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Bored mums at home with new borns

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Hi there i am a new mum with a beautiful 6 week old baby boy. Apart from the sleepless nights, i am loving my baby boy.

Due to the bad weather and my partner being at work, i feel i have caught a case of cabin fever.

I was wondering if there are any other mums in the same situation, and if so do you fancy meeting up (either out & about or at home) for a chat and a tea. I am currently working on designing a new baby magazine, so we could always chat about ideas for that too ;) (thats if we are feeling constructive/productive of course, i havent felt very much like that since my lil one has arrived)

Just a bit about me...

I am a graphic designer, love things all creative (fashion, art, design etc) and new to life as a mum.

Look forward to hearing from all you new, sleep deprived ladies!

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