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Gardening tips for October & tree offer


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Apologies it?s been a while. Had a stroke in June . Had to go to Kefalonia to heal in the sunshine. But back now fully recovered to do more gardening & give you all some tips for Autumn

1. Prune climbing roses dead heading & taking back to a bud & taking off ALL leaves with black spot & burning or disposing of them in your green collection bin . Do not allow them to drop on the floor or be put in your compost . Black spot is a fungus & will go back into the plant through the root system

2. Lawns . Mow the lawn for the last time this year , aerate it with a fork every 6 inches or use an aerator. Then give it an Autumn feed ( not too much ) to look after it over winter.

Same thing every year , you must keep the leaves off the lawn. The trees take all the toxins out of the air & drop them to protect them from other plants underneath them ! Including your precious lawn !!!

It?s a good time to lay new lawns as they will not be used that much during winter & give them a good start in Spring

3. Plant spring flowering bulbs you find in the shops now ; Daffodils, Alliums , Crocus , Primula & Pansies

4. Divide Herbaceous plants that have finished their purpose for the year, dig them up & divide them in two & plant up immediately. Free plants :-)))

5. Pick your fruit now , make some lovely pies & store some for winter. If you have an excess , leave a box outside the front of your house, do they don?t go to waste & others get to enjoy the harvest

6. Collect seeds in paper bags & envelopes, mark them up & store in dry conditions until next spring

7. A really good time to design or re-Design your garden if things are out of position with regards to the Sun. Or perhaps you need a new garden . This is absolutely the best time to get this done, basically because your garden will be ready for Spring, plants established & you get to beat the rush in Spring . Not forgetting we gardeners get employment during winter, keeping us honest & off the streets:-))))

8 . AND FINALLY. For the sake of the environment & the planet, plant a tree this month !!

In order for this to happen. I am happy to supply you from my beautiful nursery any tree you desire , I recommend a fruit tree , but you can ask for anything as long as it?s in stock & we will supply compost & plant it for FREE. Let me know this week. I?m thinking of going back to Kefalonia. It?s warmer & much more beautiful out there . I?m thinking of running meditation & wellbeing retreats

Give me a call this week if you want a tree , or you need a deck, patio, lawn or advice , & I?ll get my Son Oli to sort things out . He?s running the business now & doing a much better job :-)))


Exterior Design Gardens


Or Oli

07549 418219

Happy gardening

Remember to use the other wonderful well recommended gardeners out there

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Thanks PP . It was a sharp lesson to look after my blood pressure! So Kefalonia is my & my Retreat customers place to go for for health & wellbeing. Going to run some winter retreats if I can find a beautiful place for my guests to stay Good news , I will be coming back to sell my beautiful Christmas trees once again this year. Watch this space
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Forgot our little feathered friends . Put out a good quality seed or seed ball away from the reaches of our furry friends the squirrels . Bread is not good for them . If putting up a box , put it up on the shady side of the tree,it gets too hot in summer unless you put in air conditioning)))

Tip. If you want to keep foxes out of your garden put a line of liquid Chilli along your border . They have powerful noses & it keeps them away . Much better than putting them down

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  • 4 weeks later...
Big thank you to Nigel & Andre, they did a great job in my garden on Friday pruning the rose bushes and sorting out a palm tree that wasps had taken up residence in over the summer and damaged. Nigel as always was a mind of information and tips, will definitely be using him again in the Spring.
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