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Facebook shops -does anyone have one?


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I?m a textile artist and am thinking of getting a Facebook shop for my business page - does anyone in a similar art/design business have one and if so, is it worth setting one up? Have you linked it to Instagram? Any pros & cons ? At the moment I sell work through Instagram even though my posts aren?t currently ?shoppable? ...
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My advice, set up a proper website shop using one of the services like one 2 one my website or wix or similar where you can use templates then drag / drop items into the design.

It will give you more control and you aren't excluding people who don't want to use face book (plus you don't have issues around facebook potentially having access to your clients data)

Then you can link all your social media tools to it so a click on instagram will take clients to the buy me now page on your website

Another advantage is you get a dedicated branded email address to that matches your website so if you use mail chimp or similar for marketing it all looks cohesive and a single brand.

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thanks Spartacus

I have a wordpress website & am also planning to add a shop to that - I was enquiring about Facebook in case it was easier / cheaper for now as I get more enquiries via my Facebook business page & Instagram than my website.

Any feedback on shops for Wordpress (or even swapping to Shopify if that?s easier to set up) would be great!

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Website shop


All one circle as it were, I have this. The benefit is you can ?spot? your posts with the products. It?s essentially ?ooo nice, I?ll click that? type convenience for the viewer, and it does work.

We?ve got peanut size brain attention span now, so this ?impulse? type advertisement and funnel can work

But but but, you got to have ALL your ducks in a row to close the sale

Average conversion rate is 1.4%

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  • 2 months later...
I?ve used Green Umbrella as a social media agency for my old business. Not convinced it was worth it, we brought it back in house in the end. A couple of big firms I?ve worked with used Oktopost for scheduling social media.
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