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free social cycle ride sat December 11th

Sally Eva

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For Sat 11th Dec there is one long ride planned. It is possible we will also have a short local ride but nothing sorted yet. When you register on Eventbrite, link details below, please give a phone number as it may be needed for Track and Trace. If you cannot make it, please cancel so that someone else can take the place.

London Bridge to Olympic Park.

Meet 10am London Bridge at Southwark Needle, top of Duke Street Hill, SE side of London Bridge. Flat ride with lots of path and fabulous views. Route: Tower Bridge, St Katherine Docks, NR12 (Canals) to Limehouse, Regents Canal path, Hertford Canal to Olympic Park.

Coffee and loo break beside the ArcelorMittal Orbit

Cycle around the Olympic Stadium and then make return via River Lea Navigation path to Bow Locks, Limehouse Cut canal path

Coffee/loo stop at Royal Foundation of St Katherine Yurt Caf?.

Last stretch CS3, across London Bridge and back to the Needle. Estimated finish time 13:30. If you have never had a coffee in a Yurt, this is your chance! Juliet leading and contemplating TWO coffee stops.

These rides are organised by Southwark Cyclists and are part of a regular programme of Saturday rides, more information at [southwarkcyclists.org.uk]. Southwark Cyclists are part of the London Cycling Campaign. This ride is organised by volunteers. If you have any feedback, good or bad, please get in touch with [email protected]. For details of LCC?s Safeguarding and other policies please see lcc.org.uk

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