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Visitor Parking Account


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Afternoon all, many apologies if this question has been asked a million times here already; I'm looking to buy a 24 hour visitors parking pass on Fellbrigg road next week and I'm finding it a LOT more complicated than I anticipated.

I've got my Southwark Council account and understand I need to create a "parking account". However when I go to enter my postcode to create said parking account my address isn't listed; only 2 addresses are generated (one of which being my neighbour's address). I'm also hearing that I might be in a "controlled parking zone" but whenever I google that I'm jut finding results regarding the consultation process, not any definitive list.

Long story short, I'm confused. Any help would be very much appreciated, cheers all!

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Do you need a visitor?s parking pass? As has been said Fellbrigg Road isn?t in a parking zone. The CPZ for that area has been put on hold due to Covid. You can double check on this map on the council website https://www.southwark.gov.uk/parking/find-somewhere-to-park/parking-map

If you are in a zone check out the council enforcement times over Christmas and New Year. There is no enforcement on Christmas Day.


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