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Question :what would you do?

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Just wondering what you would do if an estate agent, fixed a sign to the shared front gate and now, what with the wind the other night, it fell down, bringing the gate with it. I called the estate agents, I was told don't worry, the company we use has insurance for this sort of thing, someone will sort it out tomorrow, they took my address and number. Arrived home next day, gate still lying in garden, the sale agreed sign is now put into the mortar of the brick wall. I'm pretty annoyed. What would you do and what would you expect the estate agency do? 

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Inform the estate agent,  in writing so that you have a paper trail,  that you expect repairs to be made within 10 days and if they fail in that respect you will be taking them to the small claims court as they are ultimately responsible for the contractors who erected the sign in the first place.

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The sign erectors were acting as their agents, they are the principal. I imagine the sign erectors and the estate agents both carry public liability insurance. You must communicate, ideally in writing - (hard copy  -not just a phone call or email) - for the record. I would take photographs, as evidence of what your property looks like now - and see if you have any pictures 'before'. Set out clearly what you expect - if the gate is actually broken then you might reasonably expect a new, not just a repaired, gate, to the same style as the old one.

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