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Everything posted by drewd

  1. I have just checked out the map linked above. The wards beginning with the word Dulwich plus the Peckham Rye ward all have electorates of less that 8000 compared with the majority of other wards in the borough that seem to be around 11000. I can see a certain cohesion and logic to the new boundaries from a geographical point of view but I find it surprising that areas that might have more day to day challenges that need the support of councillors might have to compete more for their attention. I will be living in (on?) Dulwich Hill.
  2. Very interesting point from James about wheelie bins needing to be stored off the pavement. I would say that about half the residents on East Dulwich leave them out on the pavement permanently. And yet, despite the fact that there are so many bins to choose from, there's still plenty of litter. A visitor of mine from overseas couldn't understand the massive number of bins on the street. I would like to see some targeted reminders at people who leave their bins on the street. What James says about the benefits on keeping the bins off the pavement does not to be a widely understood one. Leave them on the pavement / don't bother to learn the days they need to be brought out seems to be the cultural norm these days in London.
  3. Patrick was due to go into hospital on 21 December. When I went past on the bus today I saw that much of his bedding that had been in his makeshift hut was out on the pavement.
  4. People are giving the journalist student an unnecessarily hard time for being polite enough to ask permission to quote some posters. He should just go ahead and plunder this thread for quotes from you ungracious people.
  5. These two buses are super-useful and I wish they were more frequent. They are always busy - especially the P4.
  6. I found a licence on East Dulwich Road today at 6pm. I will mail it to the non-London address printed on the licence. Just posting here in case the person who lost it thinks to check here.
  7. Trees are great. The more the merrier. Oblivious parents wrapped up in themselves and without the manners to allow others to pass or to say thank you when given room - not so much.
  8. Yes. It came back about 6pm. Yay. High five. Water for everyone.
  9. Yes. still no water on Overhill Rd. The resolution time keeps pushing back and the twitter feed is now talking about distributing bottled water.
  10. The post with the Black Spot sign inserted is the most ridiculous thing I have heard in a very long time. Did this forum do some kind of deal with the Daily Express to double up as one of their comments pages?
  11. The opening poster raised a serious issue that several people were able to relate to. I would never have known others felt uncomfortable at Mem's the way I did unless he had posted because I don't know enough people locally to have chats about the merits of different barbers. That's one of the good things about this forum. I hope the thread has warned people to avoid the place - or given them the courage to be assertive about demanding more respect as customers. It's a real shame it got hijacked by the other stuff. (and no, referring to someone by their immigrant status is not very cool.)
  12. I really hope that this issue can be sorted out by the management of the centre asap. I think the improvements since Everyone Active took over are wonderful. The place is SO MUCH CLEANER. I never saw a cleaner when Fusion ran the place. The changing rooms were a s--thole to be honest. Now I see the cleaner all the time and it delights me. But the privacy issue definitely needs sorting out.
  13. I had my haircut at Mems once and also felt less comfortable there than at other barbers in ED. There was definitely a very blokey macho banter going on between the barbers. Most barbers are smart enough to read people and know what to say and not to say to customers or in front of customers. Those two in Mems - not so much.
  14. IMHO stands for "In my humble opinion." I think that the "H" is a bit unnecessary and perhaps not totally accurate in all cases :-) I did the tour on Saturday and enjoyed it. I have lived nearby for a long time and it was fascinating to see the site from the inside. It gave me a greater appreciation for it and it is better maintained that I expected. The views are great. I think it would be cool to live near the top - but I think the slow lift might get a bit tiresome. The stairs aren't an option unless you are an olympian.
  15. Thanks Gaynor. Good point about the insurance. I need to look into that.
  16. I am currently getting quotes for double glazing for my 3rd floor flat in SE22. Two large suppliers/installers have said I need scaffolding and have quoted for it. Another smaller company has said they can install the windows from the inside, making the quote much lower. I'm not sure what to do. One of my windows is a large structural bay and I am wondering if it will be harder to do a good job if all done from the inside. I wonder if anyone knows whether installing windows from the inside in a 3rd floor property is a bad or good idea and whether there are any risks? Very grateful for your advice.
  17. New Wave, Your description of Lewisham pools totally fits the East Dulwich pool. The wet side changing room stinks.
  18. If you can clean the changing rooms regularly and maintain the gym equipment and lockers, that would be super-great!
  19. Totally agree with you LoulaRose about Overhill Road. It makes me sick having to walk down the road. I contacted Councillor Andy Shawcross about the problem last year and he was helpful about trying to do something about it (which entailed reminding street cleaners they are supposed to clean it up and spraying some dog litter notices on the pavement). But the problem seems to have got bad again. Maybe someone got a new dog for Christmas - someone who shouldn't have one because they aren't willing to take responsibility for it. The DNA registration needs to be mandatory - both for this kind of problem and so owners who abandon their dogs can be prosecuted.
  20. I totally agree with KikiMac about the taps. The plumbing at the Leisure Centre has been a disaster almost as long as it's been refurbished. And then there is the fact that the changing rooms are filthy most of the time. The men's wetside changing room nearly always stinks of urine.
  21. Google is a wonderful thing: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=bye+felicia
  22. Thank you BicBasher and Penguin68. Both of those practices are options for me.
  23. Monkey. Thank you for the recommendation! Unfortunately I just checked my postcode on their website and am outside their catchment area. I am at the far end of SE22 on the way to Forest Hill.
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