drove away. I've been taking my car there for years and they've always been brilliant so I didn't want to rub them up the wrong way and potentially have to find a new garage! Would you have said something at the time or was I right to let it go?? Ta EDO
  2. Another important thread decending into a slanging match, can we not accept that people have different opinions and learn to bite our lips?? Unfortunately the lovely ED is down the road from some rather dodgy areas which harbour some VERY dodgy people so thefts/robberies of this nature will happen. Can we have a description of suspect please so I can be on the lookout - I use CP Road on a daily basis so would like to know. Ta
  3. The major basis for much of the complaint in this thread has been the speed of cars along Barry and the problems of visibility and access into and out of Underhill. I cannot see how this does anything but exacerbate this situation. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I completely agree with the above. In my opinion there is no issue with cars stopping at the end of underhill/Whately, it's clear you have to give way, but the fact that it's a nightmare pulling out once you are there. The above plans are all nice and shiney and I'm sure the end of Underhill/Whately will look lovely but it simply won't change anything. Cars will still drive far too fast along Barry and sadly accidents will continue.
  4. Seir Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I saw black Porsche Carrera parked in underhill > road tonight with same letters scratched on its > bonned Ouch that sounds very expensive! This mindless vandalism bothers me in a big way.
  5. sillywoman Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Just spoke to Sensibleman who thinks he may have > seen the boys last night. He was at Sainsbury's at > 11.30pm-ish & saw 3 youths in the Hamlets car park > calling out aggressively to 2 others walking down > toward ED. Does anyone know who he should > contact? > > Guns and knives? Goodness, it's all a bit too > frightening & a bit close to home. 0300 123 1212 - can I suggest he calls them asap!!!
  6. MrTwirly Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > perhaps they couldn't get coconuts and were > smashing bottles of Malibu? > > sorry... I'll get my coat ! Ha ha that's tickled me, good work!
  7. Barry stores on Barry Rd??
  8. rahrahrah Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > If someone's sitting in their car dealing drugs > out of their window for 3 hours, you might want to > consider reporting it to the police. I would if it was bringing a lot of trouble with it but they're pretty peaceful on the whole so it doesn't bother me -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sorry but is this a wind up? Someone drug dealing down the road from your home doesn't bother you???? So you're not bothered about someone going through your belongings whilst you're at work or your loved one having a knife put to their throat on their way back from the shops?? What do you think is at the route of most crimes..... they're not doing it to buy penny sweets!
  9. cate Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > If you were going to shoplift, would you do it in > a shop with CCTV? Quite sure I wouldn't. But you're a normal law abiding person like most others on this forum. If however, you were a seasoned criminal with a record as long as Peter Crouch's leg, CCTV probably wouldnt deter you that much. In most situations shoplifting, pick pocketing and other criminality is these peoples' businesses. It's what they do and alot of the time they're damm good at it and know how to play the legal system. If I owned a shop (which I don't) and someone was helping themselves to my stock whilst I struggled to pay the bills I'd have an A3 poster of their ugly mugs in the window. It just makes sense to me!
  10. Ow yeah always forget that it's a B road!! Haven't they got a Speed hump traffic calming type thingy further up the road heading towards to plough???
  11. Can't they just put traffic lights or a mini roundabout at that junction? Job done.
  12. This isn't a accident blackspot!!!!!!! The speeds that people drive down Barry Road at are mind boggling. The morons seem to think that a long road means you can drive at any speed and overtake whoever gets in your way. If I sit in my living room during the day I'm guaranteed to get a regular blast of car horns and skidding tyres coming from that junction and I'm starting to get a little too used to hearing the unmistakable sound of crashing cars. I heard the latest accident the other day and quite calmly looked out the window and called 999. Third time this year! Something HAS to be done about this junction because one day it will be a fatal. Southwark council you have been warned!
  13. Ren Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Thanks for the advice Oliver, were you on a night > shift fighting these criminals by any chance?! if > so, is there really a worrying increase in crime > or do you think it's being reported/highlighted on > EDF more frequently? Ren, well quessed. Not in Southwark though. I'm not 100% convinced there is an increase in crime. My personal opinion is that forums like this highlight and bring to peoples attention crime in their area which otherwise they wouldn't be aware of. However, although it can be a bit depressing, it can only be a good thing that people are being made aware of of these things and can therefore try and combat it. I actually feel really safe in E.D. It's a cracking place to live and I love the community feel to the place. I'm also impressed with the police presence in E.D and often speak to officers as they're on foot patrol.
