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Rec. Jones of Brockley, Grove Vale

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The freshest fruit n Veg that I have ever bought,was delighted to see how long it kept it's good condition.

Delicious organic dairy items. Also sell Sour dough bread, beers,coffee and other odd items. As a mega vulnerable person I have not yet been to the shop but look forward to doing so in the future. Yes, theey deliver.

The friendly helpful staff led by Jemma Jones who goes out of her way to help make the business a pleasure to deal with. Thank you Jemma.

Feel safe with them and sure that all nec. handling protocols are being followed.

I understand from the web that the Brockley shop sells meat and looks as tho' has a wider stock of food stuffs.

Do google please google them or better still if you are able pay the shop(s) a visit.

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