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Have you been mugged? New programme for ITV


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Have you been a victim of mugging? Did you let the mugger(s) take what they want or did you try to fight back? Has it affected how you feel about living in your area or forced you to change the way you live your life? Were the offenders ever found and brought to justice? And if so, do you feel like the punishment fit the crime?

Century Films are making a documentary for ITV on the subject of mugging and are interested in talking to people who have been a victim of this crime about their experiences. For further details please call Patrick Nation on 020 7378 6106 at the Century offices or e-mail [email protected].

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Sorry I don't see how the narrative has been fixed in any way?

The above simply states the theme that the show is to be based on?

Would it be batter to say, 'Hi, there's gonna be a show, it's about something, would you like to share your experience of something on it?'

Why do certain people on this site just attack others for no sound reasons?

Especially regarding a serious issue such as being mugged!

It's getting very old!

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So someone talking about their experience of being mugged, how it affected them, whether the mugger was caught, if they were punished, gives you no insight in to how someone reacts to being mugged????

Yet a fictitious storyline does..............

Say no more!

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The fear of crime is greater than the experience of crime; fear of crime immobilizes people; telly 'specials' can indulge this, actually leading to an increase in fear and even an increase in crime. Every potential mugger who sees a tv interviewee saying how they just handed stuff over, how scared they were, is encouraged. Just as every news article reminding us about how hard it is to prosecute rapists encourages rapists.
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Sorry I know the post was on the 5th but did this already get shot and go out already? I'm not affiliated in any way with the poster but everyone seems to know what this show is going to be before it's even made.........

Like I said, only been on the forum a little while, but I'm finding a lot of the regulars just shoot people down for no fathomable reason??!!

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I was mugged twice in quick sucession a few years ago, at the time I was fine but it did have a noticeable affect on my life for around 2 years afterwards and still tofay I do things differently than I did then. I think they'll find it hard to find people who want to talk about this on TV as many will still feel vulnerable and not want to relive it. Also in a lot of cases the mugger isn't caught or properly identified and lives in the same area as the victim again making people reluctant to want to talk about it on tv! In my case I actually know the building my mugger lives in and now openly avoid travelling that way unless I have to...
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Robyn, sorry to hear that and that it's still having an impact on you.

I was mugged in my driveway a few years back. While I was slightly jumpy for a while afterwards, it did however give me, strangely enough, more confidence in my area. I screamed, multiple neighbours responded (many in nightwear since it was near midnight) which I truly appreciated. It gave me hope that nothing worse would happen if so many people would still respond to a woman's scream. I now walk down my road, if late at night, prepared to scream blue murder rather than tell the mugger to F'off first (which obviously he ignored!)

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stevebailey Wrote:


> Sorry I don't see how the narrative has been fixed

> in any way?

> The above simply states the theme that the show is

> to be based on?


> Would it be batter to say, 'Hi, there's gonna be a

> show, it's about something, would you like to

> share your experience of something on it?'

You fix the narrative and its conclusion by carefuly selecting where you place your trawl and the questions you ask in the trawl. You then "cast" the piece choosing the case studies most accurately and vividly illustrating the editorial line you've predetermined. As we've seen on here mugging is a very serious subjrct and should be treated as such. If I am wrong about the nature of this programme I will eat my own hat and yours too, Steve. Plus a portion of humble pie. But I don't think I an wrong.

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stevebailey Wrote:


> So someone talking about their experience of being

> mugged, how it affected them, whether the mugger

> was caught, if they were punished, gives you no

> insight in to how someone reacts to being

> mugged????


> Yet a fictitious storyline does..............


> Say no more!

......Squire, nod, nod, wink, wink!!!

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My mate was mugged once by a white guy with blue eyes. Someone else I knew, their mugger had blue eyes.

Now clearly that means most muggers have blue eyes and all people with blue eyes are to be suspected.

No, wait.

Anyway, most drama teaches us more about the human condition than any of the cheap nasty tv shows like this one do.

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northlondoner Wrote:


> You fix the narrative and its conclusion by

> carefuly selecting where you place your trawl and

> the questions you ask in the trawl. You then

> "cast" the piece choosing the case studies most

> accurately and vividly illustrating the editorial

> line you've predetermined. As we've seen on here

> mugging is a very serious subjrct and should be

> treated as such. If I am wrong about the nature of

> this programme I will eat my own hat and yours

> too, Steve. Plus a portion of humble pie. But I

> don't think I an wrong.

