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stinking Xmas Tree - normal?


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We usually have a plastic tree but this year bought a real one from Lordship Lane. It started off with a pleasant small of pine but it's gradually turned into sickly-sweet smell that's verging on the unpleasant.

Is this par for the course with a real tree? Or have we just bought a dud one?

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It's a very sweet smell, a cross between mild cat pee (we don't have a cat) and the smell you get in a vase when the flowers have been in too long. I bought the tree on a snowy day, so perhaps it's rotting. Anyway, I'll dump it outside, Xmas is over now anyway, bah humbug. Thank you Fabricio and Computed Shorty for your replies.
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I'm disposing of mine now too. Mine had the distinct taste of Dog pee.

There is a very noticeable difference between the smell of cat urine versus dog urine. Cat urine is very strong, high in ammonia content. Dog urine, on the other hand, has almost a sweet smell to it and is not nearly as potent. If the smell doesn?t knock you over or make your eyes water, I?d suspect the dog, if you have one !

Are you sure yours wasn't dog pee or was it cat pee? Was the smell of the possible urine high in ammonia content, would you say and do you have a Dog ?

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Simonet Wrote:


> I'm disposing of mine now too. Mine had the

> distinct taste of Dog pee.


> There is a very noticeable difference between the

> smell of cat urine versus dog urine. Cat urine is

> very strong, high in ammonia content. Dog urine,

> on the other hand, has almost a sweet smell to it

> and is not nearly as potent. If the smell doesn?t

> knock you over or make your eyes water, I?d

> suspect the dog, if you have one !


> Are you sure yours wasn't dog pee or was it cat

> pee? Was the smell of the possible urine high in

> ammonia content, would you say and do you have a

> Dog ?

@Simonet, could i venture a sugestion for your specialist subject on mastermind should you ever compete....& did you really mean 'taste'? Move away from the drinks cabinet now. LOL

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Sounds like a dog or cat has pee'd on it!

Ive never had a plastic tree and in my entire life the Christmas tree has not started to smell! My dad does make a point of not leaving his out in the garden in between buying it and putting it up - he left it on the patio overnight and a cat peed on it which was apparantly quite unpleasant!!

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