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Posts posted by RichH

  1. Cora Wrote:


    > Anyone know what this is about...

    They may be referring to the River Effra which, although now part of the underground sewer system, isn't very far away and has been known to "rise up" on occasion after particularly heavy downpours.

  2. Just to provide a balanced picture, the share price may be "well up on 6 months ago" but only after recovering from an all time low, having plummeted around 80% since its peak in May 2018. It's currently hovering around where it was when the shares were first sold. So perhaps Royal Mail wasn't "sold off cheap" after all but for about the right price. Shareholders rely on Royal Mail too you know. It's not some sort of capitalist conspiracy, apart from the institutions who subsequently shorted the stock maybe.

    As for me, I've been getting post most days. Sadly, around half of it has not been for me but for neighbours or people with the same house number but who live on nearby streets. So, I've been out and about re-delivering mail several times this week. Not sure I'm getting much value from my Royal Mail shares given that I'm having to do part of the job myself for free :-/

  3. I've witnessed multiple cat vs. fox confrontations over the years. So far the cats have a clean sheet :) Usually it's a case of a young, inexperienced fox investigating a strange new creature they've not encountered before and the cat then giving it a short, sharp lesson in social distancing. Perhaps humans have something to learn from cats in that regard ;)
  4. exdulwicher Wrote:


    > That's a pretty disgraceful attitude to be honest

    > and it's the reason that so few people are willing

    > to try cycling or they try it and are put off

    > almost immediately.


    > If/when you're subject to a close pass, a driver

    > yelling at you to pay road tax or use the cycle

    > lane, if you're having to fight for roadspace in

    > amongst trucks and buses, you don't think "gosh, I

    > should become a better cyclist".


    Rubbish. Your lack of confidence riding on the road is your problem, yet you expect everyone else to change just to suit you. And did it ever occur to you stop and consider why you were shouted at? Might it have been something you did to provoke that response? After I learned to drive I got shouted at because I lacked experience and made plenty of mistakes. The answer is not to blame everyone else but to gain more experience (perhaps take a bikability course or one of those Saturday rides malumbu mentions) then you'll be a better rider and wont feel so intimidated riding in traffic. Motorists aren't out to get you!

    When you learned to swim you didn't blame the water for your initial lack of buoyancy and expect it to change did you? :)

    Anyway, my point has been made and I shan't comment further on this thread as I have no real interest in promoting one form of transport over another or initiating yet another pointless bikes vs cars argument. I don't particularly care who rides or drives what provided that:

    1. It's legal

    2. They're competent

    I suspect that a Monkey (the name of the poster to whom I was originally replying) riding a bicycle on the road fails both conditions [JOKE!] :))

  5. As no one else has commented, perhaps I can suggest some possible alternatives to what otherwise seems like a rather expensive solution. I confess I didn't know what a "SAD Lightbox" was until I had a look online.

    Have you tried "daylight bulbs"? They're what artists and photographers sometimes use in their studios to replicate outdoor light. They're not terribly expensive and a few of these about the house might help.

    Do you spend a lot of time staring at a computer screen, laptop, tablet, mobile phone? Then perhaps try making the display and background/wallpaper more blue. Ideally "daylight" blue.

    Aim for a colour that's RGB 64,156,255 or Hex 409CFF. The same colour as the attached picture.

    Might at least be worth a try (if you haven't already) before spending more money.

  6. As @seenbeen says you're likely to only get pennies via the likes of Music Magpie.

    I used to buy job lots of records at auctions, estate sales and the like even though there might be only one or two records in the collection I'd be after.

    So how about going down the eBay route after all but dividing your unwanted collection into job lots of, say, 100 CD's each, making sure there's some rarer and more desirable stuff within each lot? Obviously you'd need to describe each disc carefully noting things like deleted items, signed items, promos, Japanese discs with obi strips, limited editions and other rarities etc. but that's nowhere near as bad as the hassle of selling each disc individually.

    Double check for any potentially really valuable items of course and, if you still want to sell those, have a look at Discogs.

  7. MrsMcC Wrote:


    > This is from the website I posted above:

    > https://actionagainst5g.org/wp-content/uploads/202

    > 0/04/kompetenzinitiative-ev_study_bees-birds-and-m

    > ankind_04-08_english.pdf

    That paper is 47 pages of conjecture and false-assumption and provides little to no evidence of anything at all. It's also old and has nothing to do with 5G.

    My conclusion is that the author's surname is an anagram.

  8. Surely being relatively sealed within a metal and glass box (eg. a car) is effectively social distancing whilst walking/cycling in the open air isn't. And the only reason why relatively increased car use might cause "gridlock" is because they've already taken away much of the previously available road space.
  9. Penguin68 Wrote:


    > And as for the Southwark 'peak' - deaths are being

    > registered for these statistics where they occur,

    > I imagine - Southwark has a very important

    > hospital in Kings and it is quite likely (I have

    > no figures for this, but it's a reasonable

    > assumption) that people are dying in Kings who

    > aren't Southwark residents. So the actual

    > Southwark figures may be less (other boroughs with

    > high rates are also hosts to key hospitals, I have

    > noticed).

    Kings is in Lambeth, not Southwark.

  10. No idea what relevance it has, if any, to the BMW with the open window, but it's a line from a song called "747 (Strangers in the Night)" by NWOBHM (New Wave of British Heavy Metal) band, Saxon.
  11. Do you really need to buy a solution? Surely you could make something suitable. Why not just take an old pillow case and strategically stuff it with packing material from deliveries like bubble wrap, padded envelopes etc. plus maybe some old clothes, dusters, rags and so on. That should support you better than a normal pillow and not cost you anything. If you want it to be triangular, just insert some folded cardboard from an old delivery box and use that to make a triangular frame.

    It may not look pretty, but it would work.

  12. Sue Wrote:


    > So the police are going to wait until this person

    > commits a "serious" crime?


    > That's reassuring. Not.


    > Or maybe they need to get a new spokesperson .....

    Not quite. I read it as the Met Police *Press Office* saying that they don't have the time to help a local paper with a local story about local and relatively minor offences as they have bigger fish to fry. Not the *Police* saying they don't have time to investigate the issue.

    But, yes, their Press Office might have phrased their response more tactfully.

  13. Sue Wrote:


    > ...last time I connected with a USB

    > cable but nevertheless they seemed to

    > automatically synch.


    Ah, sorry, I now see your point about not wanting to automatically synch the whole lot! My MotoG phone doesn't synch automatically so I guess it might be something you set up in the past. If your laptop is Windows 10 (and possibly Windows 7) you could try looking at the following (on the laptop, not the phone):

    1. Go to "Settings"

    2. Phone

    Is your phone listed in "Your phone"? If so, you might want to remove it.


    1. Go to "Settings"

    2. Select "System"

    3. Select "Shared Experiences"

    4. Turn off "Share accross devices"

    Lastly, on Windows 7 and 10 have a look at the "Autoplay" settings:

    1. Open Windows Control Panel

    2. Search Control Panel for "autoplay"

    3. Look for removable/phone devices that have automatic actions enabled and either reset them or change them as appropriate eg. to "Take no action".

  14. Pretty much as described above, but the specific steps (if you don't receive any automatic prompts) are:

    1. Plug in USB cable

    2. Go to "Settings"

    3. Scroll down to "Connected devices"

    4. Select "USB"

    5. Select "Transfer files"

    Now, on your laptop, you'll find a "Moto G" device/drive where you can select and copy your photos and paste them to your laptop drive.

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