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Atila Reincarnate

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Posts posted by Atila Reincarnate

  1. Sandperson Wrote:


    > It's certainly worked for the last few seasons.

    > :))

    Yes, in alienating him from the footballing community, well done.

  2. Sandperson Wrote:


    > Yes everyone. Stop picking on Arsenal or they'll

    > take their ball home. :))

    Or we could follow the highly adult Ferguson and refuse to talk to people.

  3. jimmy two times Wrote:


    > In the first seven years of Wenger's reign Arsenal

    > players received 52 red cards.

    Old news, but none of those lead to leg breaks as far as I know, also how many were straight red? Let's have it straight we wouldn't be having this nonsense if it was any other team managed by a British manager making the comments Le Boss has made.

  4. ratty Wrote:


    > Man's Game - get over it Gooners! :p

    Mans game, hmmmm, it may have escaped your notice but women also play this game. Yes football is a contact sport but I'm afraid having your leg/foot/ribs/arm or any other part or your body broken doesn't make you , or the player guilty of causing the break any more of a "man" and if you believe football is a "man's" game, why did you make such a fuss of Mendes getting assaulted by Thatcher. Sean, I think there are many on here who don't get the point because their team hasn't been on the wrong end of leg breaking challenges 3 times in 5 years. They'd be squealing like girls if it was their club. God knows how Ferguson would react. He already thinks every referee is against his side.

  5. jimmy two times Wrote:


    > I don't like Wenger's usual whinging, but I do

    > think this time is right. I think dinosaur

    > managers such as Tony Pulis, Sam Allardyce et al

    > will emphasize to their team in the dressing room

    > before the game that Arsenal 'don't like it up

    > 'em'

    > I wouldn't go as far to say that they will

    > encourage leg breaking tackles. But the inference

    > is there that hard challenges are the order of the

    > day. I think that will then promote the kind of

    > reckless and clumsy challenges that we witnessed

    > with Ramsey and Eduardo.

    > I watched Malaga v Barcelona at the weekend and

    > the Malaga defenders worked their socks off

    > against Barca. They never lunged in recklessly.

    > They jockeyed, pressed, diverted and closed down

    > all with great skill and they rarely dived in and

    > mostly stayed on their feet. They lost 2-1 but it

    > was an impressive defensive display as it could

    > have been a much heavier defeat. Good defending is

    > a skill.

    > For once old Vinegar face has a point.

    Glory be to God on High, someone thinks Wenger has a point. Miracles will never cease.

  6. SeanMacGabhann Wrote:


    > >

    > I'm not saying it can't be. That's why I said

    > "coincidence it may be" in my last post


    > Once is bad luck. Twice is beyond bad luck. Three

    > times and it still might be very bad luck but I

    > think some sympathy beyond saying "bad luck old

    > chap" is in order


    > And my second point stands - if it's an English

    > senior player hobbled in this way, just once,

    > no-one will be talking about badluck. The player

    > commiting that foul will be run out of the country

    > if he happens to be foreign

    Couln't agree more, it also goes back to my point about Wenger getting so much stick when he has the audacity to put his head up over the parapet and say he is unhappy that it's happened to his players as often as it has. Like I said previously, if a British mananger had been in his position, let's say Ferguson, O'Neil, Moyes et al, and had said what he has. Do you honestly believe they would get the stick Wengers received? I can't see and I'm sorry it's a case of Johnny Foreigner syndrome.

  7. SimonM Wrote:


    > Denis Compton...???!!! All the Brylcreem? And

    > didn't he also play football for a certain North

    > London side? :))

    Indeed he did, and didn't he also play cricket for England?

  8. Sandperson Wrote:


    > I know your opinon of my team and funnily enough I

    > know you aren't the only person to hate them. What

    > has that got to do with anything?


