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Local Sponsors needed - Daniel the young TKD teacher in Dulwich Baths to represent England

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Just to let anyone whose kids attended his Taekwondo classes in Dulwich Leisure Centre or Waverley know, that he's been selected to represent England in the Commonwealth Taekwondo Championships in India in January.

We are all really proud of him.

Edited for typo and to change Commonwealth games to Commonwealth Taekwondo Championships - sorry for any confusion

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Just been told by Daniel that he needs to raise a total of ?1600 and any sponsors will be mentioned on the GLL and South Bank Uni website where he's studying and for whose team he competes as well as the advert on his suit.

Here is some more info on the costs: http://www.britishtaekwondo.org.uk/index.php?pagename=british-taekwondo-control-board-news&news_id=357

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Congratulations on him being chosen to represent his country but the Commonwealth games have all the sports going on at the same time and were on in September/October.

Taekwondo is one of the 'optional' sports that countries can choose to have alongside the core ones like athletics or swimming but I'd thought it had only just become one of those 'optional' ones so wasn't eligible for this year's Games.

After a quick google, there is a Commonwealth Taekwondo Championship happening in India in January so I'm guessing this is what he's competing in - it's not part of the Commonwealth Games proper but it's still an international level competition so best of luck to him.

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