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Mountain Buggy Duet


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I just wondered if anyone on the forum had purchased a Mountain Buggy Duet, and if so, their thoughts. We're looking for a double buggy for our baby to be born in July and our toddler who will then be 25 months. We've so far been unimpressed with the tandems as our toddler is quite tall and already comes off the end on the icandy and my wife found the weight of the phil and ted's off-putting. Impressed with the handling of the Bugaboo Donkey, but it's just so wide.

Any thoughts gratefully received.


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I have one, bought it when they came out last summer. I missed having a new baby in it and had a phil and teds for the early days. The duet feels lighter, is easy to push, much easier to lift up kerbs and obviously easy to access both children. It (just) fits in my house and I really can get on buses (with other buggies on too) and anywhere you can get with any of the chunkier singles/phil and teds. You will have seen you can get a carrycot for one side - or you can just flatten the seat and put a cocoon or newborn size cosy toes in it to make cosy. It still works for us with a 13m old and 35m old, the seats are narrow but fine. My eldest is pretty sturdy and I think about 95cm tall/15kg.

Downsides are that I think there are raincover issues if you have a carrycot and seat unit on at the same time, sometimes now they fight (!) and oldest used to delight in waking sleeping baby up, the fold is pretty big and heavy (check your car boot size) - and I really don't take it in and out of the car very much. Also (obviously) it's always going to be a double - I really only use it about half the time now and use single/scooter for short trips.

Hope that helps!

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Agree with snowboarder. Very manoeuvreable, easy to push with two heavy chubbers in, can steer one-handed and last forever. We're on our second, and the first one I believe is still going strong around East D, now 3rd hand and quite old. But also agree they are big and heavy, although I imagine all doubles are.
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I bought one for my newborn and 25mo and I really like it. Fits through my front door and living room door and also into shops. It is very easy to push. We used carrycot plus seat until literally yesterday (newborn now 4m), carrycot is quite narrow but my daughter was small so not an issue for us. The rain cover is an issue when you have carrycot plus seat although in July it won't be so much of a problem - fingers crossed! As Snowboarder says the issue now is that the toddler can harass the baby but I personally still prefer it to an inline. If you'd like to have a look at mine you'd be more than welcome, just pm me.
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