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Everything posted by fottos

  1. Not too many, thankfully and what damage they have done has been rectified. What is more concerning are the "useful idiots" who get manipulated by our elected office holders. Some community spirited person must know him Rockets Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Have the idiots been out again, targeting the > anti-LTN signs? > > https://twitter.com/MaggieBMedia/status/1421375069 > 432029185?s=19
  2. Seen a few of these around but havn't worked out who or what's it about. Resized
  3. funnylookingowl Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Those signs down East Dulwich do look a bit tatty > to me. And pointless, the government/TFL etc etc > are not going to care about some signs on houses > of millionaires who are upset that traffic is > driving past their houses, on a road which that > was designed exactly for. Millionaires?? You must be joking. The great majority of houses on EDG are sub-divided into flats and you won't find many millionaires there. Not sure what you mean by tatty. There are 2 or 3 which have been interfered with and may not be vertical but they still get the message across. They must be effective if plonkers like this want to remove them.
  4. Sure, we can all do our bit to reduce carbon emissions. So let's start by reducing imports of Chinese made goods. China is by far the biggest producer of CO2 and they are doing nothing about reducing CO2 levels. They build one massive new coal powered power station every 10 days. China's strategy has resulted in destruction of swathes of production capacity here in the UK - partially due to their use of cheap polluting power generation. The UK cannot compete because of the high cost of electricity here and other restrictions related to CO2 reduction. The world's biggest CO2 producers... China (28%) Rest of the World (21%) United States (15%) India (7%) Russia (5%) Japan (3%) Germany (2%) Iran (2%) South Korea (2%) Saudi Arabia (2%) Indonesia (2%) Canada (2%) Mexico (1%) South Africa (1%) Brazil (1%) Turkey (1%) Australia (1%) United Kingdom (1%) Poland (1%) Italy (1%) France (1%) Here in the UK we our meagre 1% output and being made to meet all manner targets by means of many ill-thought out plans - such as heat pumps which grossly inefficient and impractical in a city environment.
  5. There are many different free apps or plugins to do this. The key search words are "carousel" + "slider" + "web page" Much depends on how your web site has already been formed. Most are developed using a proprietary theme rather than write raw code. I use Theme Fusion's Avada theme. If you want to go another way ypou can create amp4 file to ri=un on a loop. You can craete this with a variety of free video editors such as Videopad.
  6. The interesting thing is that this guy wasnt obviously drunk and he did look up at the cameras several times! Someone surely can recognise him. If so please send a PM and we will let the police know. Result was dents and scratches in the roof and bonnet. The signage is neither here or there but we just cannot have people like this damaging cars. There's enough vandalism to cars already without this type of behaviour. Please assist.
  7. Hidden away in Southwark's document is their estimate that the cost of re-opening Rye lane is ?200,000 !!! The could have saved that by not closing it in the first place. Similarly , 2 years ago they re-worked the Dulwich Village / Calton Avenue junction at a cost of ?500,000 only to close it completely after 6 months because of LTN. Similarly the re-worked the EDG/Townley Rd junction at a cost of ?400,00 only to close it a year later becaus of LTN. Needless to say there are other such blatant examples of wasted money within the Borough. This Council is seriously INEPT and a good clean out is required next May. https://moderngov.southwark.gov.uk/documents/s100450/Report%20Reopening%20Rye%20Lane.pdf > > https://moderngov.southwark.gov.uk/mgIssueHistoryH > ome.aspx?IId=50026987
  8. DulwichCentral Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > No just pointing out your ridiculous attempt to > equate: > - oil poured on planters, spray paint on road > signs, fly-posting on all roads in the area, > personally insulting stickers placed on people's > front doors and elsewhere on their private > property - naming them! - personally insulting > posters on lampposts revealing private addresses - > and naming again! - repeatedly destroying plants > from planters.. What do you expect when the council act like a totalitarian state? Plus there's always two sides in situations like this. Your comments are unfounded speculation whereas we have irrefutable video evidence of vandalism by the Pro-LTN activists. Have a look at this:- Male about 5' 9" Receding Hairline Aged 30 - 40 Medium build Back pack Shoes with light coloured soles Beige 3/4 length coat Incident took place at 1am Probably not the same imbecile, but another inside the perimeter of a a front parking area was damaged by someone removing a sign. If you think you can assist with identifying this vandal please send a PM
  9. The closure of Gilkes Place is illegal and was carried out under two Southwark Council notices which stated reasons hat were groundless. The first was a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) which is intended a made TRO for carrying out works on the Highway, for example a road closure, where the works are planned. The second was an Emergency Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (ETTRO) which is intended to cover emergency works on the highway e.g. a burst water main or sink hole. An ETTRO is similar to a TTRO but where the works are urgent and unplanned. Both were invalid because there has been no works carried out nearby for the last 3 months. When Southwark could not refute this, they said it was part of the LTN consultation which it never was! To do what they have done they should have issued an experimental order and carried out a consultation. Southwark are without doubt a law unto themselves and can be equated to a totalitarian regime. Joe Public and other members of the chattering classes just dont count in their view - certainly not when they are up against the residents of Gilkes - several of which have close ties to the Council.
  10. I have read Boomshakes excellent letter and since talked to a few others who have had success. All used different grounds for appeal and this suggests that there are distinct benefits in sharing information on successful appeals. I am willing to collate all the relevant information from those who have succeeded. It can then be compiled into a set of guidelines that can be made available on-line. So, If you have has success, please send me a PM with the details. Please remove any personal information or car reg details.
  11. That would be a real opportunity, I've never tried fresh bat or armadillo appendage.
  12. How does a street market work in a street which is predominantly residential? Surely residents need to park their cars there and may need to drive out/in on market day. North Cross doesnt have that problem as it's got shops all the way along one side from LL to Fellbrig Rd.
  13. northernmonkey Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Its planned to be at the Grove Vale end of > Melbourne Grove - by the shops there. So the > cherry tree would be the closest pub. In that case, Derwent Grove and Elsie Road are going to see even more 3 point turns that they have now.
  14. Successful street markets have a pub at both ends. Unless it's planned for the EDG to Grove Vale section, can't see it working too well.
  15. Not to mention really excellent retail strategy! I really admire an innovative approach like this.
  16. Southwark's extension to the deadline is a futile attempt to change reality. See image for their interim results on the DV junction
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