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little h

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Everything posted by little h

  1. nymom can you tell me more about the tennis classes you mention on a monday? B is v interested in tennis having watched a bit of wimbledon with mummy! where are they, what time and how much?
  2. thanks for this shaunag...its our third night on omeprazole so we'll see how we get on. H
  3. these ideas sound great for my toddler too - sorry to crash this thread but snowboarder, where do you do little kickers? Think b would love this and could do with something energetic to help Since his little brother arrived! H
  4. thanks everyone. Jollybaby and taper I'm trying various solutions from my gp (see my other thread up all night with windy newborn). baby e is still really suffering and cranial osteopathy just keeps popping up and I'm willing to give anything a go rather than keep seeing my poor little one in such pain and distress. Worth a try I reckon H
  5. hello I posted a thread recently about our newborn's reflux. 2 weeks later it feels like 1 step forward T steps back...he improved, then has got worse again. A couple of people suggested cranial osteopathy...Can anyone explain what this is and what it entails? And does anyone have any recommendations? I'm considering giving this a go... I can't go on on 3 hours sleep a night! Thanks H
  6. hello...no idea, i assume so as our gp is usually good - we're at the gardens. H
  7. hello all Alfter a run of better nights we seem to Be regressing again..... e Is settling on me, but ends up screaming within minutes of being put down. Back to the dr thid week.... Yak i may still take you up on pillow offer yet. also looking forward to 8 week jabs this week... Sigh...... H
  8. hello We had to put our son in a big boy bed as he started vaulting out of his cot bed when our new son arrived. We were worried he'd hurt himself so took the sides off his cot bed making It into ? toddler bed. He would also undo his grobag to do this and so that had to go too. He Was v excited about the bed but even more so about his new duvet! Unfortunately since then he has repeatedly climbed out of bed in the middle of the night. In terms of actually settling to Sleep, we've now had 3 nights where he's stayed in bed so are really hoping W?'ve cracked that, but It's taken exaclty one month....some nights W?'d be putting him back for 45 mins and back and forth ? dozen times. He can open all the doors including safety gates...not helpful. stickers and reward charts so far havent worked. Another problem, is that he used to Sleep until 7 or 730 and as soon as h? could get out of bed he stopped....Now he's up at 6, though so far today Is still asleep as i'm sat feeding our 8 week old! This has been really hard as sometimes baby feeds at 4 or 430 and after lots of winding and settling i often get back in bed at 530 or 545 then am up ten mins later to start the day....sigh. Its knackering! This might be coincidental though as seems to be happening with some of ours friends kids too... Eldest son is 2 and a half by the way. Good luck, if there's a way to make this easier i'd also like to know! H
  9. hello all dr and health visitors were great today....lots of sympathy too... Been prescribed ranitidine and gaviscon infant for e and dr was confident this would help as definitely reflux, i feel quite guilty for not taking him in sooner as dr said h?'s clearly in pain . Fingers crossed and we'll hope for improvements... She did say reflux gets worse as baby gets bigger, which is why its suddenly got worse. In meantime will try various massage/winding tips from the forum and tilt the matress until i can collect the offered reflux wedge Hx
  10. ah, my lovely hubby should be good at low lack massage...he did it for several hours on me when in labour with no 1 son :-) Sounds like lots of trial and error. Now if if could also find way of keeping toddler in bed overnight and to sleep past 6am.... Thanks everyone from me and very tired mr littleh .
  11. just discovered this thread, if anyone else has Any success stories or updates would be great to hear as just posted similar thread re my son Hx
  12. hello we do share at weekends, and last night he did from 1130 till 2and i took over again then... Tricky as he's got to Be on the ball for work... Haven't tired cranial.... E was 6 weeks early by emergency c section h
  13. was both but been just formula for 2 weeks... Is fine during the day, just seems to be night time. he settled around 430 then woke for Feed at 5...then eldest son woke at 6! Aaargh! h
  14. hello Having a terrible time with our 6 week old son, h?'s so windy and just can't settle to sleep at the moment, though annoyingly it just seems to be an evenings thing. He makes terrible noises, and sometimes spits up feed varying from tiny amount to a full projectile! Last friday i literally got half an hour Sleep as he only slept whilst being held. looks like that will happen again tonight. can anyone help? I don't know what to do and totally exhausted... (no family nearby and toddler helpfully waking in night too now). This seems to have got worse Since BCG jab last thursday but could be coincidence. Am hoping for miracle advice at 6 week check today too! infacol seems to have no effect either... Thanks for any replies! H
  15. hello Congratulations too... I too havehad been meaning to post on here about how impressed we were with our experience of kings and the nhs with the birth of our second son 4 weeks ago. Everyone was brillant, from the ambulance and emergency r?ponse people to the midwives and labour and maternity ward staff (i was rushed to hospital bleeding at 34 weeks ). I can't praise them enough and there were noticable improvements since our first son was born 2 years ago. H
  16. hello we've lost my eldest sons fave toy... its a pale Blue/grey comforter with a puppy head... a small square of fleecy fabric. If anyone has picked it up or spotted it please get in touch. We last had it in or around goose green playground between 1130 and 3 and also walked up to the park via the gardens and oakhurst grove Not looking forward to tonight if we can't find it!! Thanks H Ps comforter answers to the name of Puppy...
