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New Year's Plans........??


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Given the inability to go out, or have people over; as well as the fact that there are not even any fireworks this year....who's actually planning on staying up until midnight?

Going to bed early also means the annus horribilis that has been 2020 ends slightly sooner....So TheCat will be eschewing alcohol and curled up well before pumpkin hour....let's hope a barrage of backgarden fireworks in the area (left over from November?) don't disturb my slumber.....

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I?m going to be making the chocolate Yule log I didn?t get round to doing on Christmas Eve.

I will probably dance around the kitchen while doing so.

As much as ever, Nee Year is a celebration so think about your blessings in this year while kicking it up the bum on it?s way out and making sure the door is properly shut.

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KidKruger Wrote:


> I usually go to bed around 2-3am, so BAU for me as

> far as staying-up goes.

> Bed by 12 would feel like I?ve been naughty.

> Since having kids, going out for a big one on NYE

> is a bit of an ex-pastime anyway !

Oh but you have been so so very naughty KK , I'm surprised if Santa left you any presents this year.😃

There are photos somewhere to prove it 😱

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KidKruger Wrote:


> I usually go to bed around 2-3am, so BAU for me as

> far as staying-up goes.

> Bed by 12 would feel like I?ve been naughty.

> Since having kids, going out for a big one on NYE

> is a bit of an ex-pastime anyway !

Impressive. Sounds like your kids aren't getting you out of bed at 6am most days....lucky f@ker:)

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The silly flippers are already letting fireworks off at 6pm. Not sure what this is about. I'd like to go for some sort of walk about midnight, just to get out the house. Hopefully the naughty out of borough people who drive up Canonbie, block the road for half an hour and then drive back, wont be around. I could walk up to One Tree Hill but not sure if there will be a large, essentially illegal, gathering there, otherwise same for Dawson Heights (even if I am waking into a different borough......). It's going to be perishing though. And otherwise will watch Joools Holland, have a bubble of bottly, but not sure if we have anything to celebrate.
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