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FOUND: East Dulwich in China


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East Dulwich has it's own doppleganger in this big ol' world. It's a lovely street in Beijing called Nanluogu Xiang. It's a trendy, busy little 'highstreet' (actually a hutong) and it is packed with twee, quirky gift shops, clothes boutiques, and cafes, plus lots of chinese (rather than Indian) restaurants.

Today we have been sitting in Three Trees Cafe sipping an East Dulwich priced cappuccino (2pounds50) - and sharing a slice of cheesecake that looks and tastes suspiciously like the one in Luca's bakery.

On a points scoring system what's on offer here in this little coner of Beijing ranks a wee bit above E.D. but scores aren't everything. We have been travelling now for almost three months (having lived in e.d. he 2 years and me 5 years) and we MISSSSSSS London. We miss wandering down Lordship Lane, and we miss the people.

Here's to happy travelling, and to realising just how great home is.


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Ah, you'll be fine wallerski! :)

Sometimes it can get a bit full-on having new experiences every day - especially if the bogs are stinky.

I used to get over it by parking up in the hotel pool for a day and getting the buggers to ferry me booze.

It feels like you're 'losing' a day, but in fact you're make the rest of the time so much better!

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Good to hear your communications from China, Tina. Travel always sounds so glamourous but nice to know you miss home.

I had a week off recently and it was really nice just to stay in ED and sample the coffee shops and restaurants. Stress free time off is very underrated.

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Hi Wallerski

Loved your post... I lived in Beijing for a year 1999-2000 in the 3rd yr of university (studied Chinese) and had a ball - even if the first few months were a major culture shock at the ripe old age of 21! Can't imagine how much it must have changed since then... I still have friends there who say i wouldn't recognize alot of the areas.. Back in '99 we were lucky to find anywhere that knew how to do a salad without drowning it in some weird mayonnaise/thousand island dressing sauce.. and god help you if you asked for a glass of wine.. All I'll say is that i've tasted nicer vinegar! Sounds like it's a bit posher now?!

Glad to hear there are still some hutongs which have survived though - i heard alot of them were ripped down to make way for the 'beauty' of modern buildings... Tragic. Used to love wandering through the back streets and chatting to the locals before stopping off for a plate of jiaozi for some ridiculous price like 10p equivalent! Even funnier to see all the teenagers taking their dates to Maccie D's for the big first date as apparently that was impressing them.... not sure it would still wash now?!

Have a blast in Beijing & enjoy the lovely folk there... Lots of very happy memories :-) Still, also loving being back home in good old ED after a year in Sydney. No place like home!!

safe travels


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