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Free Acoustic music TONIGHT Thursday 6 mar at BATCH Cocktail Bar

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Hi everyone if you fancy some cocktails and free live music tonight to shoo away this March blues, then please come see us live!


Singer Songwriter working in South London.

Influences mainly from 60s and 70s songwriters and MARK EITZEL ( American music club )


MARK KOZOLEK ( Red house painters / Sun Kil Moon )

My writing is inspired by films, dreams and cloud watching


London Beat Club is a 7-piece melodious funk/soul/rock/rap band from London, UK.

Multinational musicians hailing from Sri Lanka, Argentina, Ireland, France and good ol? Blighty bring an exciting mix of influences.

Their high energy songs about love, lust, partying, heartbreak and social issues are all capped off with a dose of fun and cheekiness.

They?re preparing an album release following their three debut singles Mellow Cruz, Oh My and Last Night.


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