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Bach to Baby family concert back in West Dulwich this Friday!


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Fri, 14th Feb 4pm .?All Saints Church, Lovelace Road, SE21 8JY


The Four Seasons: Winter

Featuring Keziah Thomas, harp

Whatever the weather brings, Bach to Baby has music for the season! Hear sprightly songs of Spring, tireless Summer tunes, and Autumn's gentle cadence.

This Winter, get toasty with snug-songs and heart-melting melodies; don't miss this cosy concert!

Bach to Baby is the critically acclaimed classical concert series for babies, toddlers and their carers. Tots dance, roam about and revel in the wonder of live music, while you take a moment out of your busy day to hear top notch performances by outstanding musicians, with your young babes in tow. No concert is complete without feeding, crying and nappy changing!?

Doors open at 3.30pm. Concert lasts for about an hour.

Great music and fab coffee awaits!

St. Barnabas Church, Calton Avenue, SE21 7DG

Buy tickets online at [www.bachtobaby.com]

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