    I'm sorry you've lost me here, you seem to say on the one hand that you aren't alone in the dislike of my team and I simply replied that equally there those amongst us have the same opinion of yours, that's what its got to do with it, its quite straight forward. If you believe that the Arsenal should resort to playing the Stoke/Bolton/Hull way, I'd rather stick needles in my eyes than watch the beautiful game being reduced to a version of Rollerball.

  9. Sandperson Wrote:


    > No spittle Atila. Just an opinion. Not all of us

    > sit at our computers red faced, banging the

    > keyboard with our fists because someone doesn't

    > like the same team as us. I'm afraid it's the

    > opinon of a lot of people, not just me.


    And equally my opinion of Mancs is shared by many, why do you think my opinion of your team, or anybody elses is unique to me.In the same way that some may share your views, unacceptable as this may seem to you, they also share mine.

  10. Sandperson Wrote:


    > No answer to the argument I see just the typical

    > childish name calling.

    You accuse Wenger of complaining, as if he is the only manager guilty of this, I simply pointed out that your manager is not averse to same, hence nickname.

  11. Sandboy's spittle flecked rant against me is sad because he suports all thats unedifying about English football. Aggression over skill, physicality over guile, no wonder the English National team have won sod all in years. As long as there are people that belive football played the way the likes of Stoke, and in yester year Bolton, play the game is acceptable, then this countrys national team is destined to be remain in the footballing dark ages. Let's get an English team full of Titus Brambles, Emile Heskeys, Peter Crouchs, or people of the Dean Windass mould and we'll put the fear of god in to all comers. NOT.
  12. Sandperson Wrote:


    > That would spoil the mood of the tabloid editor

    > Atila has shouting inside his head.


    > One of the main reasons Arsenal haven't won

    > anything for four or five seasons is because

    > they've got it into their heads that teams like to

    > beat them up. They got this idea from their

    > manager. The longer Wenger perpetuates this idea

    > that Arsenal are persecuted on the pitch the

    > longer the team will be phased by teams who play

    > in a style they can't handle. In every sport I

    > applaud the players and teams who interpret the

    > rules, play within them, and use them to their

    > advantage. Teams outside the top four have to take

    > everything they can get and if that means they use

    > their phsyical strength against other teams or

    > they park the bus or they have a long throw-in

    > specialist who sends other teams into a tizzy

    > every time he gets a throw-in in their half then

    > good luck to them.


    > Maybe if Wenger, Gallas etc. etc. spent a bit less

    > time moaning about the way the opposition play

    > against them and worked on how to combat it they'd

    > be a bit more successful.

    Thought you were in ignoring mood. As for moaning, how is it the purple nosed Jock came by the moniker of Fergusmoan, coincidence perhaps?

  13. Sandperson Wrote:


    > Talking of pathetic excuses, back to ignore mode

    > for me. :))

    Yes you have that effect on most people.

  14. jimmy two times Wrote:


    > Be nice my old China. You always seem to be having

    > a go at someone :(

    Jog on psychotic hatchet boy.

  15. Of course the fact that Wenger is not a British manager and therefore incurs the wrath of all and sundry has nothing to to do with it. It is timely I guess that these words appear in todays Daily Express and sum up my feelings entirely. "I despise Tony Pullis's team play. A lot of what they did against Arsenal was outside the law and outside the spirit of sport." The challenge on Ramsey may have been unfortunate, it's nonetheless unacceptable, and by the way you don't have to prove intent to be sent off for a challenge, reckless play is also deemed worthy of a red as is use of excessive force I believe.
  16. Sandperson Wrote:


    > Yes, I was talking to Matt, that's why i quoted

    > him.


    > Shawcross is an ex-United player so I would have

    > thought that would have had something to do with

    > Fergie getting in touch with him. I expect it'll

    > have Wenger crying foul again though. Same old

    > Arsenal.

    What a pathetic excuse, if he had any decency in him he would offer his sympathies to the lad but we're talking about Ferguson here.

