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Squirrel traps


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Despite what "experts" like Heseltine and Prince Charles say, there's no evidence from real experts that grey squirrels have a deleterious effect on bird populations: http://news.bbc.co.uk/earth/hi/earth_news/newsid_8448000/8448807.stm and the beloved reds (don't get me wrong, I adore them too) are just as significant predators on eggs and fledglings (though both only really go for eggs when there's a scarcity of other foods). In truth, the best thing one could do for wildlife of all sorts would be to allow large areas (such as Mr.Heseltine's garden)to return to their natural state: what he's really complaining about is that squirrels are (he believes) undermining his efforts to create his version of what he thinks nature should be, but nobody seems to suggest shooting him...
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DulwichFox Wrote:


> The Law is complicated..


> http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/earth/wildlife/833

> 1195/What-is-the-law-on-killing-squirrels.html


> DulwichFox

No, it's not too omplicated. It is quite straight forward if you research it.

The law states that you must use an "approved trap". An "approved trap" is one tested and approved by DEFRA. Each make and model of trap must be submitted by the manufacturer for approval. These are tested by DEFRA. DEFRA will only approve those those which are guaranteed to despatch the nominated species quickly. Approved traps are identified under The Spring Traps Approval (England) Order 2012. A fee of ?5,000 is charged by DEFRA for testing a particular make/model of trap.

It is illegal to use any trap not approved under that order. So, what happens is that unscupulous traders import inferior traps and do not submit them for testing.

These are the traps that maim the squirrels. They can suffer a long and lingering death. Or they can be maimed for life if they escape from the trap. This is because of inferior design and materials.

The anomaly is that it is not currently illegal to sell traps that have not been approved.

This petition is designed to ban the sale of thes inferior traps.

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I have seen Lord Heseltine's garden twice recently on t'telly, and frankly if most of it was eaten by squirrels I don't think it would be any great loss.

They could start with the hideous fountain, carry on to the "kiosks", then gnaw through the aviary to let the birds free.

Maybe leave the arboretum and some of the borders.....

ETA: Oh and if they were in particularly good gnawing mode, they could gnaw away at the two massive marble elephants which Lady Hezza brought back from a furniture tour of India, then found they were too big for the house.

Too big for the effing massive house which appears to take up half of Northamptonshire.

And the garden takes up the other half.


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  • 2 weeks later...

rendelharris Wrote:


> Despite what "experts" like Heseltine and Prince

> Charles say, there's no evidence from real experts

> that grey squirrels have a deleterious effect on

> bird populations:

> http://news.bbc.co.uk/earth/hi/earth_news/newsid_8

> 448000/8448807.stm and the beloved reds (don't get

> me wrong, I adore them too) are just as

> significant predators on eggs and fledglings

> (though both only really go for eggs when there's

> a scarcity of other foods). In truth, the best

> thing one could do for wildlife of all sorts would

> be to allow large areas (such as Mr.Heseltine's

> garden)to return to their natural state

I think you are getting away from the central issue and that is that the Grey Squirrel is deemded to be vermin by law in the UK. It is an invasive species (from the USA) which has displaced the native Red Squirrels. It is larger and more aggressive than the Red and hence has displaced it throughout most of the UK.

Furthermore it carries the squirrel pox virus to which it is immune but is fatal to Reds.

Closer to home, it is a host for ticks infected with Lymes's disease. This has a serious effect on humans if infected.

Consider these articles...



So your "adorable" friends are not quite as adorable as you might believe.

Next time you find a tick, you can guess where it came from.

Meanwhile, here is the petition.


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PollyGlot, you and Suffer-not should meet up, I reckon you'd find a lot in common, especially as you joined the forum within three days of each other and your first two posts have been to support things Suffer-not has said (including on this thread which has been quiet for nearly a fortnight and would have been buried way down the list, incredible that you even found it) it's the most amazing coincidence. You must be soulmates, I cannot think of any other possible explanation for this remarkable almost telepathic bond you seem to share. No explanation at all.
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