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Has anyone one had any problems with electronic script filling and delivery with Forest Hill Rd Day DL? When I used them b4 moving they were terrific

.Having moved The Bellendden Village DL is much nearer but thier service is appalling. Not having had my usualFriday Dosset Box delivery by 1.00 pm on the 24th I rang them to remind them that I needed them b4 the break to be told thAT THE HAD TRIED EARLIER IN THE WEEK, I challenged this as I not only was in but they always put the drugs thru the lettlet box. only to have the phone put down. Phone remained engaged for rest of the day. Obviousel didn't care that I wd be with out some important drugs for 3 days

Rang the surgery to have admin tell me that they had been dealing with calls like mine, and that had had script, dosset box ready and I arranged for X to collectit to. X went to collect to told that the dosset box not made upand come back at 5.00 pm which he did and and then had to wait around for about 30 mins

This is not the 1st time that this happened,they blamed no box on deliverd cos hadn't recieved script from Surgery. Surgery has sent script, aand guess what 10-15 mins dosset box waas on my hall floor.

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Have you considered using Echo?

I used to have prescriptions electronically delivered to Lloyds pharmacy in North Cross Road.

When the pandemic started, a kind friend was collecting the medication for me, but she saw a poster in the pharmacy for Echo and suggested I use that.

It has been brilliant. Repeat prescriptions are automatically posted to my door on a 48 hour tracked service. Despite Royal Mail delivery issues, I have had no problems at all.

The pharmacy is completely bypassed.

If I need something outwith the usual repeat prescription timescale, or a different medication, the Echo system is very easy to navigate online.

Obviously any change goes via my GP to approve.

I highly recommend it. I think there are other similar systems, but Echo is the only one I have experience of.

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Thank you for taking effort to write above.

Did look at Echo but it is their using R.Mail that worries me..have also had some problems with them.

Also looked as tho' if you only knowif script correct when get delivery????

The dossset box managaged to did get collected wasn'r complete..must have been out of of stock and to collect the missing drug this am (29th). 3 Dosset boxes were collected, dated totake weeks to start wweeks starting 24th, 31st, and 7th Jan. Missing pills which have to halved in seperate box which shd be interesting as have the dosset cos of my serious tremor.

Am also checking out Medicaid who do a courier service which cd be used in an emergancy.

Now to contact Suegery to cancel Sainburies Loyds surger which tells to allow 3 weeks for it be set up, then uses Royal Mail...sighss

Take Care


> Have you considered using Echo?


> I used to have prescriptions electronically

> delivered to Lloyds pharmacy in North Cross Road.



> When the pandemic started, a kind friend was

> collecting the medication for me, but she saw a

> poster in the pharmacy for Echo and suggested I

> use that.


> It has been brilliant. Repeat prescriptions are

> automatically posted to my door on a 48 hour

> tracked service. Despite Royal Mail delivery

> issues, I have had no problems at all.


> The pharmacy is completely bypassed.


> If I need something outwith the usual repeat

> prescription timescale, or a different medication,

> the Echo system is very easy to navigate online.


> Obviously any change goes via my GP to approve.


> I highly recommend it. I think there are other

> similar systems, but Echo is the only one I have

> experience of.

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