  14. Hi all I've noticed that burglaries are a worryingly recent hot topic on the EDF so thought I'd give you guys a few tips so you're not the next victim. Traditionally as we get closer to Xmas burglaries are on the increase and 2010 will be no different. Below are a few tips and points to consider. ? timer switches. If your not home til say 6 or 7 chances are your house would have been in darkness for a few hours. Timer switches dotted around the house coming on in seperate intervals will be great deterrent. ? Windows. older style single glazzed windows can be very easy to force open. Consider investing in some internal shutters that sit behind the windows. This offers a brilliant deterrent and a real headache for burglars. ? letterboxes. Long story short, don't leave keys or valuables anywhere near or within sight of the letterbox. Burglars do use fishing rods to catch your keys from tables, hooks etc. ? doors. Fit decent locks, worth paying the money. If your door has a bolt or chain then use it! Don't leave the key in the door. Also, if your door has a glass panel(s) then how easy would it be to remove the glass and reach around to the lock? It's a common way of gaining entry. ? valuables. The most sought after items for our thieving friends are smaller items; laptops, cameras, cash and jewellery etc etc. Don't leave them on display!! Be inventive and make it as tricky as possible for them to find your belongings. ? garden gates. Taller and stronger the better. Fit top and bottom bolts and consider barbed wire. ? external lights. Loads on offer and pretty cheap too. ? cat flaps. Could you reach in and open the back door? An old favourite and still a common method. Above are just a few ideas that I can think of at 6 in the morning but there's loads of ways to prevent yourself from being burgled. Speak to your Local safer neighbourhoods team and they'll give you loads of help on the matter. Hope this is of some help and sorry for the spelling, been a long night! Stay safe.
  15. SeanMacGabhann Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > God forbid anybody should be interested in > anything other than the top 20 Sainsbo's flogs - > sheesh > > Anyway 61k a year rent - a bit prohibitive in > these times perhaps? Was just pointing out that most of the films are actually quite poor and not that great value. I actually find it v sad that an independant business is going under, seems like every High Street in the country are exactly the same.
  16. On this same(ish) topic, anyone else noticed that the clientle in the Bishop has been going down recently? Never been out in ED and felt threatened in any way but seems like there's a few rough geezers/gobby chavs now calling The Bish their own. Or maybe I'm just getting old!
  17. went in there the other day and have never heard of 99% of the films they're flogging! Want a bargain DVD? Go to Sainsburys.
  18. If there's one of them and you're on your own just tell them to "f*** off" . In my experiences these kids are totally gutless and don't want confrontation. Failing that a swift kick in the plums or shouting very loudly normally does the job! Lets show these ferral children we're not scared!
  19. Evening all. Being a new ED resident I'm currently in the process of trying to establish a regular place to get my hair cut. Somewhere that offers good value, decent chat, a smiling face and above all a good end result. Having paid ?15 at a local barbers a month ago I was happy with what I got but thought I'd see what else was on offer in ED. So, I popped in to a place that was rammed and thought I'd see what all the fuss was about. However, what I received was a 10 minute (if that) cut with an Eastern European girl that literally said about 5 words and didn't smile once. And, much to my dismay I was charged ?30 for the privilege! Is it me or is ?30 a b***dy lot to be paying for what was in essence a short back and sides? Do places really expect zero customer service and for us to keep coming back??? Anyone know a good place (?20 tops) in ED??
  20. Afternoon All. Just a quick message to warn people of an incident that occurred on the number 12 bus a few weeks ago. It didn?t involve me but my female housemate who came in at midnight hysterical about what had happened. She doesn?t really want to discuss it or report it to Police (I?ve tried to persuade her believe me) but I thought I?d warn the wonderful people of ED so there isn?t a repeat performance. Basically, she was sitting on the back of the number 12 travelling down Barry Rd. heading towards the Library when a youth, also on the back seat, obstructed her from getting out and commenced a barrage of shocking abuse. He basically called her everything under the Sun (I mean everything) and also made several violent threats which I wont go into. The youth remained on the bus (and would have presumably had to get off somewhere between Barry Road and the library) whilst my housemate barged her way off and ran home. I just wanted to share this with everyone as it makes my blood boil just writing this and thought it prudent to share with other bus users. On a more positive note, as a new ED resident I?m absolutely loving the area and wished I?d moved here sooner. Enjoy the winter sun! Oliver
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