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New KIDs ART CLUB from The Arts Factory, Mondays 4.15pm -5.30 pm

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Due to the success of our popular kids clubs we are launching a new Club on MONDAY's starting 15th November for kids age 6 -11.

Great art club to build confidence, socialise with new friends and create some mindful art after a hard day at school.

TIME: Monday 4.15pm -5.30pm

VENUE: Goose Green Centre

START DATES: Monday 15th November

COST: Bookable in Half Termly Blocks, 5 weeks ?90

All prices include sketchbook, art materials and healthy snack

?An art club for kids that is intelligent, engaging and fun at the same time.?

'Lynn leads with warmth and positivity, and fosters a supportive group atmosphere. I'm often quite jealous of the artists and topics the kids learn about, and am always amazed at the creative results our daughter brings home!'

Art workshops covering a wide range of skills & techniques, ensuring that every child has a fun & rewarding experience. The lessons are carefully planned to guide children through the artistic process step - by - step to ensure that every single child, regardless of artistic ability, can produce a masterpiece to be proud of.

BOOK ONLINE AT https://www.theartsfactory.london/kids-art-clubs-ages-6-11

OR CALL Lynn 07568 307246

WE ALSO RUN ART CLUBS FOR TEENS - refer to website for info.


Instagram @theartsfactory

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    • Surely the simple issue here is (1) Is this just a box ticking exercise - 'we said we'd consult, we have consulted'? or (2) is there any genuine attempt to gain insight so that they could present a 'better' proposal for next year? I'm a cynic, but I'm guessing that (1) is an odds-on favourite here. In which case the choice of venue, and indeed the proposed process, is all about ensuring there will be little embarrassment (and nothing to record on surreptitious smartphones) which could be held against them.  The fact that, apparently, they've invited stakeholders to meet quite far away from the site of the action - which is clearly a disincentive to participate, comes as no surprise. Yes, it's only a few bus stops away but...
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