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Pampers Baby Dry - chemical burn?!


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pebbles Wrote:


> OMG this is just dreadful. My daughter is going

> through exactly the same thing. Just in so much

> pain and sudacrem just doesn't touch the sides. I

> was recommended Metanium today so will go and get

> that tomorrow (can i get it at any normal

> chemists?) We've been giving her as much nappy

> free time as possible but as a 4x a day pooer it's

> a bit difficult :)


Yes - you can get metanium most places, definitely in Lloyds chemist on Northcross Road but also big supermarkets. Warning though - it's worse than sudocrem in terms of getting everywhere and staining, so be careful!

> Oh our poor babies, i just feel so so so guilty.

> I can't believe I continued to use wipes and not

> water - oh i feel dreadful.


> I will be at the supermarket first thing tomorrow

> to buy new nappies.


> :(

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I went shopping last night and bought some Huggies and woke Chloe up and changed her. This morning although still sore it really is so much better and she didn't scream as soon as I went near it. Unbelievable - if you are having problems change the brand now
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Pampers, like most big companies don't actually care about much beyond profit. Unless they think this is going to have a BIG impact on their sales (i.e. lots of negative publicity), they are unlikely to do much.

Sorry, but I have a very low opinion of disposable manufacturers in general. They make all sorts of unfounded claims to get you to buy their products, the adverts just make me laugh out loud, make out they are 'good guys' by giving a miniscule amount of their huge profits to things like the baby vaccination programme (when they could do so much more), get you hooked on a brand, then as the size goes up put less nappies in each pack, for more money (clever eh), produce a product that never degrades in landfill, yet make all sorts of eco claims abut it.....they are generally evil personified....

Sadly, I doubt you will get far with them ladies.

I am really sorry for the problems you are having with little ones bottoms, it must be so upsetting.

I would recommend cleaning with a lovely, gentle soothing mix of cold chamomile tea (about 1 pint of water to 1 tea bag), when cool throw tea bag out, and add 2 or 3 drops of lavender oil and a tablespoon of olive oil. Mix well with your finger, and then keep in a tupperware and use with cotton wool, or cut up an old towel/flannel to make little wipes, about the size of your palm. This mix is natural, chemical free, moisturising, very soothing and incredibly gentle. If using towel/flannel/fleece wipes just wash in machine at 40 degrees with other stuff, or at 60 degrees if they are soiled with poo.

If baby is over 1 year old then you can add some honey (Manuka type is best) to the mix, and this is also a natural product that promotes healing. Don't use on younger babies tough due to very tiny risk of Botulism that can be carried in honey (highly unlikely as has to be ingested, and you don't eat through your bottom, but better safe than sorry!).

Really, really hope this ends up getting real media coverage, would personally love to see Pampers get a kicking!

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THanks Molly. I can't "comment" either apparently.

However, news - despite denying it all, blah blah blah, they just refunded me for every nappy I had in the house. Huge quantity as I had just done a big shop.

Pebbles if you threw out yours, they should defintiely refund you!

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Pebbles the refund came via the phone on 0800 328 3281. I had to give barcodes but if you have binned yours, that is quite reasonable. I have also put it in writing via their website feedback etc form.

Apparently there is a class action suit in the US about it...

edited as I put an extra 0 in the tel number!

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Our nappies were bought at Sainsburys Dog Kennel Hill too

Just spoke with Pampers. Complete waste of time. They couldn't comment on any other issues others may have had with the Baby Dry nappies but did say they were suprised I had experienced a problem with this range as it would seem the Active Fit range is what most people are having difficulties with (she did say problems as in leaking not rashes)! I was also advised their medical team couldn't speak to me until I had filled out a questionnaire and returned it to them. They did suggest trying their Simply Dry range (orange packet ones) as they don't have all the extra benfits that the other ranges provide?! - oh like the added chemicals that burn our babies skin!

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Sorry yes they did offer a refund for the box whole box of the nappies this packet came out of. Well they are going to send vouchers - which I thought I could pass onto my childminder for wipes. They also want me to send a nappy for each packet in the box but wouldn't disclose if they would test it for anything...
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  • 2 months later...

Just to revive this thread. After posting towards the beginning to say that my son had never had a problem with Pampers Baby Dry, we used a new pack before Xmas - it was Pampers Baby Dry but said "Extra Absorbing Zones" and the nappies were thinner than the usual ones and had little orange spots all over them.

Well, my son developed hideous chemical burns from the nappies after using just 1 or max 2 from the package! He was screaming and crying that his bottom hurt and when we went to change him there were a number of patches about the size of a 2 p coin that were like open sores oozing clear liquid. Terrible. There are still scars there over a month later.

I just spoke to Pampers and they immediately suggested that I bin the bag of nappies and they are sending out a cheque to reimburse the cost of the nappies (plus a little bit more) so I suspect they are becoming accustomed to these calls.

Just to remind people to make sure they complain to Pampers if they have a similar problem. Hopefully they have now pulled the offending product off the shelves; I bought this pack quite a while before using them (maybe November sometime) so it may be that the new packages are fine.

I had been meaning to go back to cloth nappies for ages and this was just the impetus I needed!

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I was just wondering if anyone has reported these incidents to WatchDog or the Consumers' Association? I doubt P&G would like this publicity and, judging by the amount of people experiencing problems here and elsewhere on the internet, I would imaginge it warrants further investigation.
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