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Everything posted by largeginandtonic

  1. Isn't the point of signing up to both that you are saying that, if there is a habs school on that site, it would be my first choice AND if there was a Charter school on that site, it would be my first choice. In other words - I want a school on that site and it would be my first choice school if it was either Habs or Charter. Obviously if a Charter (or Habs) school on that site really wouldn't be your first choice and you would, for example, rather choose Harris Boys/Girls instead of a Charter (or Habs) on that site, then don't sign both. But if our primary concern is to get a school opened on that site, surely we should sign both? Especially as it looks increasingly like the real war here is getting the site? Stating a preference would be all well and good if we knew for certain we were getting the school.
  2. He was quite a few weeks earlier than you - just thought I'd better make that clear.
  3. Hi Anna, It's a stressful time isn't it. I had my second child via c-section earlier than you. As soon as they knew that getting him out early was on the cards, I started having steroid injections to try to get him ready for birth. He was Ok, but clearly has weak lungs, has recurrent bronchiolitis, bronchitis and asthma. I watch him wheezing and taking his inhaler, worry about him feeling ill, watch him crying at night sometimes because he can't breathe, worry about the school days he has to miss due to illness, worry about him not gaining weight, worry about him being cold. I would do a lot to take that away. He's nearly 5. Possibly not the story you wanted to hear. But I'm guessing they are offering steroids to avoid this. (No sign of ADHD by the way) It's a shame there isn't a better assessment of your particular child and whether they are ready to come naturally at 38 weeks or not. As you say, if the baby was ready to come naturally, they would generally be prepared. I did ask my consultant if weight was an indicator of "readiness" and he said no - it's about lung capacity. Perhaps they can't make any accurate assessment of lung capacity in the womb - I don't know. Personally, I would take the steroids I think.
  4. Also - if you do move now or in the near future, your daughter might well stay friends with a number of children in her current class. My daughter is still good friends with a couple of girls who moved houses, and then schools (they settled easily into new schools) and I think it's great to have friends outside of class. I think in London it's very common for primary school aged children to move schools. My daughter is now in year 4 and there's been a couple of new kids in the class each year I think. If the local school where you are going is good (and you'll now have a much better idea of what a good school is, having a child in school!) then I would move her when a place comes up.
  5. Reren my current au pair is Italian and although she leaves in a couple of weeks I think she'd be happy to meet your au pair for a drink or a chat if that would help? I hopefully will have another au pair starting very soon as well! I will PM you.
  6. Help - can anyone recommend a really good decorator (who isn't booked up until Christmas!) who could do our hall, landing & stairs area?
  7. I'm just at the end of interviewing for our new au pair to start mid-September (um...cutting it a bit fine!) and will definitely want to put her in touch with others once I've chosen her. WE use au pair world too - normally get hundreds of applications!
  8. Thanks very much - I'll get in touch. I think I've found one in Battersea as well. I guess its best if she tries out a few to see which she feels most comfortable with!
  9. Our new au pair is a keen volleyball player and wants to find a local team! Does anyone know of one - or have any suggestions as to how I might find one?
  10. Thanks Sabrina - well, yes, she seems very sociable and friendly! Let's hope she makes some fiends. I have thought it a bit of a shame that our current au pair hasn't apparently made any friends with anyone apart from other Germans - I thought partly the attraction of London would be the melting pot of nationalities and cultures! But she is only 19 and I guess it's easier to stick with people from the same country and background.
  11. We are changing au pairs in March and we're going to have an Italian girl - I don't suppose there are any local families who also have Italian au pairs? Our current au pair is German and seems to have only, or at least mainly, made friends with other Germans so I'm thinking I should perhaps be identifying a few possible Italian friends for our next au pair!
  12. I'm afraid I haven't got any recommendations but I just saw this and couldn't resist saying that I spent all my childhood holidays in Swanage 30+ years ago and they were honestly the best holidays in the world. The beach there is just perfect for kids. I only remember one day of rain - I curled up and read The Borrowers from cover to cover. Happy days.... We stayed in a hotel called "The Pines" which I think still exists but hasn't moved on since the 1970's so that's probably not a good thing.....
  13. I would also highly recommend Frank, who has just fitted a cabinet around my new boiler, which was a tricky job in many respects. He is the loveliest guy, and was thoughtful, hard working and capable. He also managed to do the job by re-using various bits of wood and fittings we had (which was great for the planet and my budget!). I'm really happy with what he's done, which looks great and was made with care. Definitely recommended.
  14. Hi Working mummy - I have 2 kids at DKH - we ended up choosing DKH over Lyndhurst but I think both are really great schools - happy to chat via PM tho insanely busy at the moment with work and home so I might not reply very quickly. I remember being frustrated about the same issue with the DKH tour and the fact that you don't encounter any teachers - it makes it really hard if you don't already know parents at the school!
  15. Ooh I didn't know about this, despite living in Camberwell! But I have a 3.5 year old. If I turned up with him this Friday would there be anyone else with kids of a similar age? Or is it mainly younger kids?
  16. Hello. This is largeginandtonic's other half. I have used a Trail Gator for about three years now and absolutely love it. I've used it to pull my daughter from shortly after she learned to ride aged 4 and now she is 7. We don't have a car so cycle everywhere, mainly on roads but also on dirt tracks occasionally. Until recently I also carried my son, now 3yrs, in a seat on the front of the bike at the same time. The ability to pull your child and then unhook them so they can ride themselves is really really useful. My daughter and I both found the Trail Gator really easy to use. I'm an experienced cyclist but not at all fit. So long as your child actually pedals I don't think you need to be very strong. I also don't think it is difficult to balance when using it on a road but I do go very carefully and quite slowly on dirt tracks with mud or loose gravel. It is very quick and easy to attach and unattached the child's bike and now I only pull my daughter up big hills. You do have to make sure you fit it very tightly when you first put it on the adult's bike (which you only do once). I didn't do it tightly enough first time and my daughter ended up leaning at quite an angle. You can't use the Trail Gator with either a rear child seat or a rear rack. I would recommend it to anyone. We ordered it over the internet I think so I can't recommend a stockist.
  17. Hope you both had a good time! We got there late Thursday night in the pouring rain... but I thought the weather wasn't too bad for the rest of the time. I'd definitely recommend it to anyone else with kids - very family friendly festival, great atmosphere and even my fussy 7 year old girl admitted that the loos were absolutely fine.
  18. Just wondered if anyone else is going to Latitude this weekend? We are going with our two kids and a hired camper van!
  19. Just to add...our German au pair has now just arrived and still wants to meet up with other au pairs - please get in touch if you are an au pair or you have an au pair who might want to meet her!
  20. Hello - I have a red silk oopa that might do - I have PMd you!
  21. Thanks to both of you - I've sent you both a PM! If anyone else knows of any good language classes, please let me know!
  22. ....can I ask what you do about language classes? Are there any good local classes? And is there still an au pairs group who meet up regularly? We have a very lovely German au pair arriving at Easter and she's keen to make new friends and start language classes.
  23. Hello! We have a German au pair starting at Easter - our kids are 2 and 6. I know she's keen to meet with other au pairs. Shall we PM each other and put them in touch?
  24. Hi - has anyone had a chance to check out if the Horniman slope is open? On the link which Fuschia posted, it says something about meadow field being closed, but I don't know if that's the slope or not! Maybe the first person who checks it out can post on here? (It's a long trek for us!)
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