Can you give me Fridays lottery numbers please? Seeing as you seem to know everything about this programme and how it will be put across before it's even been filmed.

Many Thanks

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Do you view many ITV documentaries? Are you not able to deduce the likely tone and format? You might be correct and this will be an interesting and informative doc, and not in any way sensationalist, but given ITV?s general documentary output (and to be fair I?m not rating BBC or C4 much better) it?s unlikely


If the people you are arguing with on here are correct will you come back and say fair enough?

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Two attempted muggings.

Both times fought 'em.

One they ran off.

Second one he fought back but I front-kicked him in the guts and bought enough time to hail passing car and chap scarpered.

Both times I did not wait until they hit me, I hit first and tried to make it count. In both cases I was approached very late at night. They chat about crap while they line you up for a smack. Do not engage, watch your distance, ignore their words. As soon as they are in range they will go for you.

As soon as they hit first they've pretty much got you due to shock/trauma factor.

Not my cup of tea but in the heat of the moment I find I don't want some dick pushing me around.

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I will gladly put my hands up to being wrong.............that however is not my point, as was not my point at my first post.

My point, if you will, was...........

Why do certain people on this site just attack others for no sound reasons?

Especially regarding a serious issue such as being mugged!

It's getting very old![/

As you have said yourself, it MAY be an interesting and informative doc........nobody knows, on the basis that people have seen some ITV docs that they didn't feel truly reflected the subject, they're writing this one off with no valid info.

So on that basis, I no longer wish to converse with you on the basis that you have fingers to type and most murderers have fingers too, meaning you could hunt me down and kill me like a dog................and I just don't want that.


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stevebailey Wrote:




> I will gladly put my hands up to being

> wrong.............that however is not my point, as

> was not my point at my first post.


> My point, if you will, was...........


> Why do certain people on this site just attack

> others for no sound reasons?

> Especially regarding a serious issue such as being

> mugged!


> It's getting very old![/


> As you have said yourself, it MAY be an

> interesting and informative doc........nobody

> knows, on the basis that people have seen some ITV

> docs that they didn't feel truly reflected the

> subject, they're writing this one off with no

> valid info.


> So on that basis, I no longer wish to converse

> with you on the basis that you have fingers to

> type and most murderers have fingers too, meaning

> you could hunt me down and kill me like a

> dog................and I just don't want that.


> Cheers

Lol! I work in this venal field of endeavour (making TV, not contract killing) so recongnise the tricks of the trade.

Pip pip!

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  • 11 months later...

Hi Northlondoner

Just saw your post so I thought I'd drop by and post a reply, albeit somewhat after the event! If you thought the narrative was fixed in advance can I ask what you thought that narrative was? I must admit it is not obvious to me from my post despite the fact that I wrote it. I suspect that this might be because I am an inferior documentary producer who only makes docs for ITV. I have made two Cutting Edges for Channel 4 and an Everyman programme for the BBC though which confuses that theory somewhat. Either way I'm sure whatever I've done is inferior to being whatever you are at the beeb! Oh and not sure where you got the idea that posting on forums was not a legitimate method of finding stories at the beeb or elsewhere? That certainly wasn't the case when I was there. Perhaps you could give me a run down on what are and aren't acceptable journalistic practices and what the narrative of all my future docs will be before I make them as you seem to be so knowledgeable/prescient? In the meantime I hope you tuned into the doc last night and derived some enjoyment from it. The director has won two BAFTAs and made a lot of grounbreaking docs so it was a privilege to work with him for me. Try not to be too jel babe! lol xx

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Heh, you tell 'em Claire.

I'd just like to ask the naysayers where on earth they think case studies in documentaries and on news reports and in newspapers come from. If there's no one in the office with a friend or relation who fits the bill, trawling is the way to go.

I get a daily email from national newspaper and TV journos (and not just ITV / Channel 5) asking for people with experience of all kinds of things, from not getting Olympics tickets to serious medical conditions. If "people bought people" a little less, there'd be no need for it. The forum is as legitimate a place as any to look.

And as for the BBC being pure, my ex, who's in news, though not in front of the camera, once turned up as a talking head who shared a medical condition with a famous world leader. Not only did he not share the condition, he was not credited as a BBC employee. And he looked rubbish to boot.

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