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Recommendation for Niamh Browne Design


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Hello all! During this time of uncertainty I would like to make a recommendation for when things start to go back to normal (whenever that may be). Niamh Browne has been working with us to design several areas of our home and she has been OUTSTANDING!

When we bought or house it was in need of some serious work. I contacted Niamh after finding some glowing recommendations from others? and they were not wrong!

Niamh has helped us redecorate/ completely change the look of several rooms in our house? specifically the kitchen, front room, family bathroom, ensuite and nursery. She?s also generously been on hand for quick questions and advice about other areas she was not working in which has been invaluable.

When we began the journey to update our new home, I had no experience in doing anything like this whatsoever. She has been a godsend? her advice and connections with quality contractors and knowledge of great suppliers has no doubt saved us immeasurable time and expense. Her access to occasional trade prices has also been great. ;)

She took the time to really get to know us and our taste (which she patiently helped us with? as we weren?t totally decided on what that was) and ultimately realise our vision with a keen eye that I sadly lack. She?s always kept an eye on both the big picture and the tiny details, things I would?ve otherwise potentially never have thought about.

I cannot tell you how much help she has really been.

If being stuck in your home has made you realise you need to redecorate, I highly recommend you get in touch with Niamh.


[email protected]

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