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Everything posted by shellbear

  1. sounds exactly the same - she hasnt been eating much at all either and bit worried about keeping her off the formula but doc said water and juice fine for a few days and she will put the weight on when she is better so giving it a go, am still breastfeeding first thing and at night so that tops her up..
  2. thanks all for this - been trying the steam and seems to calm her down a bit. am also dosing her up with echinacea drops in her water and vitamin c. doc also said keep off the formula for a week as the milk can make the bacteria in an icky belly worse...
  3. My 8m old has been sick for about a week, vomiting and the runs but has now developed a really chesty cough that makes her sound like a smoker - have been to the docs a couple of times and they say its viral and will pass but its horrible seeing her suffer. Is this going round? When does it stop?! Any tips on alternative treatments for nasty coughs? Any advice appreciated.
  4. Just heard about Albany's suspension and wanted to say that my care by them was absolutely incredible - I was well informed and not pressured into any particular decision around my birth and in the end I decided I would have my baby at home in their birthing pool - unfortunately I ended up being well overdue, being induced at Kings, having a bad reaction to the hormones I was given, double contracting, and eventually having an emergency caesarean section after concerns about the heartbeat following continuous monitoring. Albany cut through the stress and all this medical intervention and made my birth feel positive through the dedicated continuous care and constantly laying out my options for me. I spent some time in water which the doctor didnt recommend, i moved about when the doctors wanted me to stay still, and my Albany midwife empowered me to make my own decisions about these things where I felt I had none and should probably just lie down and be numbed by an epidural. I actually found the care of much of the staff at kings brilliant but obviously it is a hospital and everything is geared up to be as risk averse as possible. Of course modern medicine is incredible but the choices Albany empower women to make in are important. If modern medicine hadn't intervened I may well have gone into labour and had the birth I wanted a few days later than is statistically recommended - I have no doubt that the intervention and hormones I was given led to double contraction and my caesarean - but I have a healthy baby - I am lucky, I decidied not to take the risk of waiting but I would defend totally the practice that offered me an informed choice every step of the way.
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