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Everything posted by toomuchchocolate

  1. Does anyone have any idea why Peckham Rye childrens park has been closed this weekend? My son loves going in there to play on the swings and climbing frame and at one year old knows where we are as soon as he sees the gate...so he was very upset when we could not gain access yesterday or today. We went to Goose Green but its just not the same.
  2. - blind and curtain cords (shorten them) - radiators (when in use) - toilet seat (apparently nice to get your chops around when your know no better!) - doors (might slam on baby so get those things that wrap round door edge to prevent full closure) - heavy books that can be pulled off shelves and land on little toes (actually anything heavy..ditto) - freestanding lamps (that can be pulled over) - drawers (that can shut on fingers) - floorboards - make sure there are no little nails sticking out as that's not kind on little knees - lightweight furniture that might tip up/over when grabbed erm...pretty much the list is endless but since you can't keep baby in am empty room you just have to be there to teach baby what is safe and what is not and maybe after the 1000th time of saying he/she might just remember not to teeth on that wire!! best of luck, and just think how much more fun it will be when baby can reach up higher!
  3. i've just read this too and am not at all surprised. i used to be a cyclist and now i ride a scooter - carefully and within the rules of the law. I have the same experience of white vans, coaches (including Clarkes) etc as cyclists. i've been tailgated (every day when i rode a slower scooter), i've been undertaken, overtaken within inches, had people deliberately swerve into my path (apparently that's funny??)....all usually because i haven't been riding fast enough for the drivers....then of course i would overtake them at the next lights! This would give me the opportunity to note the company name on the side of the vehicle...then i'd spend the rest of my journey desperately trying to remember the numberplate. It was great stress relief to phone each company and drop their dangerous drivers in the doo-doo with the bosses. One time i even had flowers, chocolates and a card apologising for the drivers behaviour - as well as assurance that he had been severely disciplined (i got the impression he was sacked)...but then the driver explicitly shouted at me that i hadn't been riding fast enough and if i didn't get out of his way he'd run me over and kill me. (nice). All things i'm sure my one year old son would appreciate.
  4. i'm afraid they'll need a lot more than one washing up bowl of water each day. If they are big/old trees it may not be this years dry weather that has killed them. I'm told it takes a long time for trees to die, so they could have been dying since last year or even the year before. it's a great shame. Trees are great.
  5. Pilates. Pilates Pilates - can't say it enough. Other than pushing baby around the park - sometimes for 1-2 hours in those early days of only sleeping in the pram. Walking and pilates is ALL the exercise i've done this past year. My body won't allow me to do much other exercise unfortunately. My stomach is almost as flat as it was before pregnancy and my hips and bottom are actually slimmer (please don't hate me!!). I haven't dieted at all since i don't believe in diets, however like most new mums i did have days when i would forget to eat until 4pm except for biscuits and cups of tea! But the pilates has made my core muscles strong and that has pulled in the flabby bits or something - i put on 4 stone in my pregnancy so i did have a lot of weight to lose.
  6. (shiver) have closed all windows
  7. I guess it's been hot. There seems to be an abundance of giant flying ants today. I think they're ants...they're big. Creepy.
  8. I saw Heather from Eastenders driving down Kelvington Road last Friday morning.
  9. Hi James, THey stopped at 7 no need to complain about the noise from the fair. The only noise i found annoying was all the idiots honking their car horns because they weren't able to leave the park in an instant, but i guess there's not much can be done about that. Will the South American festival be back on the Rye this year? I love that one - fantastic atmosphere.
  10. It's a shame you missed the appointment due to a crap tube and that someone said there was a one minute rule - this seems strange, since i have heard them tell people if you are more than 15 minutes late your appointment is lost. This is fair enough. Your argument that just because doctors earn ?x amount they should be expected to wait around after hours isn't particularly balanced. Why should the doctor hang around after hours just in case a late appointment shows up - not fair on the medical staff who may have a family to get home to or a life to lead outside of work. If you miss an appointment and must see a doctor then there is always the out of hours surgery run through SELDOC or alternatively A&E is a bus ride away
  11. I'm glad i'm not the only one who is annoyed by this. I love dogs, but i don't when people don't clear up after them. I'm sure most do, but the few who don't just make everyone else look bad. I too have pushed my pushchair through street ons dark and/or rainy winter afternoons when the poo is disguised. Cleaning poo off a pushchair wheel is very difficult when you live in a flat and do not have an external water source to hose down. The idea of clearing up poo for someone, following them and smearing it over their front door has crossed my mind, but i figured that it might be taking things a bit far!! humph! Fuschia, that is so shocking that someone allows their dog to do that. he chemical stuff sounds like a good idea, but i'd be tempted to catch the crime on camera and have the owner prosecuted. If it's not your doorstep, they will move on to someone else's...unless it is a fox!
  12. ...is it just me or is anyone else fed up having to tell dog owners to clear up their dogs mess? Example: this morning walking across the Rye a well spoken lady wandering along on her mobile phone - too busy to keep an eye on her dog and notice it fouling near the path. I let her know what had happened but she was too flustered and because she hadn't seen it happen said she would never find it now!! I might have expected this response from an embarrassed teenager, but not from a grown woman. I told her roughly where it would be and said she ought to try to find it...meanwhile her dog was making more mess near the cafe. I don't know if she did clear it up as i had to rush off, but this is despicable behaviour from anyone in this modern age, but more importantly in a park that is used by all age groups and where we want our children to run around safely without the fear of them falling into a pile of dog poo! Dog owners, please be responsible and clear up after your pet. rant over
  13. ooh the oats idea sounds great as our little boy also has eczema and at the moment he loves to suck the water off the flannel, so i don't really want to put Oilatum in the bath anymore! We're using Epederm at the oment but it sesms to have stopped working so i'll be taking on board all these tips and trying some of the suggested things. thank you for this thread.
  14. fantastic tips from everyone. i'm just bumping this back up to the top so i can find it when i need it in a few weeks. Special thanks for the birth stuff...gulp!:-$:))
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