  17. thanks to whoeever revised this thread, we were supposed to be at our nephews christening in Chester the weekend little e decided to put in an early appearance and this had given us some great ideas! h
  18. hello Buggie thanks for the offer of pampers, we're trying naturecare baby again and the midwife has suggested we seek out huggies premie nappies. If we have no success I'll let you know about the pampers offer, thanks. molly, I can indeed confirm that you're not an eco warrier or cloth nappy obsessive , but are in fact a very nice lady who likes babies and real nappies :-) the bimbles sound amazing and after 2 full changes of clothes over night last night I'd like to know more... I was worried about the washing and drying but can it be any worse than constant laundry of babygrows and sheets!? I'll give you a shout... hx
  19. hello all thanks for all this feedback, we,re currently trying the pampers micro and we'll see how we get on... he's 5lb exactly but they still seem really big. he'll grow into them... I'll be saying that quite a bit i think. Hx
  20. hello all our new son was born almost 6 weeks early and at 5lb is v small - though after reading the other premature baby thread on here tonight I realise he's doing really well. He's one week old tonight! Does anyone have any suggestions for nappies? We've tried naturecare baby and pampers and they're leaking like crazy. I'm having to keep disturbing him to change all his clothes bless him. Each feed seems to be accompanied by a full change of clothes and moses basket sheets! Thanks Helen
  21. hello My son didn't react at all at the time, I was quite worried about it and he didn't even flinch when they gave the jab. I was really surprised. Over the next 6 months though he developed a lump which got bigger and bigger and though wasn,t causing him pain or discomfort it did burst rather unexpectedly - horrible green puss everywhere, it was really grim. It then took several months for the then much smaller lump to disappear. Now, over a year later he has a small scar. Helen
  22. i've booked an appointment for this after christmas, was the first i could get. I'm 15 weeks. I've been undecided but my husband heard big piece about it on radio 4 this morning and he's now really pleased i'm going for it as they talked about how awful flu risk is for pregnant women, in fact they were suggesting anyone showing symptoms over xmas should go straight to hospital. The take up has been much lower this year as gov didn't run annual awareness campaign. I've also had really awful cold and sinus pain for 2 weeks, which i'm now over but really wiped me out and i just can't imagine copimg with flu and looking after my 2 yr old! H
  23. Hello poor thing, and poor you too - migraines aren't fun for anyone. I'm a long term migraine sufferer and mine started when I was 13 - when I started my periods. for many years they were definitely linked to those and girls do seem to be more prone to migraines partly for this reason - if your daugheter is starting puberty then this could be a real cause. If my period was late, I'd have a real stinker of a migraine and my mum often had to come and get me from school. It is worth watching for patterns to see if there's anything you can do to predict or prevent her attacks. Particular foods (cheese for example) can trigger attacks and also irregular sleep patterns - too much or too little - can do so too. Its not the same for everyone and can take time to learn how to manage attacks and spot when one is starting. With reference to the sleep, for me in recent years my attacks are prompted by a combination of lack of sleep, hunger, and stress. My vision is the first thing to go, and it may be you can help your daughter spot when she's getting an attack and then help her to manage it. She may stop getting migraines as quickly as they started. Good luck, and if there's anything you want to ask feel free. H
  24. hello my 21 month old is doing this too and has been for a while. I take whatever he's thrown away for him and he's not allowed it back until later. This seems to be working though he's just started checking food around, which he never used to do and it's driving us both potty. I suspect this is a new habit from nursery but you never know. I feel like I need some discipline tips! Most of the time he's a sweetie though. Oh we're also having a 'mine!' phase.... H
  25. hi my brother bought my son a really lovely personalised passport cover. he's a pilot so really seemed an appropriate gift from him and I felt quite emotional when I opened it thinking of all the places he might visit in his life. A very original gift that will last a lifetime, probably with a brief pause in his teenage years when he'll think it's not very cool! H
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