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Posts posted by Sally81

  1. I'm so pleased to see this thread and read that my dinner offerings to my son are quite similar to other people's!! I have such guilt about his food. My son is a fussy eater and takes AGES to eat any meal, so although I try very hard to get him to try new things, I have to stick to the things I know he likes seeing as it can take him about 40 mins to eat a meal he loves and more than hour if it's something new that he doesn't really want!

    So, mine loves tuna pasta as others have mentioned and I mix with with some broccoli and peas as these are the only two veggies he likes.

    He does like fish more than meat which is good so I think frozen salmon or white fish fillets are good and pretty quick...especially the ones you can get in the bag that go in the oven like that. (i serve with mash, or a bit of rice and veg)

    Omelettes are another good quick option for me, usually quite plain for us - so with a bit of cheese, sometimes ham and always peas or broccoli.

    Bolognese for us too. It's pretty quick to make and I have stopped using the jars of sauces and I use loads of fresh toms or whatever needs using up from fridge plus a tin or two of plum toms.

    If I do him a frozen pizza I always add broccoli to the top.

    One of his favourites, which I make and then split into batches is fish pie. There's a bit of cooking involved but it's pretty quick and once you have a few frozen they are a brill easy meal. I buy a fresh fish mix,cook with very finely diced onions, maybe a bit of leak (but he'll moan if he finds them of course) and cook with some creme fraiche or similar. Then I mash white and sweet pots together and whack on top.

    Another tip I have found for getting carrots into him is to buy tinned ones. They are really soft so I mush them up and add them into things - especially the mash for the fish pie.

    Mine is not a big meat eater but i've had success with turkey mince meat balls. I just ball the mince up almost dry fry and serve with penne pasta and a some tinned tomatoes.

    Also...he often has frozen fish fingers/fish cake or some sort of frozen chicken steak in breadcrumbs.....Does everyone else?? I always feel guilty giving him these, especially when a friend tells me how she makes her own all the time!!

    I think what makes feeding them hard also is that although I'm sure we would like the whole family to sit down together and eat, it's just not always practical and that's what i struggle with. My 4yr old needs his dinner pretty early, I'm sure this must be the case with other families.

  2. This sounds great, thank you.

    I was going to post something as my son will start reception in September and as far as I know he does not know any other children that will be starting GG. I'd love him to have a few friendly faces around so if anyone else is in a similar position and fancies meeting up over the summer so the kids can get to know each other a tiny bit I'd really appreciate it! Drop me a PM if so. Hope to hear from you!

  3. Sorry, bit of a bore me, snore me post but...

    I'm thinking of switching energy companies but wary of ending up with one that are a pain in the you-know-what to deal with.

    I'm currently with British Gas, I don't find their customer service too bad but reckon I can save a lot by switching...there's loads out there though offering better rates.

    Npower are said to be avoided at all costs.....any others, does anyone know? Or anyone had good experiences they can share? people generally only to take the net to write bad reviews.


  4. Thank you for replying everyone. It's good to have read a few opinions from each side. Obviously my main concern would be receiving some bad news and him being there to hear etc. That does worry me. I know he'll be okay with the boredom/ waiting/behaving issues (just about!) so on balance I think I will take him. It's good to hear that others have done exactly that and the staff seem happy. I called the Harris birthright centre and was told it's perfectly fine to bring him. Fingers crossed it's a positive experience for all of us. Thanks again.
  5. Hi all,

    Has anyone taken an older child along to the 20 week scan at Kings?

    Firstly, does anyone know if kids are allowed?

    I've been thinking of taking my 4 year old but now not so sure. He's really good and I'm confident he'll sit and be well behaved/quiet etc. I thought it would be nice for him to see that this brother/sister we keep going on about is really there!

    But now I'm wondering if it will be frowned upon? Or worse, they won't let him in!

  6. Hi all,

    wondering if anyone has used the chico next to me crib/cot or the mamas and papas Snuzpod, or something similar?

    I want something for baby number 2 to sleep next to bed in without me having to get up and down all night long (barring all unavoidable newborn reasons I might have to get up and down for all night long anyway!). My last baby was a whopper and I'm thinking this one will be too so need something spacious for it to last the optimum length. I like the look of the Chico Next2Me for this reason...but has anyone used anything else?

    Thanks for any advice.

  7. That's awful Bailey84. Hope you're OK. I live very near there and the place you describe is a funny little stretch of road. It's very dark for some reason on that side, and gets a bit narrow in parts. I have often made the point of staying on the other side when walking in the dark along there. Do report him (you may well have done already) as it is very true that these types of attacks often spur them on to do others and to go further. But don't stop running and enjoying being outdoors despite your very horrible experience.
  8. I'm not going to argue with you KidKruger because it's pointless. I have no idea how my view is twisted and yours, in which you appear to be trying to put into some sort of perspective, the actions of a man with a sexual interest in children, is not.

    > If the Reverend looked at such images then he

    > contributed to exploitation of children.

    > If he did not physically abuse children himself

    > but did extract excitement from the images he

    > viewed then presumably he had made a conscious

    > decision to either limit his interest or maintain

    > the care of those he came into contact with.

    > I don't know all the facts, as most of us surely

    > don't. Of course there is potential for more to

    > come to light, as in any such case, but let's hope

    > for no physical abuse of individuals before

    > listing the damage done to them.

    The connotation I took from your comments above is that him viewing child abuse is somehow not as bad as him physically abusing children. I am sure you will tell me that that is not what you're saying but it does come across strongly that way and I happen to disagree.

  9. Now it's being suggested we're to congratulate this guy for 'limiting' his perversions to only watching the abuse of children, perhaps what, in a bid to make sure he didn't act out his fantasies on any real children? You seem to be missing the point KidKruger that the children in the films he had been accessing are real children, sexually abused and filmed for the pleasure of people like him. For goodness sake what on earth is wrong with you all? Would his defence have been 'oh but I didn't touch anyone, I just watched.' I know it can seem that many of the comments here are over emotional but it is an emotive subject when someone so central to a community and loved by so many is discovered to have had a dark side which most would be repulsed and devastated by. It's not a subject most will just shrug their shoulders over. Those of you who feel the need to bring measure, I understand where you're coming from but it is maddening when you try to defend the indefensible.
  10. I am utterly shocked at those of you trying to push his actions aside as 'personal

    Issues'. You think the impulse to view children being abused is merely a 'personal issue'? I'm not sure you understand what he was doing?? He knew it was wrong, so wrong in fact he appears to have killed himself. I'm too angry and disgusted to write a coherent response but admin, yes, perhaps this thread should be removed as, if it is offensive to anyone, it is offensive to victims of child sex abuse and others affected by it.

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