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Northcross Road market


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Was annoyed and angry to see for 2 weeks running Northcross Road market absolutely packed with people without masks, not social distancing at all, I know they serve food but that does not make it a free for all, there are rules for a reason or maybe this does apply to East Dulwich, certainly looks that way, how about considering the people who actually live near this market, we know money has to be made but lives have to be saved as well. where were the market stewards, are Southwark council happy to turn a blind eye as long as the rent is paid, shops have to abide by the rules and they pay a fortune to trade. People were not just buying food and moving on they were wandering around and having a maskless jollyup.
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We had a hairdresser come to our house the other day. She was thanking us for wearing a mask during the session because her other customers don't.

Most people are unable to suffer small levels of discomfort in order to protect others.

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There should be a queue, like there has been for shops, to enable distancing and only a certain number allowed into the market at once. Just because it's outdoors doesn't make a blind bit of difference if the place is crammed full of non-mask-wearing people.
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I went to the market (wearing a mask) and decided it was too busy. It was perfectly possible to walk around the outside and to go back via a different side street. Just choose another route and stay away.

People all have their different ideas of what is ok and what is not. Is it ok to have a hairdresser or a cleaner visit your house? Or can these things also wait until the risk is lower. Personally, I'd rather wait.

We are quick to judge others, but we all have something that we find difficult to give up and want to justify. Think hard about the risk to others and make your own priorities.

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Judging is the wrong word, more applicable to situations where there is no real danger (such as "judging" those who have a late night BBQ once in a while, or who drive their kids to school and back or who have lots of piercings, etc. The science shows that being in close proximity with others, masked or not, inside or out, is a great way for the virus (and others) to pass itself on from one host to another. We should be dispassionate and state that those who act in a way that helps the virus spread, when they could do otherwise very easily and without much of an impact on their life that day, are helping the virus to spread and cause harm to others.
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