  17. I see that Ferguson has offered his sympathy to Shawcross in the aftermath of the leg breaking incident, and of course he will be offering the same sympathy to young Ramsey. Who's that sniggering at the back?
  18. Sandperson Wrote:


    > Ha, ha. I like the idea of Fergie's 'mates in the

    > media'. One post you slag him for not talking to

    > them and being childish the next you slag him for

    > having them in his pocket. Next you'll be claiming

    > the refs are all his mates too...oh hang on, that

    > was what you kept whinging about last season

    > wasn't it.

    I think he means you Matthew123.

  19. matthew123 Wrote:


    > The problem with a foreign Manager is they are

    > often more articulate than your typically

    > challenged British Manager and so it is assumed

    > they are in total control with their comments

    > whereas likes of old whiskey nose appears to have

    > lost the plot with his rantings and is thus

    > excused of his conveyor belt of bile by his mates

    > in the media.

    The inference being then, I'm gusessing here, is that it's a Johnny Foreigner thing. British managers can say what they like and it seen as merely venting their feelings and showing passion, whereas Johnny Foreigner is seen as being an upstart who dares to question the status quo.

  20. Ladymuck Wrote:


    > *telephone rings*


    > LM: Hello


    > Footie Fairy ("FF"): I got your

    > message...but...come on...


    > LM: so, you can't help poor old ???? then?


    > FF: *bursts out laughing and puts receiver down*

    Harsh, very harsh, but funny.

  21. Go to the carnival in Brazil, Mardi Gras in New Orleans, Drive down rour 66 in a post box red E Type jag, Oh and win on the lottery, but most of all see my boys grow into healthy happy adults, that's more precious to me than anything else.
  22. benjaminty Wrote:


    > Atila Reincarnate Wrote:

    > --------------------------------------------------

    > -----

    > > ???? Wrote:

    > >

    > --------------------------------------------------


    > > -----

    > > > Naaaaaaaah

    > >

    > >

    > > Faith is one thing, but being realistic is

    > > another. Mathematically we can win it but for

    > me

    > > it will be CSKA Fulham. At this moment in time

    > I

    > > only have one concern and that is that Ramsey

    > can

    > > make a full recovery in the fullness of time.

    > The

    > > mantra from opposition bosses after a leg

    > breaking

    > > incident, Diaby, Eduardo and now the poor lad

    > > Ramsey, "he's not that sort of player" is

    > becoming

    > > a little tedious. They must be "that kind of

    > > player" if they've commited the foul that

    > results

    > > in a leg break. Intended or not they are still

    > > "that kind of player".



    > Accidents DO happen. There were no studs up it

    > was just one of those things in my view. It is a

    > fast paced contact sport... he isn't the first and

    > most certainly wont be the last.

    Yes , and it will probably be another player who is just starting to establish himslef , as was the case with Diaby, Eduardo, and Ramsey


    > As usual utter drivel comment from Wenger ....

    > "With Diaby, Eduardo and now this... I don't think

    > it's a coincidence".

    Drivel, how so? What would Ferguson have said, or any other manager for that matter in the same position as Wenger. I venture to suggest the air may have turned blue at the very least. I wouldn't have been as diplomatic as Wenger. It's strange how all of Wengers comments are minutely scrutinised and dissected and on the wrong end of criticism, if Ferguson, Redknapp, Moyes, or the appaling Allardyce had made similar comments I wonder if you would have made the same comment, I very much doubt it.

  23. ???? Wrote:


    > Naaaaaaaah

    Faith is one thing, but being realistic is another. Mathematically we can win it but for me it will be CSKA Fulham. At this moment in time I only have one concern and that is that Ramsey can make a full recovery in the fullness of time. The mantra from opposition bosses after a leg breaking incident, Diaby, Eduardo and now the poor lad Ramsey, "he's not that sort of player" is becoming a little tedious. They must be "that kind of player" if they've commited the foul that results in a leg break. Intended or not they are still "that kind of player".

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