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Not great for non walkers and weather a bit unpredictable at the moment. What cafe was you thinking of? There are not many places that can accommodate a good turn out.

We had a really good turn out last time and the Plough worked well, agree that when the weather is better the parks are a great place to meet.

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It's a difficult one isn't it because we all have different age babies/toddlers with different needs. I made it to the Plough but tbh I think an outdoor place is better suited to my two. One is a very active toddler the other is cruising, so the pub, although very large, just isn't going to amuse them for long. I go to Goose Green A LOT and its great also 1oclock club. 1o clock club has outdoor and indoor area in case its really horrible outside, although I'm a firm believer in a bit of rain/cold/wind never did them any harm if they are wrapped up warm. Otherwise you'd never get out in the winter!! One thing about GG - might want to avoid going in the afternoon because loads of kids from St Johns/St Clems head there after school and it can get a bit hectic at times for very little ones. So anyone wanting to brave the elements give me a shout, I'm always out in the afternoons. x
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It is very tricky. A big get together at somewhere like The Plough is great but invariably takes a while to organise and can only ever be an adhoc event.

Sometimes it is nice just to get out with the kids and have another adult to talk to and new children for my two boys to play with. I have friends who I do this with but its always great to meet new poeple and go to new places.

Why don't we all simply post details of when we are going out to parks etc and invite others to join in. In time we will get to know each other and the children and play dates naturally result.

If there are a core of people who are interested, why don't we simply tell each other the ages of our children and when we don't work . Also rather than having to keep checking emails we can exchange mobile nos and keep in touch that way.

Just an idea!

BTW I have a 5 year old boy and 2 year old and always out and about with the 2 year old in the morning and with both after the school run so if anyone fancies joining us they are welcome.


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Milie, I have an 8 yo and would like to go out more after schol but struggle with 2x 2 yos and a baby, so would be lovely for the Summer!

Why don't we set up a FB group and allpost our plans on there, that would help.. put faces to names and note who is going to be where

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Anyone around Thurs afternoon? Thinking of heading to DKH open day thingy with my two. Yes they are under the normal age range for the adventure playground, but there's lots going on there so think I'll just go to take a look if anyone's at a loose end.
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I agree with all your comments and ideas about how to organise meeting up and getting to know each other. Big meet-ups indoors just aren't practical for those with energetic disobedient toddlers like mine. Afternoons out at the park/playground/1 o'clock club with one or two other mums would be ideal for me and my 18 month boy.

Fuschia, I haven't been in the habit of using facebook for a while now, but I like your idea of starting a group. Could work.... for a start it would be a good place to swap mobile numbers, if we make sure settings are secure.


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